Prayers of Thanks for Good Medical Results (35 Examples)

With studies showing that as many as 3 out of every 4 people have medical tests every year, most of us have a vested interest in getting great medical test results.

Whether it’s for ourselves, loved ones, or friends, we want their medical tests to be clear. If you need to pray for your own test results, or you’re wanting to pray for someone else’s test results, then these prayers are for you.

Prayers of Thanks for Good Medical Results empower you to thank God for the good results you get from tests or doctors. You can use this prayer when you are healed or receive good news about any medical situation you might be going through in your life.

35 Prayers of Thanks for Good Medical Results

  1. Thank God for your medical results and pray for success in the future. May the doctors and nurses be blessed with good health, knowledge, and skill; may those who work at testing centers be given the strength to keep up all their capabilities; may everyone remain safe, have a good time, and make others happy as well. Amen.
  2. I thank God for the good news about my medical results, for His protective care over me, and for the peace in my heart that comes from knowing He has not left me. God is faithful! Amen.
  3. I thank God for your good medical results, and I know He uses the doctors and nurses, as well as the medications and treatments that are available to help you achieve them. I rejoice in God’s goodness to you and His faithfulness to do whatever is necessary to restore and rebuild you as He sees fit.
  4. Thank you Lord, for my mom’s recovery. The medical results are in and I am so happy that she has been given an all-clear.
  5. Thank you Lord for your kindness. I was able to meet with my doctor today and she gave me the good news that my blood tests are looking good, so far. Thank you for blessing me!
  6. Dear Lord, we give You thanks for the great results of our medical tests. We praise you for the good news we have received and for your care and love for us. Help us to keep in mind that this is a gift from you, and to be faithful to you as we go forward in our lives. Thank you that there is no need to fear anything because you are always with us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, thank you so much for all the good work you’ve done in my life. I praise you for the results of my recent medical tests and pray that you would continue to keep me healthy and safe through this time of treatment. Please let the doctors find a cure for my condition and provide me with peace of mind by sending angels to heal me completely. I thank you greatly for all that you have done, amen.
  8. I want to thank you for my good medical results. Father, I pray that you bless everyone involved in my care, both at home and in the hospital. Please protect them from harm so that they can continue to be a blessing to others. Please also guide my doctors and nurses as they treat me during this time of illness or injury. Amen.
  9. I give thanks for my health and good medical results; for the strength to endure sickness, for the courage to overcome all obstacles, for the blessings of life, for those who care for me, and especially for those who have prayed with me in this time of need. Keep me safe from harm. Amen
  10. Lord, I thank you for the good news about my medical results. Thank you for this time to be with friends, family and loved ones sharing our joy in your provision on this special occasion. Thank you for being with me throughout this journey, sometimes waiting and sometimes moving fast. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  11. Dear Lord, thank You for giving me the strength to see this process through. Thank You for protecting me from infection and disease. I ask You to be with my Doctor and his staff as they take care of my health situation. Bless our beautiful country and all its inhabitants, who seek justice in peace and love. Thank you for answering my prayer so quickly. Amen.
  12. We give thanks and praise to you, dear Lord, for the many blessings you have given us. We pray that You will continue to protect us, lead us, and guide us in our life’s journey. Thank You for keeping us safe from harm and providing for the needs of our family. Dear Lord, we give you praise for the love and care you have extended to us through this medical procedure and for this great test result. Thank You for your goodness and mercy in allowing me to be well again. Amen.
  13. Dear Lord, we want to thank you for the good results of our medical test. We are so thankful that it is not serious and that it isn’t life-threatening. Lord, we pray for strength and guidance in these trying times. We pray for peace and comfort in our hearts as we face this challenge. In Jesus name, amen.
  14. Lord, thank you for my good medical results. I am thankful that I am healthy again; thank you for giving me the strength to start my treatment. Amen.
  15. Thank you for restoring my health and providing the care I needed so that I could get back to the things that matter most in my life. Help me to stay strong and healthy, and to know when it is time to visit you at the doctor’s office again. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
