40 Catholic Night Prayers For Adults

Living by yourself can be dangerous, especially as an adult. Adulthood comes with a lot of tasks, including the quest to be successful and, ultimately, the objective to progress. This is why, night after night, praying for your goals and assessing your progress in prayers is healthy.

As you work hard to assume your responsibilities, you need to back it up with prayers so that your efforts won’t be wasted but amplified.

This prayer is for adults who are praying for their recent actions and expectations and thanking God for a successful day.

40 Catholic Night Prayers To Say For Adults

  1. Dear Father, continue to preserve me and keep me from the reach of the wicked ones like you’ve done today. Allow me to live steadily according to your plans for my life and make me trust you for my daily sustenance.


  1. Lord, please let my weaknesses not take over me but help me to show gratitude to you every day. Teach me to appreciate every moment you allow me to live. Help me to live in the understanding of your perfect peace even tonight.


  1. My Heavenly Father, I appreciate your faithful gestures towards me throughout today. Your guardian angel has been with me on standby all day. My heart’s desire is that you teach me to acknowledge your faithfulness at all times.


  1. Dear God, continue to guide me and direct my steps with your words. Let your heavenly hosts shed their feathers around me so that I’ll experience energy different from the world’s. So even as I lay my head down tonight, my sleep is restful.


  1. Father, I ask for forgiveness for my sins. Let the blood of your Holy Son cleanse me and forgive my sins. May I not be lost in sin when you afford me the chance to be holy and pure. Lead me into the way of righteousness even as I end the day.


  1. Dear Lord, I thank you for your blessings in my life. I thank you for all my achievements. In these past few days, I’ve experienced heaven’s grace over the works of my hands. I ask that your blessings continuously be with me and my family.


  1. Dear Lord, I pray that you restore every strength that I dispensed in the process of carrying out today’s activities. Renew my strength and energize me more as I lie down to rest.


  1. Abba, I ask that you set my eyes only on things that will improve my purity. May my soul not be soiled with the actions and thoughts of this dark world. Save my heart from wickedness and let my conscience not die. Keep me alive, body, soul, and spirit, so that I may worship you.


  1. Heavenly Father, make today’s experience yield a fruitful harvest in my life. Help me not to make the same mistakes, but teach me to be responsible and move on without looking back at my mistakes and blaming myself for making them.
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  1. Almighty God, I thank you for your deliverance. I look up to you for the grace to keep trusting in you no matter how tough the challenge that draws close to me is. May I never rely on my own strength but always lean on yours.


  1. Lord, I want to thank you for always bringing good things my way. My intellectual capacity has limitations in abundance. My strength will fail as always. Teach me not to forget that every pleasant thing I enjoy is in your power.


  1. Dear Father, I receive peace unspeakable even as I rest. May the same peace be my lot during this week, till the year runs out and all my life. Nothing will take me away from this experience of your perfect peace.


  1. Stabilize me in your joy and help me not to be tossed to and fro. May your angels go ahead of me at every step that I take. In moments that I’m drifting away, bring me back and hold me up. Permit me to remain safe in your hands and not depart at any point in time.


  1. Dear God, I raise an altar of divine covering for my family scattered all around. None of them will be overwhelmed by life’s challenges. As they move about, let your wings of protection spread upon them even tonight.


  1. Lord, the children under my care will not be victims of insecurity or hopelessness. Just as you told the disciples to bring the children to you and not drive them away, I bring them to your feet. Even on this night, be their caregiver.


  1. Almighty God, enlighten my eyes. Shine your light in my path. As I sleep tonight, please give me wisdom and understanding to resolve the issues on my mind. Sharpen my vision and help me to realize what you want me to do.


  1. Lord, lay your hands upon me. Be my fountain and help me discover that my dreams are valid. Build in me hope that the future is possible and that you’ve got an expected end with sure promises in store for me.


  1. Make this night better than my day, Heavenly Father, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Let upliftment come to me. I thank you because I will awake as a giant, full of might and agility.


  1. Father, as I sleep tonight, open my eyes in the form of dreams and vision for greater impact in my generation, just as Solomon did. I will not be limited by my environment and let powerful wisdom be my portion as a result of this encounter.


