Catholic Prayers for Good Test Results (41 Examples)

As Catholics, we know the power that through prayer we can obtain many graces from God.

So, if you’re having any kind of medical tests done, or even an operation or surgery, why not pray to the Virgin Mary for a good outcome? You have nothing to lose and it can only strengthen your faith.

Even if you have a friend, family, or loved one going for a medical test and awaiting results, these Catholic prayers for good test results will help you pray to God for a favorable test result.

41 Catholic Prayers for Good Medical Test Results

  1. Please protect my family member (or me) and give us a positive result when we do the tests. Cover us with your wings, Dear Lord, and make everything normal. Amen.
  2. Dear Lord, please touch the hearts of the doctors and nurses who will be taking care of me in the coming weeks. Help them to be gentle and kind with their work. Thank You for blessing me, and please let these test results remain clear. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.
  3. We pray to you, O Lord. We ask that you help us and our loved ones in all matters of life. We pray specifically for those who are undergoing medical tests right now, that their tests come back with the results they need – positive results. Give them the good news, dear Lord! We know that you love us, and we ask for a special blessing for them.
  4. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Help me, dear Lord, to be strong for my family and for Your Glory. Please help my doctors to find out what is wrong with me and fix it immediately. Give my loved ones faith that I will beat this thing. Amen.
  5. Help me to think clearly, pray more and live wisely so that my health may be better. Please, Lord, give me positive results and heal me in every way. Amen.
  6. I pray for my health, Lord. I pray that we pass all the tests, that I am given the strength to fight against this illness, and trust you in every moment of my life. Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, please pray for our good health. Please bless all the doctors and nurses who are taking care of us. May they give you glory by their work, and may you bless those who help them to do so. Dear Lord, please forgive us for our sins and absolve us of any guilt we may have in this matter. Please let us know your will and show us clearly your way as we travel along this path. Amen.
  8. Please comfort and bless my loved ones who are having medical tests done. Please guide the doctors to do their best in order that all may be well. Let me remember that you are there for me, you love me and are very good to us. In your name, I pray for all of us. Amen.
  9. Please bless my doctor and all the doctors who work with him. Please pray for me that my test results will be positive and that my condition can be treated well. Amen.
  10. I pray that my test results are positive, and I believe with all my heart they will be according to your will. Lord, You are Good and You see everything that I have done or will do. I acknowledge the punishment due to my wretched sins just as You forgave David, a sinner like me, but I pardon myself for any sins committed against Your divine justice. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
  11. We pray for our loved ones who have had a medical test. Please bless the doctors who performed these tests and help them make decisions to diagnose any conditions and treat them as quickly as possible. Give patients the strength to deal with the results of their tests and provide them with faith, hope, and courage as they continue through this difficult period. In Your Name we pray, Amen.
  12. You alone that heals all diseases. Please restore my health and give me strength, because I know that your power is limitless. Amen.
  13. Dear Lord, thank you for being with us during this difficult time. We ask that you protect our loved ones and provide them with the strength to get through these uncertain days. We pray that the results of this test are positive and that they will be able to recover quickly. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
  14. Dear Lord, thank you for all the directions that you have given me to do the medical test. Please bless me and let everything turn out fine. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  15. Please send good and miraculous medical test results to my family. We are relying on you to be with us during these difficult situations. Praise your son Jesus’ name! Please cure my family of all sicknesses and diseases so that we can live long, healthy and happy lives. We will pray for your guidance and help during this time of testing. Amen.
  16. I pray that you would lead me to the right doctor, who will diagnose and treat me with compassion. I pray for all of my doctors, nurses, and technicians, that they may work together in harmony for my sake. Most of all I ask that you help me accept whatever treatment is needed so that I am well again. Amen.
  17. We come to you, Lord, and ask for your blessings and protection as we go through this important step in our lives. Please protect us as we undergo this medical test. We ask that you guide every doctor and every nurse who will be involved in our care. Guide them so they treat us with kindness and respect and perform these tests with accuracy. We pray that you provide peace, comfort, and healing for our bodies. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  18. We pray to the Lord, who keeps us well and safe. We thank you for protecting us from disease-causing germs and helping our body’s natural defenses work well. Please help us to pass all of our medical tests today. Amen.
  19. Grant me the strength to face the test, the courage to resist fear and anxiety, and the wisdom to handle difficult situations. Please give me good health and take away any physical defects in me. In return, I shall always pray for Your divine guidance in all my daily activities.
  20. I am grateful to you, God, for blessing me with a healthy body and mind. When the results of the blood tests come back I pray that they will be good. Help me to always remember that everything you have given is a blessing and may my faith in you give me strength through whatever lies ahead. Amen.
