20 Midnight Prayers to Expose Enemies

Beyond doubt, everyone has an enemy that plans to hurt or harm them, and you are not an exception.

In order to escape their wicked plots, you can actively seek ways to prevent them or go separate ways in order for their schemes not to prevail in your life.

However, you can be more successful by praying to God for yourself against your enemies.

This prayer is for someone who wants their enemies’ plans against them to be exposed and not materialize.

Here Are 20 Midnight To Expose Enemies

  1. I thank you, dear God, and you, dear Father, for keeping me until now. Day after day, your mercies have been my experience, and my heart reaches out in praise of your holy name. I pray that this life that you have granted me will praise your holy name. I pray against every evil plan geared toward me. In the name of Jesus, may their plans be nullified and without accomplishment. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I come before you today with a heart full of praise. I pray, dear Lord, that you grant me a long life. I ask, “Oh Lord, thank you for seeing me through even against the plans of the evil ones.” My prayer tonight is that you uncover the plans of my enemies against me. May their works not be profitable. I pray that in every hole they dig for me to fall into as a victim, they roll into it and remain there without returning. I am chosen and blessed without any element of sorrow. No curse that is directed toward me will materialize in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I ask that anyone who plots to kill me will not prevail. May their wicked and cruel deeds bring them to their end. I pray, dear Father, that you shut the gate of wickedness against me. No causeless curse shall stand, and even if there is a basis for it, because I am hidden under the shadow of your wings, may your presence break the yolk. I ask, oh Lord, that the wickedness of the wicked be brought to light and put to shame. I will not be the victim of their wicked schemes, and may their target not be accomplished in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I receive guidance from you. I pray that you save me from every trap of the enemy, and I ask that your presence chase away from me every form of commotion. I pray that every plot and conspiracy against me be burned down by the fire of God. May no plan geared against me in any form materialize in the name of Jesus. I pray that your angels lead me and expose the plans of my eyes right before my eyes. Amen


  1. Father, I pray that you open the eyes of my understanding. Break me away from every wrong association and anyone who says they want my progress while they dampen my identity. May your mighty hand break me free from them, and I pray that you lead me in the right way to go so that my life will not be useless as they plan. In the end, I pray that you expose their evil schemes and make them hide in shame. Amen
See also:  100 Happy Sunday Prayers (For You And Your Loved Ones)


  1. Lord, I thank you for the wisdom to have had all these experiences as testaments to your love for me. I pray to bless your holy name. As you have preserved me thus far, I am fully aware that you have great plans for me. So I ask, dear Lord, that your mercy rally around me and cast away the eyes of the wicked. May their plans not succeed over me, and I pray that you open my eyes to see their evil works and that other people also become aware of who they are. Amen


  1. Dear Father, I pray for your mighty hand of mercy to save and uphold me even from the shackles of death. You have promised in your word that so long as I continue to serve you from my heart, you will bless my bread and water, and you will also preserve my life. So I ask, dear Lord, that your words concerning my life come to an end. May every evil omen against me not come to pass. But by your mighty power, may the plans of the wicked be brought to light so that they will be put to shame in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Lord, I pray for my safety as I embark on this journey. May this plan not come to an end because of forces from the dark places, but by your infinite grace, I ask that you safeguard me. Dear Lord, may your guiding light be my watchword. I pray that you open my eyes so I know what I ought to do at the best time possible. May every enemy who has set out bad plans to steal my joy, discourage me from embarking on this journey, and distract me not succeed. May their plans be obvious to me and everyone around. I plan. Amen


