40 End Of The Year Prayers For Myself

When the end of the year draws near, it is a perfect time to retreat, evaluate, and look closely at how every bit of your time was spent.

Although you might not have achieved all the goals you set early this year, so long as you are alive, every good thing can happen next year, so you ought to appreciate God in prayer.

This article is a personal end-of-year prayer to express your gratitude for life, family, and every good thing that came your way this year and to say a few words for the upcoming year even as you build faith that it will end better than this one.

Here Are 40 End Of The Year Prayers You Can Say

  1. Thank you, Father, for every gift I enjoy, including the air that I breathe. Countless times this year, the wicked one has tried to inflict pain and sorrow on my life. I’ve escaped many accidents because you have been my guide. I wish to describe to the whole world how wonderful you’ve been to me, but my heart’s desire at this moment is that only you be praised in Jesus name. Amen


  1. Abba, your faithfulness abounds forever. Your loving kindness towards me is unexplainable. I began the year not so full of energy and even when I counted on you, I wasn’t so optimistic about how my year would end, but you’ve crowned me with joy unspeakable. I have stumbled on your help so much, and I do not take those times like I merit them. Receive the glory, Lord.


  1. Father, thank you for an amazing year full of grace. There are things that I couldn’t do on a regular basis, but you helped me to accomplish them and more. I’m still amazed at my achievements from the beginning of the year up until now. May your name be magnified in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. My Heavenly Father, I thank you for my well-being throughout this year. All those times that my health condition wasn’t in good shape, you healed me with immediate effect. You didn’t let sickness take over me, but you restored my health speedily. I say thank you for your name.


  1. Dear Lord, the earth is full of your glory. Just as I hail your name for your tender mercies throughout the year till now, my family is grateful to you. It’s so beautiful to look back at how we started the year and update ourselves with how far you’ve gone with us recently. We say, “Blessed be your name in Jesus’ name.” Amen.


  1. Dear Father, I’m thankful for my sanity. There were times when things hit me so hard this year that I thought I wouldn’t survive. But you’ve kept me and even made me better than I ever thought I could be. I give you thanks.


  1. “Thank you, Lord, for my well-being.” I appreciate you for my health keeps getting refined and I acknowledge the mercies I see. By my strength, my health would have been in a dilapidated state by now, but here I am towards the end of the day, alive and well. I adore and acknowledge you in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Father, I’ve never gone to bed hungry this year because of you. By the strength of flesh, no man can succeed. I’m grateful for your provision. Blessed by the Lord


  1. Thanks for being a good father and friend. Time and time again, you’ve come through for me in different ways that I cannot imagine. Throughout the year’s challenges, storms, and failures, you stood by me, standby. I bring you thanks.
See also:  45 New Month Prayers and Blessings


  1. Father, I admit my inconsistency and inadequacies. If you were to count my sins this year, I would have been lost and never cared about, but you have enveloped me with so much care as a father indeed. I pray that you continue to show me mercy as the year folds up in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear God, I appreciate your watching over me. Of all the mishappenings around me, I’ve been held in your hand. Your goodness keeps chasing after me throughout the year. Your constant protection and saving of me. I declare that you are great.


  1. Heavenly Father, I bless you for the works of my hand. I’ve experienced so much multiplication. Even when it seemed like my vision wasn’t possible, you showed up and changed the story to glory. Thank you for everything I’ve engaged in this year. I’ve gathered so much that has brought me to the end of the year. To you be all the honour, Oh Lord, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, you are good, and your compassion is enduring. I thank you that you never fail. I trusted that you would assist me in my endeavor, and when I committed it to you, you took it as your personal project and took the lead to make my endeavors progress. I can’t say thank you to my satisfaction.


  1. Dear God, thank you for massive advancement from the beginning of the year until now. Frankly, I’m not near where I used to be. Everyone who knew me before can testify to the transformation that my life has undergone, even from the beginning of the year until now. I am proceeding forward to the place where I envision myself to be. See how good you’ve been to me? From my heart, I say, you deserve praise in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, thank you for building a pillar around me and making me stable throughout the year. The rage of life would have taken me down but for your steady concern for me. Even when I almost gave up, you gave me more energy to boost me all the way. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you continue to grant me all that it takes to live the life you designed me for. Amen


  1. Almighty God, thank you for the wisdom you’ve granted me to handle the issues that should have overwhelmed me. I’m grateful for an excellent spirit and a sound mind. Dear God, you have helped me to birth solutions to my problems and used me to prevent others from getting stuck by giving them wise counsel from you. Thank you for the wisdom. I pray that the upcoming year will be explosive in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Dear Father, thank you for my finances. I really needed a shift to improve my finances, and you didn’t only show me the way, but you made everything and everyone open up to me and grant me so much funding. Thank you for making things possible. I pray that you continue to lay your hands on me and grant me more insight in the upcoming year to step up my finances in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba Thank you for the favor. I can’t claim to have worked for every single thing I owe right now. You have distinguished me with favor this year. I’m amazed at how you do it, but it’s a beautiful experience and I pray that you continue to favor me and everyone around me.
See also:  43 Prayer Points for the New Month of October (2022)


