39 Prayers for Safe Driving

Every year, About 1.35 million people lose their lives to road Mishaps.

Whether you are a teenager who just got a driver’s license or a grown-up who has been driving for years, Every driver ought to have prayer backing.

This prayer for secure driving is a wonderful way to begin the day and give appreciation to God for safeguarding us from accidents.

39 Best Prayers for Safe Driving

  1. Dear Lord, Thank you for the blessing of life and the gift of movement. Thank you for preserving us as we journey through this world, and thank you for Ensuring we get home safely when we’re on the road. Thank you for your mercies which keep us safe from Road mishaps.
  2. Father God, thank you for the blessings you grant upon us each day with your presence. Thank you for looking after us on Each drive, Rescuing us from harm’s way, and giving us opportunities to love and learn at every turn.Thank you for all you have done in Jesus name…Amen.
  3. Dear Lord, as I begin this drive, I ask you to preserve everybody on the road safe. I pray that you’ll help us stay Alert, and in control of our cars so that we cause no harm to ourselves or others. Father, teach me to remain watchful on the drive ahead In Jesus name…Amen
  4. Please grant unto me the presence of mind to stay cautious and watchful. Keep my vision clear and help me see the dangers so I may respond to them in Jesus name…Amen.
  5. Father, I pray for a secure trip in my car today. I ask that no unforeseen mechanical or tire problems will occur. Please keep me safe on these congested roads as well as the others we share it with in Jesus name…Amen.
  6. As the driver, give me the wisdom as to when to take breaks so that I do not force myself to the limit. Discharge your angels to encircle us and protect us until we get to our final destination In Jesus name…Amen.
  7. Lord, please protect us from the hands of every adversary or trap on the way. May You send a blessing on this Journey, and grant us grace, compassion, and understanding in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You listen to the sound of our humble plea because You are God Who listens to prayer pleas. Please grant answers to our prayers in Jesus name…Amen.
  8. Father, Please safeguard my car on this trip. Please keep me safe and allow me arrive at my destination safely. May the route be smooth, and may the gridlock be light. I thank you for your goodness and safety today….Amen
  9. Heavenly Father, the Journey ahead is long, and I am powerless. Please equip me with the power and will to abide by safe driving methods. Teach me tolerance, remind me of my responsibility not to hurry, and help me to both see and respect the road warnings along the way. In Jesus name …Amen
  10. Our Father who art in Heaven, I pray to you for help as we step into our vehicle today. Keep us secure on these active and dangerous roads. Encircle us with your love, protect us from damage, and allow the journey to move without issue. As the driver of the car, I pray that you’ll give me patience too. Tolerance with bad motorists, patience in slow traffic, and Difficult weather situations in Jesus name…Amen.
  11. Dear Lord, I pray for our upcoming journey and a good climate. Things have been wild recently with downpours, surges, and wildfires all over our nation. I pray that the weather will be fine as we embark on our trip through to our last destination in Jesus name…Amen.
  12. I also pray that the weather will be good when we return. I ask that you will lift all turbulent weather across our great nation so that everyone transiting can make it and be with their precious ones. in Jesus name… Amen.
  13. Lord, thank you for the chance to journey in this season. You have upheld me and my dear ones, and I am thankful. You say in Psalm 121:8 that you shall preserve my going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore in Jesus name…Amen
  14. Father, Preserve my life and get me to my destination and back to my family safely. I may not see the hazards along the way, but I ask that you keep me far from them. Watch over my actions Lord. My life is in your hands, and I have faith that you will keep me safe.in Jesus name…Amen.
  15. Dear Heavenly Father, please safeguard us on the journey we’re about to take. Aid us with Your strength and grace when we’re exhausted. Help us to be conscious of Your presence and love in times of stress and direct us on how to make our time together significant and outstanding. In Jesus name…Amen.
  16. Our Father, please watch over my household and me on the coming trip. The road ahead is filled with likely dangers, and we know not what we’ll experience along the way. We look to you for power and safekeeping and pray to your Kind nature to keep us away from hurt. Guide and keep us in your eternal Grace, In Jesus name…Amen.
  17. Dear Lord, as I Drive please I ask you to keep me safe. Favor my fellow motorists and me with your light and infinite love. I pray that you’ll help us stay vigilant, attentive, and in control of our cars so that we cause no harm to ourselves or others in Jesus Name…Amen.
  18. Grant us Good hearts, competent hands, and watchful eyes. Allow us all motorists, passengers, and pedestrians alike- to go about our day and arrive at our destinations without harm or delay. I pray for your blessings and safety. In the name of Jesus…Amen.
  19. Heavenly Father, the Journey ahead is long, and I am fragile. Please provide me with the power and will to abide by safe driving methods in Jesus name…Amen.
