20 Prayers for Protection While Driving

Do you need spiritually charged prayer points for protection while driving? Have you prayed but don’t know the right words?

Everyone who believes in God needs to call on his name for he is there to always hear and answer us.

Get all your prayer points here that can protect you and your family members while they are out driving.

Commit and extend these blessings to loved ones too, so that God’s angels are always with them.

Check out our prayer points for protection.

20 Best Prayer Points For Protection while Driving

  1. Dear God, you are the one who never sleeps or slumbers. Your word has lasted forever. I come before you praying for your protection while I drive today. Let your angelic host protect me as I drive to work and back. This driving I am embarking on would not cause me sorrow. Grant me the fortitude to come back in safety and give grace to your holy name.
  2. Dear prince of peace. You are the ElShadiai and Jehovah. I see you for who you are. You are my lord and God, and I acknowledge your preference in my life. God, as your child I wish for your protection while I drive today. I commit the vehicle controls into your hands, all the mechanisms should function appropriately by your will. I trust your will for my life and you have always been there for me. May your grace see me through as I drive Amen.
  3. Dear lord and God, I have no one in my life compared to you. All persons in the world praise your name. Let your light shine on me, protecting me as I drive and move about. You know I drive daily to provide my daily bread and I ask for you to offer grace and safety for me and my vehicle. Let the things I favor me, let all the routes I ply today be protected by your angels from heaven. Amen.
  4. Dear Jehovah, you know me from the day I was in my mother’s womb. All my affairs have not been hidden from your eyes. I ask that you are with me as I drive my vehicle. You have promised me a life of fulfillment and I claim it. This journey would not be my last, I key into the covenant of life you have with your children on this day. Let your will be done Oh lord, and your name be praised forever.
  5. My Father you are praised forever, I worship you because you are good. I seek the protection only you can offer God. As I drive today lord, I ask for you to be there as my guide. Let me feel your presence on the wheel, tires, and engine. I know only you deserve to be praised and I will ascribe all glory from above to you my father. You have saved me from my enemies and I worship you, God.
  6. Oh Jehovah, let your name be mentioned first above all names. Your protection is divine and I call upon the host of angels to bless me with it as I drive. Let your force of good surround my entire being. I rebuke any form of distraction while on the wheel, may your spirit bring focus to me. Father in heaven, I know you will do this for me and I will testify of your goodness in my life. Amen.
  7. Oh Abbah father, the birds of the air and beast of the field hold your name in the highest esteem. I bow before your throne asking you for the gift of protection while I drive. My king in heaven, let my car not run into anyone and no one would run into me. Father lord, I pray you will order the day to go in my favor. All the things I set out to do today will b accomplished in your holy name I have prayed. Amen.
  8. Dear Jesus, you are the King of King. your throne sits on the highest point on earth and I see you are good. I want your protection on me as I drive my car. So many accidents on the highway but your power has always protected me and mine. Let that divine protect me as it did on the children of Israel while crossing the red sea. I invoke the grace of that day and pray it flows through me to every corner of the car. You have never failed to keep your word Jehovah; I pray for you to be with me always. Amen.
  9. You are my love Oh God. I want nothing because of your grace in my life. My Lord and God, your child is here to ask you for protection while driving. I commit every occupant that enters my car today t your hands. Every negative and unholy spirit following them shall be removed by your power. Let everyone be safe and sound simply because they have come in contact with me. I pray this oh lord. Amen.
  10. My lord, you raise the dead and heal the sick there is none like you. You have made the desert become an ocean and dried out the deepest seas. Come to my aid today and manifest your power in my life as I drive my vehicle. I cancel every plan of the enemy to send burglars my way, any form of theft is destroyed by your powerful name. My Lord and God, you are good to act your will in my life. Amen.
  11. Good morning Lord, I go before your alter today as your servant asking you to dedicate my car to you. Protect me from any evil spirit of errors as I drive, let your holy spirit give the understanding of Solomon to always do the right thing. Let my decision on the steering wheel not cause harm but always bring glory to your name. Amen.
  12. Jesus you are good, you came from heaven and brought salvation to the souls of men. Thank you for being my redeemer God, as I drive my car bring me your protection, Jesus. Let your chariot of fire surround me every day. There is nothing you cannot do, do this for me, and ill praise you forever. Amen.
  13. Jesus I welcome you into my life, be with me when I wake up, protect me while driving, and save me from the plotting of the devil. In your word, you said no weapon can prosper against me. I bring your word to you alter today, act, and let all honor be ascribed to your name. Amen.
  14. I pray to you dear God. answer me and hear my plea, let your cherubim and Seraphin protect me while driving. Let any spell of the evil one become nothing as I drive oh lord. Any evil enchantments and divination shall not work against me. They shall become a shield and protect me under their wings. Amen.
  15. Abba Father, you made the heaven with a word I bow before your splendor. Protect me while I drive, do not let the tides of evil wash over me. As my family travel today, protect us and see us through. We shall gather and give testimony that you are God. Amen.
  16. Oh wonder creator, let your son who died on the cross of calvary protect me while driving. Your word said he bled for our sake and father I ask that you prove yourself in my life amen.
  17. The God of heaven and earth, I call unto you today with my soul and spirit. Be with me while I am driving lord, I refuse any spirit that causes one to fall asleep at the wheel. It shall be far from me, Jesus the enemy shall not have its way in my life. Amen.
  18. Dear lord, you have remained the same throughout the ages. Bring your power and might and smite all forces of darkness in my life. I will drive today and I ask you for protection, you are my warrior in battle and I know you are good. Amen.
  19. Our father in heaven, I reference you. Your splendor is known in all the universe and I am proud to call you father. As your son, I ask that you protect me while driving. Give me the fortitude to make the best decision always. Thank you for answering prayers Amen.
  20. Holy Spirit you are my comforter, you bring the peace of God and protect me from evil. Show yourself today and protect me while driving. I declare I shall reach my destination safe and sound. I declare that peace, love, and grace shall follow me from the morning till I retire at night. Amen.
See also:  36 Powerful Prayers for Board Exam


If you are embarking on a journey and have driven, take regular safety checks on your car.

As a regular rod user, I ask God daily for his divine protection while driving. This is because many forces are out there that are beyond our senses and control.

By using these prayer points, you will see the power of God and his angels protecting you every time you are driving.

God’s word is real and never fails so I urge you to employ these powerfully and spiritually charged prayer points every time you ask for protection.

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