46 Prayers of Protection for Car

These prayers are to ensure that your car is protected from theft and accidents. God is all-powerful and I believe that he will protect your vehicle.

Please say this prayer when you are driving in your car, or before getting inside.

After reading the prayer once, repeat it more times before leaving your car, anytime you park at a place you don’t know.

Let’s get to the prayers for protection for your car.

46 Great Prayers of Protection for Your Car

  1. I call upon the Lord to be with me today, wherever I may travel. Let no harm come to my car, nor anyone in it. Keep us safe from accidents and other dangers, oh heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  2. I pray that this car is a blessing for my family, that I will be safe no matter where I am in it, and that all those around me are safe as well. Bless those who work in the factories and those who work to deliver this car to me. Protect all the drivers on the road, especially the ones around me right now.
  3. May the Lord watch over our vehicle and protect it from everything that is destructive or harmful. May He bless me with a safe journey and return you home again, safe and sound. Amen.
  4. Heavenly Father, I come to You with all of my heart’s desires. I thank you for the blessing of transportation and ask for this day to be a safe journey for me in my vehicle. Please guide all that is around me, especially those who are driving alongside me so we can travel in peace and harmony. I give thanks to You for keeping ALL our family members safe and sound always. Amen.
  5. Let us pray, Oh Lord, as we embark on this journey. May we aspire to drive with utmost safety, prudence and courtesy. Protect our vehicle and its occupants against any unforeseen danger or mishap. Amen.
  6. Dear Lord, who is so powerful in protecting travelers, I beg of you to be present today with me and my car as we travel. Watch over us and protect us from all accidents or unforeseen harm and dangers. May we arrive safely at our destination.
  7. Protect me from all manner of evils, accidents, and dangers. Protect my car from any evil forces which would harm it or cause an accident.
  8. I pray to Thee, O Lord, that Thou will withhold from my life all those things that would bring me sorrow and distress. Grant me instead Thy protection and blessings, so that those who follow me in the footsteps of the Master may find peace and joy in their lives. Amen.
  9. Dear Jesus, I pray as I drive my car today with your protection. Protect me from harm and danger wherever I go in Jesus name. Amen.
  10. Dear God, please protect my car from all accidents, which may take place to me or the people around me. Please help me drive safely and in a manner that will allow me to reach my destination without any problems. Amen.
  11. Bless this car (year, make, model) and all who travel in it with your divine protection. Keep them safe from accidents, mishaps, and other unforeseen dangers. In your name we pray, Amen.
  12. Dear, Lord. Please protect our car with your all mighty power. And please have mercy on this precious vehicle and make sure it does not get stolen from us. And if it ever does happen, please afford us the ability to track it down and return it back safely to us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  13. O loving God, I call upon you to bless this car so that it might be kept safe, in perfect working order, and free from accident. May all who drive this car be kept safe, may there be no accidents on the way, and may they return safely to their loved ones. Amen.
  14. I ask for a prayer of protection for the driver and car owner. May your car be safe from any harmful or negative influence. Bless this vehicle and its driver to have a nice, smooth ride with zero accidents or untoward incidents.
  15. We ask you to please be with us as we travel through the city, and protect us from dangers that we may encounter. Guide our steps and help us to leave this place in good condition and safely arrive at our destination.
  16. Dear Lord, Please protect us as we travel to our destination, and provide us with peaceful and safe traveling. Amen.
  17. I speak this prayer of protection for my car. Lord, please place a shield of protection over this vehicle. Protect it from all accidents and harmful agents. Let it be well maintained and protected from all thieves who may want to steal it. In the name of Jesus and by His power I pray. Amen.
  18. Dear, Lord Jesus Christ. We come to You with a great deal of gratitude for the safety and protection that You have given us. We pray for this car which we use for transportation, for its repair, performance, and daily maintenance; for our protection from accidents and mishaps; from any bad effect that may cause problems with the car. All drivers in this family who use this vehicle will be protected from any accident and sickness when they drive this vehicle through Your love and mercy in Jesus Christ Amen.”
  19. Lord, thank you for protecting my family in our vehicle on the road and watching over us as we drive. Keep us safe today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  20. Holy Mary Mother of God, I pray to you to keep me and my family safe. Protect us from all dangers, visible or invisible, and watch over my car. Help me drive safely so that we may arrive at our destination in safety and peace. Amen
  21. Lord, please protect my new car from the forces of darkness and evil. Please fill it with your Holy Spirit to save me and my family from accidents and just let us have a safe trip. In Jesus’ name! Amen.
  22. Bless this car and all who are riding in or around it, with the strength of God’s protection. Keep us safe from harm, danger and any accidents. May the angels be our helpers and guard us from all evil.
  23. Lord, we ask that you watch over our vehicles. Protect it and keep it safe. Keep all evil spirits away so we can drive in peace. Thank you Lord for Your protection, Amen.
  24. I pray the divine protection from God on my car, so that it may not be used for evil purposes and to protect me from any harm.
  25. Dear God, I have a car that is a mode of transportation. I pray that all the cars in my life will be protected from accidents, malicious intent, and all other negative forces. May my car be kept safe and carry me to my destination safely. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen
