45 Sunday Prayers for My Mentor

Let your mentor know that you pray for them every Sunday. Let them know they are such a great example, and no matter what happens in the coming week or months, the mentorship means a lot to you.

Check out these prayers for your mentor on a Sunday and thank me for helping you out.

45 Amazing Sunday Prayers for your mentor

  1. Dear God, thank you for all of my blessings, and keep my mentor safe throughout the week. Thank you for keeping her healthy and happy so she can give her best at work. I pray you bless and support him/her this Sunday in Jesus name. Amen.
  2. Dear Father, please hear our prayer for our mentor this Sunday. Please bring comfort to his heart and peace to his family. Please give him strength and faith to face the next steps he is taking in his life. I pray that you will be with us during this time and guide us as we find healing through faith in your loving arms.
  3. Dear Father, please hear our prayer for our mentor. Please bring comfort to his heart and peace to his family. Please give him strength and faith to face the next steps he is taking in his life. I pray that you will be with us during this time and guide us as we find healing through faith in your loving arms.
  4. Lord, we thank you that my mentor is doing great in his ministry and he is a blessing to many people. I pray that you will continue to guide and protect him as he ministers to others this Sunday. Bless him with wisdom, encouragement, and guidance as he serves in the church.
  5. Lord, I thank you for the many blessings my mentor has given me. He helped me find a job, found out what I wanted to do in life, and gave me opportunities to learn and develop. He was always there when I needed advice or even just moral support. Please protect him now and forever.
  6. Lord, thank you for my mentor. May I always be grateful to him for his teachings, guidance, and love for me. I pray that we may continue our blessed friendship forever until the end of time. Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, I pray for my mentor. Please add his name to your book of life. Let him enter into your presence and hear you say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
  8. Dear God, Bless my mentor and guide with your supernatural wisdom, and in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior. Amen.
  9. I know you are having a busy week, but I am praying for you daily. I ask that you protect your health, that the Lord blesses you with a renewed strength to serve Him and others in your ministry, and that He also showers upon you His grace that allows you to focus on what is truly important in life.
  10. Dear God, please help us to remember how much You love us. Please help my mentor to speak words of peace and respect, instead of words that will hurt or divide. Protect her mind, body, and soul on this day. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
  11. I think of my mentor every day and pray that God will continue to guide him down a path of honesty, integrity, and faith.
  12. Father in heaven, thank you for putting your guidance in my mentor and his mentorship, who is always helping me to understand the knowledge in a more fun way than before. He always gives me lots of good advice and help. I pray that through his wisdom, he will lead our team to succeed.
  13. I praise God for making you into the wonderful mentor who has helped me grow professionally and spiritually. You’ve been a source of strength during times when I’ve felt weak, and you’ve taught me so much about how to be a leader and how to inspire others. Today I pray that you will continue to “do all things without complaining or arguing.”
  14. May God bless my mentor, who has given me the opportunity to learn from her and has proven herself a great model for me to look up to as a leader. May she be blessed with the strength and wisdom to continue carrying out her duties and always maintain high moral standards.
  15. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I offer you my mentor for his/her soul and for all the intentions that you will write down in this prayer. Please pray for him/her. Dear God, help me to pray and seek out more people who may need your guidance and support in their spiritual journey. Amen.
  16. I pray that God’s glory and peace will fill your heart and home, that you will have all the wisdom, strength, and courage you need to meet the challenges ahead, and that your kindness and goodness will shine forth in all you do.
  17. Lord, we thank you for your gacrio. We lift up to you our friend, mentor, and colleague for his/her guidance and strength in service. May he/she be blessed with health, peace, and a loving family. We thank you for the gift of Your presence in our lives. Amen
  18. Dear Father, You know that this Sunday is special for me. My mentor is retiring and I want to be able to pray for him, his family, and all those who will miss him when he is gone. May this be a day of hope and peace for everyone in our church community. Help me to see like Jesus sees my friend’s story as part of Your plan for his life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
  19. Dear God, please bless my mentor and keep her safe for the rest of her life. Give her wisdom to make the right decisions and strength to fight the battles that come her way. By protecting her, you will be protecting me as well. Thank you.
  20. Dear God, I pray that you bless my mentor with good health and happiness. Please help him to hear your voice in his mind, heart, and soul. Thank you for always hearing and always listening. Help me to always be a good listener too. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen
  21. Dear God, thank you again for my mentor. He gave me hope and encouragement when I needed it most. Please help me to be grateful for the opportunity to learn from this wise and wonderful man. I pray that the knowledge he has shared with me will bring him honor and glory.
  22. Dear Lord, I pray for my mentor and ask you to bless him and his family today, in this day and age. Amen!
