40 Catholic Prayers To End The Day

Every day comes with a unique lesson to learn. There is no guarantee that every day you spend on this planet will be blissful, pleasant, and full of good news.

But there is an assurance that, so long as you are open-minded to learning, you will be added to the tutorial classes that life offers.

Every day is special and calls for thanksgiving. This is why prayer at the end of the day is crucial. Starting and ending your day with prayers gives you an advantage as you go about your endeavor.

This prayer is for someone who wants to end the day by evaluating themselves in prayer and showing gratitude to God for a day well spent and a more beautiful one to come.

40 Catholic Prayers To Say To End The Day

  1. Father, I thank you for my life. Even though I planned to see this day, it wasn’t in my power to preserve my life from the terror that attacked my way. I’m thankful that you didn’t let the plans of the wicked ones consume me. I extoll your name and the name of your son.


  1. Almighty Father, the God of all possibilities, I’m in awe of your goodness in my life. Thank you for granting me access to all the merits I enjoy today. If you were to judge me by my inadequacies like men would, I might have been long gone. But here I am, experiencing the end of another great day. Oh Lord, I appreciate you.


  1. Abba, thanks for being a part of my life. I’m grateful for the unlimited possibilities that you’ve exposed me to throughout the day. My soul will bless your holy name.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for blessing my day beyond words. Despite a well-planned to-do list, your blessings came in full force today, far exceeding my expectations. I adore you, dearest father. May your peace continue to rest with me.


  1. Father, thank you for looking beyond my limitations again today. I appreciate you giving me an edge over my superiors. I appreciate your assistance on all fronts. In truth, you are the king over all. I bless you from my heart and I’m in awe of your holy name.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for placing your seal on my life. I never thought I would escape that accident this afternoon. But you didn’t give up on me. Though it happened in an insignificant manner, I saw that it was your hand that held me up. You are my inspiration. May your name be praised in my life today and as long as I live.


  1. Almighty God, thank you for sustaining me. No one can take care of me the way you do. You take me meticulously to the point that you know every strand of hair on my head. You have sustained me throughout today again. I pray that you receive all the honour in my life.
See also:  47 Sunday Morning Prayers for Family and Friends


  1. Father, thank you for keeping me today. Your hand has lifted me from harm throughout the day and set me up to see more of your goodness. Oh heavenly father, I thank you.


  1. Abba, how blessed I am to be wrapped up in your comfortable arms. Throughout the week and even today, you’ve personally supervised my going out, and even though I can simply say I’m thankful for your steady investment in my life,


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for seeing me through. My coming in has been blissful and I thank you so much for seeing that my day was successful. Every good thing I’ve experienced is by your hand. I bring you thanks.


  1. Father, thank you for making me shine as a light. Today was another great day to express your glory. Thank you for giving me the strength to manifest the creativity you’ve embedded in me.


  1. Abba, thank you for all the favors I experienced today. Your mercy never runs out. I’m appreciative that you placed people around me to bless me in different ways. All praise to you!


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for your constant show of mercy to me. I’m amazed at how you’ve seen me through my day. Mercy opened the doors for me today and saw me through until I came to the end of the day. You have a standard of keeping your word. Praise and distinction are due to you.


  1. Almighty God, you are the Lord and you have never changed. You keep wrapping me with your lovingkindness and faithfulness, and even today I’ve seen your hand around me. Thank you for your continued concern. May you receive the highest honor and splendor from my heart, holy one.


  1. Father, thank you for being so amazing to me. I was trying so hard to be optimistic and your words encouraged me. Leaving home today, I stumbled on the manifestation of your word in my life. If not for you, all the help I got today would not have been possible. I pray that you will be glorified forever because you are deserving of distinction.


  1. The Lord, goodness, and mercies are no longer hypotheses. I’ve seen it practically in my life over and over again. I’m most grateful for today’s help. You are worthy to be extolled, Adonai.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for keeping my family alive today. Starting today, we didn’t have much to boost, but as the day comes to a close, my only words are thank you for opening up the windows of heaven and showering down numerous blessings. I appreciate your blessings upon breaking through.


  1. Dear Father, thank you for shielding me from the storms of life. I want to thank you for saving me from a domestic accident today. At times when I almost hit my feet and stumbled, you’ve set my feet on the rock to stand. I say, receive all the adoration and praise from your saints.
See also:  39 Prayers for Safe Driving


  1. Almighty God, thank you for putting laughter on my tongue today. It was an exciting day indeed, filled with pleasant surprises both at home and away from home. I pray that you help me to remember beautiful moments like this when stormy times come in life to the utmost glory of your name.