  1. Dear Father, I pray for the grace to know your will and thoughts concerning my life. May the blessings that come with the life you have given me not be hidden. I pray that you help me to be thankful for the life that I enjoy. Put in me the spirit of gratitude so that I will at no point fulfill the plans of my enemies by living a life of ingratitude. May my eyes be focused on your blessings, and I pray that you wrap me in the knowledge of your will for life. May the plans of the enemy to take my heart away from your presence not prosper in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that you expose all the wicked agendas geared toward making my life meaningless. I ask that your mercy will overtake and overturn those plots. May my eyes be open to the light and to recognize what you are saying to me at this point in time. I pray that the plans of the enemy to dampen and manipulate my spiritual life be eradicated with the help of your spirit. By your power in me, I speak destruction and damnation to my adversaries’ desires concerning me. Amen
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  1. Dear Lord, may my enemies’ plans to take away my peace be nullified. I ask that your peace guard my heart, and as you save me from confusion, may my art experience last forever. As my enemies plot to destroy my peace and replace it with confusion, I reject their objectives. By your power and spirit within me, they will not come to pass in the name of Jesus. I pray, Lord, that as you neutralize those plans against me, may my enemies not go away with their wickedness but may they be exposed. Amen


  1. Dear Father, I pray against my enemies, who have made it a point to close my ears from hearing what you have to say to me and to blind my eyes from being attuned to seeing spiritually. I pray that you attune me and switch me on. By your mighty hand upon my life, open me up and make my spiritual senses sharper so that I will no longer be a victim of my enemies and so that you will gain maximum satisfaction from my life in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear God, I speak against every form of accident, whether at home, in the office, at school, or on my way out. My prayer is that a domestic accident will not happen to me, nor will any form of harm take over me. I pray that your judgment falls upon my enemies, and because they have sworn not to remain alive to watch my progress, I ask that they lose their lives. As they plot to see my downfall, may their actions be open for all to see how heartless and hard-hearted they are in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that you help me discern who should be around me. Grant me the perception and spirit of judgment to know who should be around me at any given time. May my eyes be opened to spot enemies in disguise, and as I notice them, I pray for the grace not to be victims of their hardheartedness, but may their plans be exposed, and may they tremble in fear and repentance for the evil they have perpetuated over time in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I pray that you justify me. Father, vindicate me from these accusations that I know nothing at all about. I ask, Oh Lord, that as my enemies plan actively against me to see my downfall, you sustain me. Hold my hands and accelerate me to greater heights of your promises in the presence of my enemies, I pray. And I ask, dear Lord, that as they persist and remain unbending to make life tough and uneasy for me, I pray that you expose their evil schemes against me in the name of Jesus. Amen
See also:  50 End-Of-Month Scriptures (Prayers)


  1. Father, I pray that every evil plan to suppress me and take my glory will be abolished in the name of Jesus. By your spirit, I ask that you go before me and assemble my enemies and neutralize their plans. May their efforts against me be null and void. I pray, dear Lord, that you hide me under the shadow of your wings and may your jealousy over me prevail. May my enemies have no cause to rejoice over me, but let their disastrous deeds be made public. Amen


  1. Heavenly Lord, I pray against every season that is orchestrated by the devil to destroy my life and leave me without hope in life. May the judgment of God turn those seasons and bring me into a plain where my life will be ordered by his steps. Dear Lord, I ask that the fire of God reverse those plans and cause their eyes to see the shame that they planned for me. May your government’s authority over me prevail over every force of the enemies channeled against me. Have your way, dear Lord, and frustrate their efforts. Amen


  1. Dear Father, I am hidden under the shadow of your wings. May no plot from my enemy against me prevail. I hide under your banner. I pray, Father, that you stretch forth your hands of deliverance and save me from the plots that my enemies have assigned for me. I ask, dear Father, that their enterprises yield no return. By the power in your name, may their wicked plans become their lot as I key into your inheritance for me. May they know to rest till their plans are exposed in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I speak against every plot sent by my enemies to harm me. May their devices turn back to them, and everyone that supported them in one form or another will get no peace until they confess together. I pray, Father, that the repercussions of their evil deeds do not stay far from them, and as they plot, may your fire appear in their midst to confuse their ideas in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that you scatter my enemies as they join the plot against me. I ask that the standards they will set against me fall to the ground without coming to pass in my life. At any point that they harbor evil intentions towards me, may their efforts to execute their plans be useless, and may the energy they put together to see my end be effortless. By your power in me, I challenge them, and I stand tall to declare that they will be disgraced and exposed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus. Amen

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