  21. Lord, please grant me a good medical test result. Please help me cure my illness and I will never forget your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  22. Please help me heal completely and thanks for keeping me out of the hospital. Keep me safe from all evil things. Bless my doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals that I need to see to get better. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
  23. Please, Dear Lord, bless my husband with good results from his medical test today. Keep my angel here in Your loving care and keep him safe until we can be together again. Thank you.
  24. Lord, I pray that my test results will come out positive and safe. Your guidance and strength are with me. I trust you with all of my heart and soul, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  25. I come before you with all of my worries, troubles, and struggles. I ask that you give me peace in knowing that no matter what happens, I will be fine. My mind and heart are full of confidence that your divine plan has already been set into motion to bring joy and happiness into my life. Teach me to accept whatever providence has for me and help me not to worry about things over which I have no control. Help me to rely on your strength and guidance, along with the strength of your Holy Spirit that lives within my heart. May I know peace because I am sure that as long as I put my trust in you, you will provide everything that is needed for my good health and well-being.
  26. We pray for our loved ones to get good medical test results. We ask for your guidance and protection in the event that there is a need for treatment or surgery. Please protect our loved ones throughout the procedure and heal him/her with your healing touch. Grant us patience, wisdom, strength, and love as we care for our loved ones. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  27. May my medical test results come back normal. Please heal me and restore my body to 100% good health. I thank you for the strength that has gotten me this far, but now I need your continued healing grace in the days ahead.
  28. Lord, please give me a good medical test result, and keep me safe throughout this process. Guide my doctors so they can accurately diagnose what is wrong with me and how best to treat it. Bless all those who are taking part in this procedure – especially those who will be operating on me or conducting other tests or procedures. Please watch over my husband while he is at work, so that he may arrive safely home each day in time to meet me after the procedure is done. And please grant us all an increase of faith and hope in Your healing nature so that we may trust that You have all things under control. Amen.
  29. I ask that you bless our family and keep them safe. I also humbly request that you bring good medical test results to my husband and in turn make him healthier. I love him very much and would appreciate your blessings on him. Thank you God for everything. Amen.
  30. I ask you, dear Lord, that my test will come out negative. I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  31. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Please help my friend get a good report from the tests and heal quickly. Amen.
  32. I pray that you would heal me and keep me on the road to recovery. Please deliver me from this illness, so that my test results may be normal and I am able to return to work. In your name, Holy Spirit, Amen.
  33. Lord, You are the Healer and I pray that You would bless this test and the doctors performing it. Bless my health and those of my family members. Please bless us, keep us safe and healthy, in Jesus’ name I ask these things. Amen.
  34. As I lay here in the hospital bed, under the bright lights and poking needles, I’m feeling scared and alone. My medical tests have given me hope that we can fix what’s broken, but I am afraid that everything will be worse than I thought possible. Dear Lord, please protect me during this scary time. Amen.
  35. Dear Lord, please don’t let us miss any health issues during our test. Keep us healthy and safe from all life-threatening illnesses. Please guide our doctor/specialist in finding the right diagnosis as well as recommending the appropriate treatment to help cure any illness that may be present in our body. Help my family overcome this disease and make a full recovery so that we can be healthy again soon. Amen.
  36. Please grant me the patience to deal with my medical test results, and the wisdom to understand what they mean. Please give me the strength to deal with whatever comes along this day. And please help me remember that in your plan, all will be well if I trust in you. Amen.
  37. Dear Lord, we ask that You watch over our loved ones and bless their health. This is the prayer of desperation when you learn your loved one may have cancer. As a mother, I felt this pain with my daughter. She had just gone through the traumatic experience of breast surgery and now faced the possibility of cancer. I prayed this prayer every day until she was given good test results. Amen.
  38. Dear Lord, I pray for my family member (name) under the care of doctors for a successful medical test today. Keep him/her safe and healthy. And please help him/her to return home soon. Please Father heal all their pains. Amen.
  39. Please be with me as I go through these medical tests, and keep them from being painful. Please heal me so that my test results are as expected, and I can continue to do my life’s work in your service. Amen.
  40. Dear Lord, please grant me the grace to overcome my fear of medical tests. I know there’s nothing to be afraid of, especially now that we have wonderful new technologies that can help doctors diagnose things faster than ever before. So, please help me relax, I ask you this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
  41. Dear Lord, Bless my husband and my family who are waiting in the waiting room for test results. Protect them and comfort them with your Holy Spirit and assure them of your divine love, mercy, grace, and hope. May they place their trust in you, dear Lord. Amen.
See also:  46 Best Prayers for Good Results


While we will not guarantee good test results – nobody can – these short prayers can be a useful tool for Catholics to turn their concerns over to God in prayer.

The one thing we would stress is that you do so in an attitude of faith – with the confidence that He is listening and will meet your needs if He so chooses.

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