  1. Abba, thank you for a serene environment today. I’m grateful for the seal you’ve placed on my life and environment. Receive all the glory for the blissful atmosphere around me.


  1. Father in Heaven, I acknowledge my weaknesses today and I look up to you for the grace to improve at all times. Thank you for pointing out my flaws to me by speaking to my mind and sending people my way. I receive the grace to improve in all aspects of my life by your grace.


  1. I had an amazing day with everyone testifying to your investment in my life. You are simply awesome! May I never lose my wonder and the character to maintain the gifts you’ve placed inside of me.


  1. Dear Lord, I appreciate your seeing me through today. You made my day amazing and full of light. Thank you for all I’ve learnt today. May these experiences not be in vain. As I learn from them, perhaps it will help me build my life and improve the lives of those around me.


  1. Father, thank you for taking care of me today again. You asked me to cast my worries on you because you care about me. I’m most grateful that you are full of concern for me. You are a father indeed. Do not take your display of affection for granted or act as if you are unfaithful to me.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for your presence with me today. So many things, including the evil eyes of the devil and wicked men, have planned to cut short my joy, but you have never left me. Thank you for covering me.


  1. Almighty God, you are my source of hope and joy. Enjoying your grace and concern towards me today was awesome to the point that I never wanted today to come to a close. May I not forget these moments and turn ungrateful all of a sudden because I get blinded by the things that are not working around me.


  1. Abba, thank you for supplying today’s help. These blessings never run dry or get tired of coming my way.


  1. Dear Lord, today was a blast, but my expectations are still high. I trust that the latter will be greater. Even as I wrap up my events for the day, I know that better things can still happen before I go to bed, so I ask that, just like Mary, let your angel visit me tonight in a remarkable manner.


  1. Father, I place my concerns in your hands; they aren’t concerns because you said in your word that I shouldn’t be concerned about what to eat and drink, or that you won’t be able to provide for me.As I wait on you and look up to you, I ask that you lead me into your will.
See also:  39 Prayers for Car Troubles


  1. Almighty God, hallowed be your name. My life on earth is a clear expression of what it means to be helped by you. Thank you for keeping me here until now. Through the storms of today, you’ve granted me stability. In your name, I mount up with wings like an eagle.


  1. Dear Father, I’m delighted that you’ve saved me from confusion. I’m grateful that I didn’t make more wrong choices today like I did yesterday. I’m grateful for the level of progress in my life. Yours is the glory on earth, and from the heavenly host is yours.


  1. Heavenly Father, as today comes to a close, I plead that you show me mercy and, by your mercy, cleanse away all my shortcomings and let me be appealing in your sight. Even if the trumpet sounds tonight, I may not be caught up in guilt, unguarded and unprepared.


  1. Dear God, I’m thankful for your wonder in and through my life. I’m surprised as to why my life is encouraging me a lot today. It’s a blessing to bless others, and I thank you for the gift. I pray that you continue to grant me wisdom in every step that I take.


  1. Even though my day didn’t end as planned, I still thank you, for you said to me in your words that in every situation I find myself in I should show appreciation. I’m most excited that you have kept me until now. Your name is blessed.


  1. Dear God, I’m most hopeful that tomorrow will be more pleasant than today, so I’m dedicating it to you already. May tomorrow be filled with beautiful surprises from your heavenly hosts.


  1. Father, just as you granted me wisdom to navigate through today’s events with all dignity, I pray that you grant me the grace to continue in your wisdom and understanding to the praise of your name.


  1. Dear Lord, I will speak good tidings into my day tomorrow. Tomorrow will be more successful than today. Everyone who sees me tomorrow will give glory to your heavenly blessings on my life.


  1. Almighty God, just as you’ve shielded me from harm, no wickedness of the wicked will prevail against me in the days to come by your help.


  1. Accept my thanks tonight, Father, and grant me more joyful days filled with wonderful experiences. May your name be extolled among creation.


  1. Thank you, dear Lord. Your blessings are running after me. I’m grateful that my path is shining brighter and brighter as the days go by. I’m optimistic and delighted that you will continue to be an amazing father to me. Thank you, Lord, forevermore.

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