  23. Lord, may the grace of your Holy Spirit be with my mentor today. I pray that you will guide her footsteps and help her make wise choices. Thank you for blessing me through my mentor’s wisdom and strength. Amen.
  24. I pray this Sunday that God continues to strengthen, empower and embolden you at all times. I pray for your physical and spiritual health, that you be as fit as ever.
  25. Dear Lord, please continue to guide my mentor in all aspects of his life. I pray that you will protect him from all trials and tribulations, that he may be blessed with success in all endeavors, as well as health and peace of mind. Please bless him with a wonderful week ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  26. Dear God, please bless my mentor. If he needs your help today, please guide him in his work and show him your will. Thank you for all the opportunities he has given me and for showing me how to make positive changes in my life. Amen
  27. Lord, today I offer you my mentor. I encourage him in his ministry, pray for his health, and that he may be able to continue teaching for many years to come. May he be enlightened by your wisdom and guidance. Make some dear friends for him to help him through life’s journey.
  28. Lord, I pray for the perfect health and guidance of (name of mentor). He is a great man with a kind heart and a loving spirit. Please give him the strength to carry on with his work and help to heal others. Thank you for all your blessings. Amen.
  29. Dear Jesus, I come before You today to ask for Your guidance and favor for my mentor. Please help him get through this tough time in his life and make it through the storm. Give him peace and comfort in his heart, Lord, so that he truly knows that You’re with him. Help him see how much he’s needed in this world! In your Holy Name, we pray…Amen
  30. God, please bless my mentor for all the time, energy, and resources invested in the care of the children and their families. Please give him the strength to continue this work.
  31. Dear Lord, Please give my mentor the strength and wisdom to lead at work and in his family. Bless him with opportunities to serve others and equip him with patience, compassion, and love as he shares his experience with others. Please help all of us in my family get along well so we can do your service together.
  32. Lord, Thank you for having my mentor in my life and thank you for allowing me to have him as a mentor. I pray that you keep him safe and that he continues to be an example of a person who has integrity and wisdom. In Jesus name I pray AMEN
  33. Dear Lord, Thank you for being there when I’m not even looking. Please help my mentor keep his ears open and his heart in tune with the spirit. As he listens to the words I speak, may he hear and remember each one of them. May he be motivated by what he hears, so that I can be a better person tomorrow because he made me a better person today. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  34. Hey God, I pray that you will be with my mentor and help her to grow in her relationship with You. Help her to feel loved and valued by you, so she can share this love and truth with others.
  35. Lord, we pray for my mentor, who is confident in Your teaching. May he/she be a model for young men and women as he/she guides them through their studies and lets them know that You are always with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  36. Lord, bless my mentor and keep them safe. Protect them from illness and disease. Grant them long, healthy life as they continue to serve You in ministry. Bless their family with every blessing of grace, mercy, and peace. Amen!
  37. I pray that you find the light, keep it burning bright and follow it wherever it leads.
  38. Lord, please help my mentor to be victorious in all his endeavors. May he have a strong passion for learning and growing so that nothing will stop him from working hard in whatever task he does. Help him overcome the challenges that he faces this coming week and give him wisdom and courage to act upon his responsibilities.
  39. Dear Father, please keep my mentor safe and healthy, and help her to trust in your will. Please also help her to remember that she is doing a good job. Amen
  40. Lord, I ask your blessing on my mentor who, without question, has given me more wisdom than any other person in my life.
  41. Dear Lord, please help my teacher and mentor to be with you for this school year. Please give her the strength that she needs by daily working hard with her team. In Jesus Name I pray! AMEN!
  42. Dear Mentor, I am here to take this opportunity to pray for you. I pray that God will bless you with all the peace, joy, success, and happiness in your life. Let Him guide you through each and every day of your earthly existence so that as a result you can reach your spiritual goal as well. Let him protect you from any form of danger and let there be no hurdle in our relationship that may come from within or externally.
  43. Father, we lift up my mentor and leader in Jesus name. We pray that you will bless his body and mind to be healthy for ministry, give him wisdom and discernment, and strength to be an example on the way of Christ. In his life in Jesus name.
  44. Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to have a mentor in my life. Through trial and error, I have learned so much from this man. I pray that he continues to remain strong in his desire to lead and provide guidance as he makes decisions that impact many lives. May he find wisdom and strength through your word as he leads each day. In Jesus name. Amen.
  45. Lord, thank you for the inspiration, encouragement, and support of my mentor. He/She has been a guiding light for me as I have grown in knowledge and understanding of my chosen field. Please help him/her to also share his/her gifts with others so that they too may grow in knowledge and understanding. And Lord God Almighty, please help me to be a good disciple and model for other people who are embarking on their learning journey. Amen.
See also:  39 Prayers for Car Troubles

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