40 Catholic Night Prayers for Couples

When couples pray together, they not only make God’s presence visible in their lives, but they also improve their intimacy and ensure their togetherness.

When married partners grow together and share their spiritual experiences by praying together, it makes marriage progress.

Your partner may not be at the same pace as you spiritually, but you need to be patient with them as you pray together.

Share the impressions you get after praying with them and urge them to do the same.

This Catholic prayer is for couples who want to use their oneness and unity to attract the attention of God.

If you haven’t started night prayers with your partner, this is the best time to begin.

Here Are 40 Catholic Prayers For Couples To Say At Night

  1. Dear Lord, we are here before you as a couple to appreciate you for our lives. We are excited to be alive today by your grace. It’s a wonderful feeling to be protected by your Holy Spirit and guided in the right direction once more.


  1. Lord, I thank you for my partner. I am glad for him/her and it’s a blessing that you’ve paired us together. Thank you for helping him/her till this point in time. Receive the utmost glory for your mercies that are evident in his/her life.


  1. All-powerful God, I appreciate your mindfulness towards me. Thank you for honoring me with this heavenly-made partner. I join the host of heaven to shout out your praise as this is a thing of joy in my heart.


  1. Abba, I’m appreciative of this special gift of a beautiful partner. Thank you for all the good things that your life has attracted as a result of this relationship. May you get every compliment from the beauty of our lives in union.


  1. Father, thanks. Marriage has opened the way to greatness for me, especially with this partner you have specially made for me. Thank you for creating my partner with so much passion. May all the adoration go to you.


  1. Thank you, Almighty God, for making your home in this union. It’s been favor upon favor since this union was established. We give you thanks. Today was another great day for us, and we do not take it for granted. May your presence never depart from us.


  1. Dear God, thank you for equipping my partner with so many enviable virtues. I am so grateful for the kindness and help that he/she has given me even today. I pray that you continue to empower him/her.


  1. Heavenly Father, I acknowledge your investment in my partner. I could rest so well today because of his/her high level of responsibility. Oh Lord, to you be all the glory.


  1. Dear Lord, it is obvious that you have planned my day out, especially today by granting me a helpful partner. Thank you for the peace in our home. May it not cease I pray.
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  1. Heavenly Father, we extoll your name for the mind-blowing surprises you granted us today. We open ourselves to greater levels of your mercy and help in all that we engage in.


  1. Dear God, we ask that you continue to be our shepherd. Even as we continue to look up to you, we pray that you hold us up by your holy hand. May we not grow to the point of no control. Let us consistently feel your lordship in our home, beginning tonight.


  1. Heavenly Lord, grant us the grace and vigor to continue in your love. May we not get weary of displaying the kind of love that you have commanded us to. May our environment not determine our disposition to life. We pray that you teach us how to love one another from a pure heart, unconditionally.


  1. Abba Father, we thank you for a pleasant day today. We pray that you continue to keep us together in peace. Let our feelings for one another remain positive. Speak to our hearts to gain knowledge of how to successfully step out of those seasons too.


  1. Father, send to us your Holy Spirit to direct our every step. Help us to always make the right decision. Let your gentle voice guide us through the pending issue in our hearts, and as we wake up, inspire our hearts with the best possible way out of this situation.


  1. Almighty God, refresh us with your presence. Today’s run around was quite hectic, but here in your presence we know that there is grace for refreshing, so we step into that atmosphere. Help us to steadily keep in touch with you. As we lay our heads to rest, refresh us.


  1. Lord, help us to keep our commitments. Let nothing come as a hindrance to the oath that we’ve made to ourselves. Help us to implement modalities that will enable us to keep our promises. Just as you guided us today, continue to help us withstand temptation.


  1. Dear Father, crown this family with beautiful children. The angels are beautiful. Your other creatures are beautifully and awesomely made. In the same way, I pray that beautiful children from you will surround our table and bring more happiness to this home.


  1. Lord, let this family be a positive model. On so many occasions like today, a lot of people have expressed their admiration for this home. However, we continue to believe that the latter will be greater, and we look to you to bring new wine into this union.