  26. We pray for the protection of our vehicle, all its occupants, and those who surround us. We ask for your divine blessings to cover us as we drive and travel about. Holy Spirit, grant us a safe journey as we drive with purpose and on schedule to our destination. Guide drivers to know their boundaries so they may avoid accidents on the road. In the name of Jesus, we pray.
  27. God, please protect me and my family from accidents in all parts of the world. I ask you for a blessing upon this car and those who drive it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  28. I pray to the almighty God to protect my car from all evil disease and accidents, that they may not occur. I also ask you Dear God, to give me a passion for safety and driving discipline.
  29. Lord Jesus my car deserves a blessing. I ask you to protect it from any danger, from any accident and from the road rage of others. Protect me my family members that we all will arrive at our destination without any harm. Help me keep calm, alert, and focused so I can avoid danger and unwanted situations. I ask this in your name. Amen.
  30. Lord help me to recognize the dangers of life and protect me in each one. Protect my family, friends, employees, and all those in my care. Protect my health and guide me through each day so that I can be healthy for the work I do for you. In your holy name we pray. Amen
  31. May the Lord’s hand be on my steering wheel and eye on the road ahead. Please guide me to his will, which is good and pleasing, and perfect. May I have a blessed day as I travel in his presence.
  32. Dear Lord, I ask that you please bless my car with your protection. I know that you are the protector of all things, and I ask that you keep me safe on the road when I am driving my car. I want to feel confident in knowing that you will help me to avoid accidents and protect me from harm by any other souls out there who might try to hurt me through their driving or otherwise. Please bless this vehicle of mine so that nothing bad happens to me or any other people inside it. Thank you!
  33. Please God, cover me with your protective light, especially when I am on the road. Drive my car safely and guard all of the occupants inside the vehicle including me. Lord, please know our need.
  34. Lord, I ask you to protect my car. May no evil spirits be lingering that can invoke harm. May all parked cars be protected from smash & grab attempts by strangers. Please bless the hands of honest customers when they reach for their wallets to pay for goods or services rendered. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  35. Protect me and my car from dangers, evil influence, and harm. May the angels of God watch over it, and help those who want to be a part of road accidents or crime to change their decision. Keep us safe from the ill intentions of others parties. Remove all evil powers that come against us. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so we can take your message to others.
  36. Dear God, protect the car that I am driving and all who are in it. Let Your angels surround us and give us courage, strength, and wisdom to overcome any obstacles that come our way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  37. Dear God, please protect the ones driving this car, they are important to me and my family. Also, keep them safe from all accidents.
  38. Lord, please help me as I go out and drive my car. Lord, protect me and keep me safe on the road. Please keep my car going and make sure nothing happens to it while I am driving. God bless you today, Lord. Amen.”
  39. Dear Father, I ask that you keep me and my family safe in our new car. Please protect all of us from harm, and help us arrive safely at our destination. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  40. God, please help me to be safe on my way. Help me to arrive at my destination safely today. May all who are around me be also safe and arrive to their destination as well. In your holy name we pray, Amen.
  41. I pray for protection for my car and for the protection of all that drive in it.  I ask that you bless the brakes and tires. I thank you for a safe trip home and know that it is your desire to give us good health, joy, and peace.
  42. Lord, protect my new car from accidents and breakdowns. Protect me while driving. I pray you protect all of the passengers in my car, especially my family and friends. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  43. I’m offering this prayer of protection for the car. I ask that you please bless my car with Your protection and guidance. I pray that if there are any negative energies surrounding my car, please remove them and replace them with positive energies that will help protect it from harm. Thank you God, Amen.
  44. Dear Lord, I ask you to place a protective shield around my car, so that accidents and misfortune will not befall me while traveling. I know that I “neither traffic in nothing nor in any ways hast anything” (Moroni 8:25), but I also believe that if someone wishes me harm, they could try to harm me while I am in my car. May your Holy Spirit guide the hands of all of the drivers on the road today. Help us be safe in our travels, amen!
  45. O GOD, we invoke you in the name of your great glory and by the power of your holy cross. Be pleased to grant us your assistance, so that we may arrive safely at where we are going, and so come back again. Protect us with the sign of your holy cross throughout our journey and keep us safe from all accidents, sudden death, especially at this time as we travel by car. Bless our vehicles and all who travel in them today. May we enjoy a safe journey on land, sea, or air. Blessed be God!
  46. My Lord and Savior, Thank you for the gift of this automobile. Thank you for providing me with a way to get from one place to another and travel safely in Your presence. I pray that You keep me safe in this car as I travel on the highway. Keep me from accidents, injuries, and anything that may harm me or others as we travel according to Your will.
See also:  40 Catholic Prayers To End The Day

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