20 Catholic Prayers to Bless a New Car

Acquiring a new car can be a very exciting achievement and a blessing. Always remember to give thanks to God whenever he blesses you, for God is the one who made it possible for blessings to come your way, and for that, give him thanks.

As a good Christian and catholic it would be a great thing to commit your new car to the hands of God almighty.

Though most of us find it hard to pray, this results from not having a strong prayer life or just lacking the words to say.

In this article, I would guide you on how to pray as a catholic for your new car.

Best 20 Catholic Prayers For A New Car

  1. In the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit amen. Dear God I thank you for the blessings you have given me. I dedicate my new car to your able and mighty hands. For I know that in the hole of your palms I am safe.


  1. With this sacred incense oh lord, I pray you to ward away any bad energy from my car. I ask that as the smoke from the incense enters and around my car. I ask that you ward off bad sights and thoughts away from my car, amen.


  1. Our father in heaven, in you I trust and hope. I dedicate my car to you, knowing that whatever I commit to your care never goes unattended. With this holy water like the water from the side of Christ, I bless and sanctify my car. I wash away anything that is not of Christ in Jesus’ name, amen.


  1. My God who is present on earth and in the heavens. I put my engines spiritually in your hands. May they never put me at risk. You say that we should ask and we shall revive; I have received my God. Now I run to you as I do not have any other God apart from you. I put my engine into your able and mighty hands so that nothing bad shall happen to my engine.


  1. Dear merciful Jesus, you are the creator of the earth we stand on. I have come to you today to show appreciation for your abundant blessings for me as clear. As my new car plows the road on earth. I pray you to speak on the road to be submissive to me. As I step unto the road dear Jesus, may the road be smooth and safe. May there be no form of a blockade on my way, amen.
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  1. As I gain my new car oh lord, may I never meet a dishonest mechanic. I pray to you divinely make only honest mechanics come my way. You are the author of mankind so is the mechanic the author of cars. A mechanic is to repair a disturbing car here on earth for our good. May only good and honest car authors service my cars in their time of need amen.


  1. Dear lord as I ride my new car, I pray that any passenger that comes in my car would be of good and not of evil. As your word in Jeremiah twenty-nine versus eleven says your thoughts for me are not of evil but to give me a future and hope. I believe these words and affirm them on my car in Jesus’ name amen.


  1. Our father in heaven. It is with good faith that I come to you today. In thanks for all your blessings and abundance in my life. I pray you to continue to shower me with good tidings. My new car would never be known for a thing of sadness or grief, instead, it shall be known for good tidings. Blessings shall overflow for me and the work of God in my life shall be a testimony amen.


  1. I proclaim financial growth in my life in the name of Jesus. In the book of your word oh lord. You said you would open your hands and satisfy my desires as a living thing. With faith my lord and my God I proclaim these your words knowing that they shall come to pass in my life, amen.


  1. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name that is above all other names, I command any spirit of bad luck with my car. As I dedicate this car to you oh lord, bad luck shall never locate my car. I decree and declare that my car and evil shall become two parallel lines that shall never meet in the mighty name of Jesus amen and Hallelujah.
See also:  33 Prayers for Someone's First Day At Work


  1. According to Psalm twenty-three, in the book of your word lord God, you said you are my shepherd and I shall fear no evil. For you will make me walk through the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil. Because you are God and you live and reign may your own Holy Spirit guide and protect me from all evil spirits amen.


  1. My God is present in the blessed Eucharist. I come before today to appreciate and give testimonies of your goodness to me. Thank you for making my plans come to materialization. My God present in the Eucharist, I run to thee to hide me and my car from theft. Snatching of cars, theft, or hijackers would never locate me. When they see me they shall see Jesus. I am untouchable because I am a child of God. I affirm in firm faith today that I and my car shall never fall victim to theft in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen.


  1. By the power of the holy ghost, I declare my car away from evil eyes. They shall never know or locate my vehicle. I cover my car with the precious blood of Jesus knowing that with you no one can harm me. May the power of the Holy Ghost blindfold any evil eyes on my car in the name of Jesus, amen.


  1. By the crucifixion and death of our lord and personal savior Jesus Christ. I pray for your death for me on the cross may put an end to unwanted accidents. You died for my sin oh lord I may pay no debt. I decree by the power of God that no accident shall be my portion or that of my family and friends. I declare the road to be submissive to my car in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen.


  1. Do not forget me, oh most compassionate Blessed Virgin Mary, it has never been recorded that anyone who runs to you for protection or prayer was left unaided. Motivated by this conviction. I run into your protection, oh Virgin of Virgins, my mother; I come to you. Inspired by this motivation, I come to thee, before thee I stand, in anguish and sinful beg of thee not to scorn me for my misdeeds. Instead, protect me and my car. Oh, mother of the world created, do not reject my prayers, but by your mercy, give me ears and answer me amen.
See also:  46 Prayers of Protection for Car


  1. Most loved Saint Christopher, patron saint of travelers, I implore you to protect, lead, and guide all my trips and travels. You are our patron saint of travelers; I beseech you to aid my light and heavy road activities. That with you on, I will be at peace knowing you are on the watch for me amen.


  1. Dear Angel of God my guardian angel, because of the love of God for my life he places me in your care. That from this day henceforth you will be beside me to fight for me, to rule and to guide me amen.


  1. Dear God, I pray I would not regret buying this car. I shall never be a victim of a mishap. May your rod and staff protect me all the days of my life. By going and coming in is blessed in Jesus’ precious name I pray amen.


  1. My father in heaven, may this new car you have deemed fit for my way be an instrument of Evangelism. May you ignite the fire of evangelism in me, so that I might find the courage to evangelize and spread your gospel amen.


  1. My father in heaven, with the host of angels in heaven. As this car enters my life, I pray for upliftment henceforth. When people see me may see the work of God in my life, knowing that you are the giver of all things. Blessings and testimony shall be my name. It shall follow me all the days of my life as I dwell in the house of the highest God, amen.


Catholic prayers are efficient in offering protection for a newly acquired car. Prayers are also important in the life of a Christian.

They help us to talk with God and also bless us in everything we do.

When you use these prayer points to bless your new car, do so with total conviction on your part.

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