  16. Dear Lord, we give you thanks for having guided our path to a medical professional who gave us good medical results. We pray that you continue to guide us on our path and give us peace of mind as we navigate this new chapter in life. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  17. Thank you for your many blessings. We give thanks to you, our Creator God and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the one and only true God. May we honor him by choosing to live a life of gratitude and service to others. We ask you Lord to continue providing good doctors and nurses to care for our family, protect them from harm, comfort those who have been injured, heal their wounds and ease their suffering. And please bless all those who are sick or hurting today in any way. May we receive their prayers too and find comfort with your presence as we go through this difficult time. Amen.
  18. Thank you for the results of my medical tests. Help me to be grateful for this gift of good health and healing, and to accept the outcome with grace. Amen.
  19. We are thankful for Your miraculous healing power. We know that You, in Your infinite wisdom, have given us the medical care necessary to overcome our illnesses. We are grateful for all Your blessings, even the difficult ones. We pray for your continued guidance so that we may live worthy lives in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
  20. Thank you, dear Lord, for the gift of good medical results. Please use this good news to help me become a better person and bring peace and joy to those who love me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  21. Lord, we thank you for these medical results. Deeply moved by the miracles you perform in the lives of those we love and care about, we praise your name. We give thanks that everything is so good! Amen.
  22. I trust in you and know that you are able to accomplish all your plans for me. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and for helping me to remain healthy in body and spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  23. Thank you for the good medical results. I am grateful for a perfect medical report  and now I can commence my normal daily activities. Thank you God for your goodness! Amen.
  24. Thank You Lord for the healing and for the good medical results. Please continue to guide, comfort, and provide all that is needed by my family in our time of need.
  25. We offer our heartfelt thanks to you, Lord God Almighty. Thanks for the care you have given us. We are truly grateful to you, Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  26. Dear Lord, Thank you for the doctors, nurses and staff in the hospital who took good care of me when I was sick. Thank you for each nurse who took my vital signs or gave me medicine or did another job that helped me feel better. Thank you for all of the doctors who listened to my symptoms, did lab tests, and explained how they were going to treat me. Please protect those medical caregivers as they care for others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  27. Thank you for the resounding success of my medical test. I have received great news and I’m grateful for your providential hand in the outcome. Thank you for purging me of any ailments and giving me a full bill of health! I am so thankful to be without any concern as it relates to my bodily well-being! Dear God, I thank You for being faithful and merciful towards me.
  28. Thank you so much for the medical results and prayers answered. We are so grateful to be able to have a healthy baby again! We know that You have our best interest at heart and we are thankful for Your guidance in this matter. Amen.
  29. Help me to be grateful for good medical results, Lord. I thank you for the outcome of my lab work and for the doctors who helped with this. May I continue to improve daily. Help me to be healthy and fit as I grow older in your name, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
  30. Dear Lord, thank you for giving me a heart-healthy outcome from my recent medical procedure. I am so grateful and thankful to you, Most High God!
  31. Thank you for providing my family with the good news about our son’s health after his medical tests. We praise God for his protection and guidance and ask that he continue to guide all of us in this challenging situation, as well as other hardships we face in life. Amen.
  32. Lord, I am so thankful for the good news of my recent medical test. Thank you for answering my prayers and giving me peace of mind. I know that you are faithful and that your ways are higher than ours. Your will is sovereign and perfect, and I completely submit to your divine plan. Please continue to bless me with your protective care. In Jesus’ name, amen!
  33. I would like to thank you for all of your blessings today and the wonderful results from my medical test. I was so worried about how the results might be and am so delighted that everything turned out fine. Thank you for hearing my prayers and for answering them in such a way that gives me so much hope for the future.
  34. Dear Lord, thank you for your uncountable blessings. Thank you for taking care of us, and for your healing hand that is upon us. We appreciate all you have given us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  35. Thank You for protecting me and my family, I am so thankful for our good medical results today. I pray for (insert names) who need our prayers to heal and get better quickly in Jesus’ name, amen.
See also:  Best Catholic Prayers for Medical Procedures


Use these prayers of thanks to give thanks to God for good test results. This prayer may be used by patients or family members to give thanks after a check-up, or it may be used by doctors and nurses during daily prayer time.

If you are the type of person who wants to be cautious, you should use this prayer regularly when someone in your family goes in for an appointment.

That way, you can thank God for the continued health of that person.

Also Read: Catholic Prayers for Good Test Results (41 Examples)

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