40 Powerful Prayers To Find Lost Things

Frustration can step in when possession of yours goes missing, especially a critical one that you need at the moment.

It becomes worse when an item in your office gets missing from your hands. This is why you ought to pray for recovery.

It’s unexplainable how such a missing item can be close to you, but you may not get to see it on time until an opportunity passes you by or people begin to call you insulting names.

That is why there is the need for you to pray for open eyes.

And if someone intentionally steals one of your possessions, you must pray to God to judge the matter.

This prayer is for people who seek to find a lost possession or a missing item at home, school, or in the workplace.

Here Are 40 Prayers To Say To Find Lost Things

  1. Father, thank you for always providing for me. When I look back at the things I have, I can’t but admit that they all came from you. I give you all the glory and praise because it’s a command from you to give thanks in all things, so I bring you praise, not minding the item I haven’t found lately. Your name is blessed.


  1. To Jesus, I thank you, for you are the uncreated creator. You created everything that exists today, and I am amazed at your handiwork. Thank you for always providing for me. Even though I was unable to locate my belongings, I must admit that your mercy is evident around me on a daily basis. I pray that you restore all that has been lost in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty God, you have helped me beyond measure. I can’t express how you’ve stood in for me even when I couldn’t figure out a way out of my distress. Even as I trust you to find my misplaced belongings, I trust that they will be found quickly in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Father, I have so much confidence in you. I call you my strong towers. You have shielded me time and time again. You are my advocate. May every one of my missing properties be found in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, you are my help even in this present need as I’m on a quest to find those lost things. I trust you that you will go before me and make my dear not last for as long as it ought to be by human calculation in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear God, you said in your word that whatever is entrusted to you is kept secure in your hand. May this missing item be found in a divine way, beyond human understanding, and with immediate effect in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, grant me peace of mind. Even though my possessions are gone, please keep me from getting lost in my thoughts. direct my path and make me remember the position I was in when I had that item.
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  1. Dear Lord, I know that there is nothing too hard for you to do. I ask that you touch the heart of the person who carried it, intentionally or unwillingly. In the name of Jesus, may you speak to them, convincing them as to why they should return it without thinking twice about it. Amen


  1. My Heavenly Father, I know that I don’t have all it takes to get this item back right now. I can’t justify my carelessness for not knowing the exact place where I left it last. But even as I need it now, I ask that you arise to defend me. May this missing item be found in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear God, I pray that you attend to me on this matter of finding my missing property in your spirit. Let your spirit that searcheth all things, even in dark and secret places, bring my missing property before/around me in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I place my hope in you. I know full well that, as your word says, “no one who puts their trust in you will be put to shame”. I know that you are solidly behind me, so I count on you strongly. May my trust in you not shake in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty God, you are omnipotent and your all-knowing power makes you omniscient. You see, everything, including where this missing possession of mine is currently located. I pray that you cause my eyes to be open and help my heart to perceive the possible places where I have kept it in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Father, grant me the ability to remember. In Jesus’ name, sharpen my senses to see who is with my missing possession and grant me the memory to remember where it is. Amen


  1. Father, show me compassion not to lose this item completely now that I need it the most. I pray that you show up for me speedily in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, when I remember the parable of the woman who lost her only coin but later found it after she lit a lamp and searched her house, I’m hopeful that I will find this missing item at the instance when your light shines on my situation. May your light be prominent among every other thing, person, or voice I hear in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty God, I open myself to ask for your guidance. In the name of Jesus, direct me to where my lost belongings are. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I’m full of hope that this item will not completely disappear from my presence forever. Help me recall the exact place where I kept it or the last action I took when it was with me. Amen


  1. Father, please explain how this scene unfolded because I was extremely cautious only to discover that my possessions were missing. I can’t think of anything right now, but I know that when you are involved, there is definitely a positive shift. I pray that you grant me this discovery in the name of Jesus. Amen
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  1. Almighty God, I beseech you to shine your light in my path so that I will not continue to search in vain for my missing possession. Lead me, oh God, to the right possible places to search in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, grant me stability. May my mind be free of blame, complaints, and worries as I search for my misplaced belongings. Keep my eyes fixed on positive results from my search. Amen


  1. As I search, I declare that every evil eye or dark veil preventing me from seeing the actual place where my item is lying right now will be torn and burnt by fire. In the name of Jesus, my belonging will come my way. Amen


  1. Dear God, I speak your vengeance upon anyone who picked up my property and has possessed it like it’s their own without any show of remorse or intention to return my property to me. May they not rest until they return it in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty God, I know that the ideas you bring to a person’s heart, especially in times like this, are always timely. So, I come to you as I ask that you bring an idea across my mind to spot the missing item in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, show me mercy. I plead this missing item be found in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty Father, please grant my petition. I ask that you forgive me for not paying close attention to details. Help me not to blame myself either, but look for ways forward. I trust that you can hear me and it is not your will for me to get stranded, so I pray that you will make a way where there is no way.


  1. Abba, open my eyes and bring to light my property that I can’t find currently. Help me next time to be more concerned about my properties. And in the end, all glory will be ascribed to you alone in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. My Heavenly Father, I still believe that everything is possible in your name. So, I am crying out to you today. Even though this situation seems like nothing can be done to avert it, I still trust you. I pray that you make a way where there seems to be none in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Thank you for providing for me, Abba. Thank you for looking after me. I’m amazed by your concern for me. I appreciate you greatly and I ask that none of what you’ve given me will be lost in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Almighty God, I know that you have the power to do everything, so I humbly bring my request to you. My heart’s desire is that you restore in full what has been lost to the glory of your name. Amen
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  1. Father, I trust that with your help and guidance, I can regain what was lost, so I look up to you, Lord. May my faith in you be rewarded, weaver. And as I trust in you, help me to hang on till my answer comes in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, the earth is full of your glory. You are exceedingly marvelous and what you cannot do has not had an opportunity to exist. In the name of Jesus, I ask that you come to my aid even as I embark on a search for my missing possession. Amen


  1. Almighty Father, send your guardian angel to assist me in figuring out where my missing items are. In the name of Jesus, I pray that my labor to acquire those items will not be in vain and that you continue to preserve my properties and everything that concerns me. Amen


  1. All-powerful God, I still believe in miracles and I know that you are the greatest miracle worker. When I call on you, you will show up for me. May my most valuable items be recovered in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Abba, help me not to waste time talking to people who don’t want a solution to the problem I’m currently facing. I ask directly not to waste time looking in the wrong places for the missing things but to direct me to talk to the helpful people who will offer a solution to find what I’m looking for in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, as I sit quietly in this spot, let your gentle spirit whisper directly to me the way out of this situation I’m faced with in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Almighty God, you assured me in your word that there would be no loss. I hold on to your word as my reality. I refuse to align with the situation I am faced with currently. I am thanking you because I trust you greatly and I have hope that my possessions will be recovered in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Lord, grant me wisdom and help me to act smarter as I check for the missing items. Direct me and continually show me the way in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, you said in your word to ask and I will receive. I should seek and I’ll find. As I seek, please grant me clarity in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear God, give me revelation and supernatural understanding about the exact place the lost item is situated. I pray that this unpleasant condition will not happen again in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Thank you because you are mindful of me and you show so much concern about the things that border me. I believe that as I have raised this petition to you, you will not leave me hanging in confusion. I appreciate your concern for me. Receive praise in Jesus’ name. Amen

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