  1. Abba, let the cherubs go before me and make tomorrow a blissful day. Let things that were assigned not to go in my favor change for the good. Every evil intention against me as I sleep is nullified and turned to my good tomorrow. May my expectations not be in vain.
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  1. Dear Father, I appreciate your loving kindness towards me. Thank you for a successful day, full of laughter and happiness. I receive the grace to remain thankful and joyful from this night onwards.


  1. Almighty God, I will not squander the gifts you’ve given to me. Just like you helped me earlier today, my time will not be wasted on doing things that will not make you proud of me. As I join the host of heaven to worship you tonight, may you gain praise from existence.


  1. Heavenly Father, you stated that anyone who is tired and in need of rest should come directly to you. I surrender everything I’m doing at this moment and I come to you that you will grant me rest from a tiresome day and a burdensome world. Preserve me, God, and restore all that has been lost.


  1. Abba, you have promised that you will never leave or forsake me. So, I am drawing closer to you. I request that you equip me with hope tonight. As I sleep, wake me up by dawn with fresh hope to pursue my aspirations. Let my desire and drive be geared towards you.


  1. Dear God, as elegant as the streets of heaven are, so will the picture in my dreams be. Can I avert every evil dream sent to come to me tonight? Allow your angels to take them away from me, and as your host sings praise to you, may I be inspired to do great things for the kingdom.


  1. Almighty Father, you are a good shepherd. Just like the man with the 100 flocks left 99 in search of one and didn’t return till he found it, let your eyes keep constant watch of me. May your holy spirit not let me wander. If I need to make a turn or a change of decision, reveal it to me as I rest tonight.


  1. Abba, please overwhelm me with your loving presence tonight and grant me insight into the deep things of reality. I reject every terrible dream. Let your angel minister to me even tonight.


  1. Dear Lord, as I sleep in this neutral state, grant me clarity as I wake up. May your guiding light shine forth in my heart. Even as it brightens every area of my life, may the lines fall in beautiful places for me by tomorrow, and before the day ends, may my mouth raise melodious incense unto thee.


  1. Heavenly Father, bless me with destined relationships that will improve my life and place me at an advantage in every aspect of my life that is still developing. Let your meek and friendly spirit teach me how to become a good friend and how to attract valuable people.
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  1. Dear God, I receive fresh grace, fierce zeal, and burning passion to chase after my goals as I wake up. No discouraging situation will make me back out. Any stumbling block in the form of a human that has been positioned to stand in my way tomorrow has failed already.


  1. Father, For certain reasons, I didn’t hit my daily goal today. In all, I’m still grateful for heaven’s blessings on me. I will not be stranded like I was today. By your mercies, I refused to be confused.


  1. Dear Lord, I receive the grace to be resilient. Not only will you strengthen me to plan and dream big, but also grant me the strength, wisdom, ability, and capacity to stay strong tomorrow and beyond.


  1. Father, I am hidden under the shadow of your wings. I will wake up well. And even when I wake up, I will not be a victim of the devil. All around me are your angels taking charge of me.


  1. My all-powerful Father, my shepherd and guide. I know that every other person has the tendency to go wrong. Many can fall into counsel without benefits, but following you is a guarantee that I won’t miss the way no matter what comes at me, for you are my shepherd. Help me not to want to keep following you with all humility.


  1. Dear Lord, even at this late stage in my life, I will not be a bad example to others. Rather, just as your son Jesus grew in stature and favor with God and the people on earth, so will I influence others positively, beginning tonight.


  1. Father, I refuse to be nonchalant. I will make efforts to go the right way when I recognize that I’m wrong and not push blame on others. Even for the irresponsible actions I’ve committed today, I ask for mercy.


  1. Lord, I’m not retarded. I’m productive and sound. So is my day. My mind is excellent and, not minding the negativity I saw today, I will excel in my endeavors tomorrow. Mercy and goodness have already come to my aid!


  1. Dear Lord, as I rest from today’s strain tonight, may this moment be peaceful. I will sleep with a heavenly aura around me and your plans for my life will come to fruition. As I wake up at dawn, I wake up full of energy and vigor to make the day count.


  1. Almighty God, I join the hosts of heaven to declare that I will live an intentional life. May I not be unstable tomorrow, but may you direct my steps and ensure that I wrap up all my tasks.


  1. Thank you, dear Father, for hearing from me tonight. May your precious presence surround me continually. Let your angels not be far from me to the glory of your name.

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