  20. Teach me tolerance, remind me of my obligation to not speed, and help me to both see and respect the road warnings along the way in the name of Jesus
  21. Father, I admit the temptation to Drive without consideration and call upon your guiding hand for backing. Work through me so that I might keep my frustration and anger under control, and may my mind find relief in Jesus name…Amen.
  22. God, thank you for the blessings you grant us each day and your presence that is always with us. Thank you for Keeping watch over us on this Journey, delivering us from Danger, and granting us opportunities to worship and Offer praises through it…Amen
  23. Father, The Kids who sit in this car, will forever be thankful to you for the interventions you make in our lives. We pray that you continue to bless, Direct, and keep us away from the powers of evil. On the journey ahead, we ask once again to benefit from your mercies and kindness in Jesus name…Amen.
  24. Lord, the Road ahead Scares me. The careless drivers, and random accidents, appears fraught with risk and the potential for harm. Please may I not suffer on this Journey. Please, Lord, I ask that you’ll keep safe the passengers I carry today in Jesus name…Amen…
  25. Please grant me the Grace to recognize any dangers before they actualize and the ability to avoid them. Extend your divine hands to protect us against circumstances outside of our control. Please, Father, provide me with the morale and competence on the road that I so desperately need in Jesus name…Amen.
  26. Oh God, please guide and protect us on the forthcoming drive. I’m traveling with my beloved kids and ask that you’ll watch over us all on the trip ahead. The road is long, and the car is filled, so we pray that you’ll keep the kids in good spirits too in Jesus name…Amen.
  27. Please help me to stay careful and responsive to all dangers. Grace me with your mercy and help me to ignore any distractions that may arise. Help me stay patient and grant us a fabulous and safe trip in Jesus name…Amen
  28. O Lord Father, help me to remain vigilant on the drive ahead. Please grant me the presence of mind to stay vigilant and watchful. Keep my vision precise and help me see the dangers so I may respond to them in Jesus name…Amen.
  29. Our Father who art in Heaven, I pray to you for help as we step into our car today. Keep us safe on these busy and risky roads. Surround us with your love, protect us from harm, and allow the trip to proceed without issues in Jesus name…Amen.
  30. Lord God, I pray for safety as I begin this day. You are my hiding place, and with you, I can always find refuge. Protect me from trouble wherever I drive and keep evil far from me. No matter where I am, I will look to You as my defender, the one who fights for me every day. In Jesus name…Amen
  31. For my fellow motorists and me, please protect and keep us safe so that we might reach our Destinations In Jesus name I pray…Amen.
  32. Grant me oh Lord, a steady hand, a watchful sight that no one shall be hurt as I Drive, I pray no act of mine, will take away nor hurt anyone. Please safeguard us now from fire and calamity. Please help me to help others with my car. Through me, Let every passenger I carry get to experience your love…I thank you because I am assured of Safety in Jesus name…Amen.
  33. Dear God, Please keep us safe on the trip we are about to take. Help us with Your strength and grace. when we are weary, Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress and direct us to make our moment spent together meaningful and memorable. I’m Jesus name…AmenLord Jesus Christ, thank you that you are my guardian and provider. As I set off on this trip, I ask that you safeguard me from danger and provide for all my necessities. You have promised that you will make all things operate together for my good. Let your presence journey with me In Jesus name…Amen
  34. Reassure me of your love for me, and that you are always working for me. May I be surrounded by your love, your Spirit directs me, your voice cheers me, your peace calms me, your shield defends me, and your wisdom is with me, wherever you may lead me. In your mighty name…Amen.
  35. Mighty God, thank you that you are loyal to fulfill all your promises. You have promised that, even though I walk through the valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, reassure me. As I set out on this trip, I ask that you give me journeying mercies in Jesus name…Amen
  36. Give me the strength to Arrive at my destination. May your love be the affection in my heart. May your joy be my power when times are hard. May your presence be my peace that spills over. Through Jesus Christ…Amen
  37. Lord, I thank you for I know that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. You know the trip I am taking and you know everything that happens to me. Your word says that when I call on you in prayer, you will attend to me. Hear my prayer and allow me journey safely in Jesus name…Amen
  38. Let me be loaded with the peace and joy that comes from your spirit. Blessing and glory, wisdom and Appreciation, honor, and power and strength, be unto you my God, for Eternity. in Jesus name…Amen.
  39. Lord, you are so generous and full of mercy. Please be with me if I encounter an accident on my journey. Thank you for being slow to anger and bursting with mercy if I make an incorrect turn along the way. You are good to all. For Everything you do is full of grace. Thank you for answering my prayers in Jesus’ name…Amen.
See also:  40 Friday Prayers for Ladies (And They Will Be Answered)

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