  1. Almighty God, we know that we do not know it all, so we ask that even as you help us to handle our conflict today, you also help us to tap into your source of assistance more quickly next time. We know that there are more tough times ahead, so we pray that you hold us to understand ourselves better and resolve ourselves wisely.
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  1. Abba Father, in a time where we need to get some necessities, provide for us. And as we enjoy your supernatural provision, teach us to be good managers so that we will not be wasteful or depart from your presence and get distracted from our oneness in search of things that you will give us freely.


  1. Dear Lord, I pray for my partner and grant him/her clarity even on this tough road. May this circumstance not overwhelm him/her. Teach him/her how to handle this matter better if it happens again, and let our lives not decline in any way.


  1. Almighty Father, we pray in unity as a couple that you take away this depression from our home. This season will bring them joy and good tidings. Assist us in expressing our gratitude to you in every situation.


  1. Dear God, as we call upon you tonight, I ask that you grant my wife/husband favor before his/her employer. Envelop him/her with favour, that on approaching his/her employer, there will be a mighty supply.


  1. Dear Lord, you said he who finds a wife has gotten a good thing. We have hidden all of our good news, but the bad one has remained hidden. Let Angel Micheal go before me and fight my battle.


  1. Lord, heal my partner from this hurt, make him/her stronger emotionally tonight, and as we sleep, we receive much more grace to live as the overcomer that we are tomorrow.


  1. Abba, you are our source and the giver of all good and perfect gifts. You said children are gifts from you, so we ask that you please come to our aid as we seek you for the fruit of the womb. Our arms are wide open tonight as we request that you give us these gifts.


  1. Dear Lord, correct every abnormality and grant my partner good health all round. Sickness will not take over this body. You have promised us sound health right from the start. I plead for your son’s blood to take away every intruder in his/her body.


  1. All-mighty God, I thank you for dying on the cross as the perfect example of what it means to love wholeheartedly. Teach us to live sacrificial lives even as we strive to live our lives in service to one another. As we sleep, let inspiration fill our hearts and teach us all we need to know.


  1. Keep us on track with our God-given mission, Heavenly Father. We know that your intentions concerning us is super beautiful. May your intentions for this union become real in our lives.
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  1. Heavenly Father, as we sleep, make our night a restful one. The snare of the wicked will not rest on anyone that I know. Tonight, let us guide our loved ones and keep them safe from harm and infirmities.


  1. Dear Lord, we offer ourselves as individuals. May you find a resting place among our vessels. Secure our hearts from being overwhelmed by rough issues. Continue to help us out even now and grant us a pleasant sleep.


  1. Abba, give us the wisdom and every other spice that needs to be in check for this marriage to be a successful one. Do we try to make a way for ourselves or make decisions by the standards of the world? Tonight we pray for the grace to remain aligned with you.


  1. Dear Lord, we look to you to renew our hope. Help us focus and be in accordance with your perfect purpose for us. In this home, we pray for your blessings. As we sleep, wake us up with fresh hope to believe that there is only possibility in you.


  1. Heavenly Father, we appreciate your presence in our lives today. We pray that you help us experience you in a better way by tomorrow. May we constantly be on the lookout for your presence.


  1. Abba, relieve us from the anxiety of any sort. Help us to free our minds as we lie down to sleep. Empower, uplift, and refresh us even as we rest tonight.


  1. Father, give us the grace to be resolute and face tomorrow with full energy. We will not be weary but grab all the goals we’ve set to hit as the day unfolds tomorrow.


  1. Heavenly Father, grant us ever-increasing joy from tonight onward. Help our hearts not only to see our weaknesses but also to see the awesome thing you are doing in and through our lives.


  1. Lord, keep us safe. Lead us to live together in joy, harmony, and sound health. No evil eye will fall on us, and we will advance. May angel goodness and mercy walk with us throughout tomorrow. Every step we take will be fully backed up by your might.


  1. Dear Father, please be with my partner. Guide and direct him/her. Let nothing evil befall him/her. We must join our faith in order to demolish every evil plot against our lives. We rise and shine from every angle because your glory shines through our lives.


  1. Thank you that when we call on you in unity, you hear us and respond speedily. We trust you that you will keep sustaining this union with the power of your hand. Let grace and mercy speak for us, and as we sleep, let your comforting hands spread around us.

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