  1. Dear Father, thank you for the grace to reach out to others. This year was filled with mind-blowing testimonies for me. You didn’t only bless me, you elevated me to reach out to everyone that encountered me. Thank you to those people who were blessed by me. You made it possible. I pray that you continue to use me to impact others positively. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Grant me more insight into the things I should know and help me utter the right words of wisdom. Amen


  1. Lord, I extoll your name for preservation. All through this year, nothing was lost, nothing was broken, nothing was missing. These and more are enough reasons to acknowledge your goodness. When the year began, I handed everything and everyone around me over to you, and you took care of them as excellent caretaker. You are so reliable. I give you all the praise, Father.


  1. Thank you for the end of the year. It happened sort of swiftly, but I can’t think of any notable event that happened without your grace. Your grace was sufficient indeed. I’m most privileged to have gotten to this period of the year. You helped me stand through the challenges, and now I can look back comfortably and solely to praise your name, for those difficult moments are now songs of praise.


  1. Father, it’s exciting to celebrate this time again. Just this time last year, I was celebrating the year on a low key, but this year, I’ve got more reasons to celebrate joy. I thank you for next year’s being more powerful. It’s so beautiful to enjoy these moments with my loved ones too. I bless your name for this privilege.


  1. Almighty God, please give me guidance on what to do and what not to do as I plan for the coming year. I have no power of my own, but I trust that when you lead me, I will not go wrong, so I depend on you totally. Sharpen my senses, help me to spot relevant counsel, and assist me not to be hard-headed when you direct my path. I recieve divine direction for the upcoming year in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Lord, as I work towards my expectations in the year to come, I pray that you satisfy me early in the name of Jesus. Always prompt me to do the work I ought to, and encourage me to be excellent in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, take my hand and guide me with caution. Amen


  1. Father in Heaven, I’m hidden under the shadow of your wings. Let your feathers cover and shield me from the plot of my enemies. This will lead me into the right relationships that will improve my life. Make me grasp the full knowledge of my relevance and live with the understanding of who I am and where you want me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Dear Father, my cup will be overflowing in this upcoming year and many more testimonies will erupt in response to your investments in my life. I open myself up to improvement in every ramification. In Jesus’ name, I receive the grace to be open-minded in this new year and beyond. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, as I step into this new year, everything around me screams prosperity. Every one of my endeavors will experience a heavenly touch from you in this new year. You will bless everything my little hands find to do. I pray that you raise men and platforms to elevate my job. I pray for divine breakthrough from all the ends of the earth in Jesus’ name. Amen
See also:  Last Sunday Prayers for the Month


  1. My health will blossom in this new year. In your name, I come against the sickness of every sort, both known and unknown. My family and everyone around me will all blossom in good health together in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, teach me to show compassion in this new year. Even though I can’t change the world, showing compassion will make me like you. And I’ve kick-started the journey to be like you in every aspect of my life, but as we cross over to another year, may my quest and desire to emulate you increase in Jesus name. Amen


  1. Father, I thank you that my family will not simply be there watching me achieve great things. They’ll also be in good health and receive direction for the creative ideas in them. to be born in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Father, I’m so thankful that I’m not ending the year with certain bad habits that I started the year with. Transformation is a long process, and I know that as this journey has begun, you will help me get rid of more unhealthy characteristics. I’m trusting you for it in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, in this new year, I’ll work on spiritual, mental, physical, and social growth in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. I pray that I will not remain in confusion for too long because your help will come through for me. In Jesus’ name, I receive supernatural wisdom to navigate through seasons in this new year. Amen


  1. Father, I will shine as a light in this new year. Nothing will stop my talents and creativity from coming to light. I’m helped in the area of my calling, and I attract helpers from far and wide. My dreams will not be nullified in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I receive the grace to have faith in you. May I not be tossed to and fro by the waves of life but help me to depend solely on you even as this year ends in Jesus name. Amen


  1. May I remain optimistic that good things are not far from me, even when the road is rough, and may my optimism yield bountifully in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. My Heavenly Father, I pray that you help me work towards the goals I’ve set for this year. Maybe this will be different from the typical end-of-year resolution that is sometimes ignored. Please give me the grace to make the necessary changes. Help me not to minimize procastination in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I attract good things. My life will bless others. I will not be distracted by technology, things, or even people in this upcoming year. In the name of Jesus, may I stay focused and not deviate from your will for my life. Amen


  1. Father, I will fulfill my destiny. May I not waste my time living for trivial matters. Your plans for me are good and you are a loving father. Please help me to choose the right way over going the wrong way. May I not be swayed by popular opinions and people’s decisions but make proper choices in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Thank you, Father. You are amazing. I thank you for a successful year and a beautiful celebration. May this celebration not cease but heighten in intensity as the new year rolls in. I appreciate you greatly, dear father, in Jesus’ name. Amen

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