33 Catholic Prayers for a New Month

Are you a Catholic Christian? If so, this Catholic prayer for a new month will help you get right with God! It’s not too early to start praying, so don’t wait any longer.

Blame your busy schedule if you want, but it won’t change the fact that prayer is an important part of your relationship with God.

As Catholics, we always need to be mindful that God comes first.

33 Great Catholic Prayers for a New Month

  1. Lord, You have called me to be faithful and obedient in all things during the past months. I pray that You keep me on the right path and guide me on my journey into this new month.
  2. Dear Lord, we ask for your blessings in this new month. Fill us with your grace and wisdom, so that we may carry out our duties better. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, grant us all that we need to live this month with courage and peace.
  3. Lord, we especially thank you for this new month and for the gifts of community, creativity, and companionship that it brings us. We pray that we will use our abilities to honor your name and bring joy to others by humbly serving those around us. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
  4. Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, thine is the glory and the power for ever. Thank you for this new month and all that it will bring us in life and in grace. Give us the wisdom to seek thee with all our hearts this month. And make us ever mindful of how important we are to each other, and how much we need others to grow spiritually and help one another along in this journey of life. You bless all those who pray here today with your love, through Jesus Christ Our Lord – AMEN
  5. Lord Jesus Christ, King of peace, we ask you to bless this new month with your holy presence. You have come to bring eternal glory to your people, free from sin and death; let everyone receive this gift. May the joy of resurrection be present in our hearts and homes as we begin a new month with hope and faith in your power. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
  6. As a new month begins, may we look forward in hope to the joys and new possibilities that God has planned for each one of us.
  7. May this month be filled with blessings, and may the Holy Spirit guide you through it. May your faith grow stronger in Him, and may you be able to share it with others. Grant us all the strength to overcome each obstacle that comes our way using our faith in Him. Amen.
  8. As I begin a new month, May this be a month of blessing for me, For each passing day through all my activities and deeds, may thy holy spirit guide me with wisdom and strength in everything I do. AMEN.
  9. Dear Saint Anthony, you brought many precious treasures to the Church. Among them was your love of poverty and your desire to enter into the lives of the poor. Help us to refocus on our own personal calling and our service to others each day. Keep us from being distracted from our vocation through distractions and useless pursuits. Please protect us from spiritual laxity or apathy in the months ahead. We ask for the intercession of all your saints, especially St. Joseph! Amen!
  10. The Lord show mercy on me, I pray to you my Lord and God, that you guide me and protect me with your love this month. Guide my life in all things, especially in my most important decisions. Give me a desire for goodness, generosity, and doing good things for others. And do not let me be separated from you at any time on these days that I have left until the new month arrives.
  11. Lord Jesus Christ, you assumed our human nature that we might become temples of the Holy Spirit. Thus, your grace was made available to us before birth, during infancy, and in all the years of our human growth. Grant that we may welcome the gift of your divine love each new month. May inflowing grace ever bless our lives and help us to live faithfully according to our Christian vocation.
  12. Dear Lord, please enlighten us with your grace and enkindle the flame of your love within our hearts. Cause the light of knowledge and understanding to grow within us so that we may know you more fully and love you more dearly. Please, grant us peace and joy always, Amen!
  13. Lord God, as we begin this new month, help us to live it in Your grace, so that each day we may grow closer to You by the renewing of our minds and hearts. Grant this through Christ Our Lord… Amen.
  14. As we enter this new month, may it be a time of reflection and gratitude. We reflect on the good that we have done. Please give us the grace to let us do more good with all our hearts, mind, and spirit. May God bless us!
  15. Lord, you have freed me from my old habits and inclinations. Help me to accept your gift of renewed life, so that I may be holy in body and spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.’
  16. Lord Jesus Christ, who while You were still living in this world said, “I have come not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me” (John 6:38), grant that I may faithfully live out each day of this new month in a manner worthy of Your love for me. Give me grace, O Lord God, to use the time well and make it fruitful; help me to keep your laws and commandments; make me more like yourself through sincere repentance for my sins; give me more love for you and others. May my sinful anger, greed, pride, and envy be torn from me. Receive as worthy prayer all these petitions which I offer in union with your Most Blessed Mother. Amen.
  17. As we begin another month, may your prayers for me be heard and answered by Our Father. I pray that He will guide me through this next month and give me guidance on how to handle any hardships, challenges, and struggles that may come my way. May all of my needs be met with His blessings, so that I may be a better person and share His love with others. In Jesus’ Name, I pray.
  18. O God, our Lord and ruler of the world: as you have appointed this month at the close of a great year and after many undertakings, so renew our strength and equip us anew for the good works that are prepared for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  19. In the name of Jesus, who willed to leave his heavenly home and to live among us as man. We ask that you keep those who believe in this month under Your protection and grace, so that they may enjoy true happiness. May they always be fervent in spirit and holy in conduct, most dear and near to You as they pursue You by faithful prayer and other good works. May every effort made to guide them on the right path bring them closer to You, and make them fruitful for themselves and for others. This we ask through Christ our Lord.
  20. I pray to St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland and one of the Church’s most outstanding missionaries. May this prayer be a blessing to all your dear ones who have promised to live with integrity, purity, and goodness of heart. Loving God, You call us to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ in our work and family life. Help us to welcome every day with joy, trusting in the providence of God and doing our best each day. We ask this new month through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
  21. Dear Jesus: Our God, we give thanks to you for the new month that is beginning. May it be fruitful in blessing us as we trust in you, who are our only hope! Grant us all grace to persevere in faithfulness; to serve you with devotion and obedience; to love one another unselfishly; to grow daily closer to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, who trust in him alone for salvation. Amen!
  22. Lord, You know all like the back of Your hand. You know who needs our prayers and who doesn’t. So please intercede for us during this month, so that we may be so full of peace and joy that we will not sleep and we will not slumber until our hearts become like doves.
  23. Our Father God, You have given us the gift of a new month, give us the grace to use it well. May we always show our love for you by loving our neighbor and honoring others as ourselves. Protect us from sin and evil. And bring happiness to all families throughout this month with Your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  24. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. A new month has started for us. We are grateful for another opportunity to make a difference in our lives and in others’ lives. Help us use this time well so that we may be instruments of your divine will on earth as it is in heaven. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
  25. Our Father, almighty and eternal God, who has made known to us the mystery of your love in our Redeemer, Jesus Christ; grant that, bearing this mystery in mind, I may so carry out the work of this month that all spiritual goods which it may bring forth may come to you through him who is King of all things and free from all change: Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer.
  26. “Lord, let this new month be a time of deepening our faith and of growing in love for the Church. Please grant the grace of conversion to many who have lost the way, and lighten their journey toward full communion with You and with the Church. Make us once more aware that we are pilgrims on earth, striving to attain heaven; that we may be filled with peace beyond all understanding.”
  27. May this month bring great rewards to me, my family, and all the people who surround me. May this month be a blessing to me, my family, and all the people who surround me. May you keep us safe, in your care, and watch over us always.
  28. May the first day of this month remind us all to think of our souls and purify them with the grace of God, so that the Holy Trinity may be one more powerful in us.
  29. Christ, the Hope of all Christians, grant us to greet this new month with the joy of new life. May your gift of peace radiate in our hearts.
  30. God, whose providence gives life and light to all the world, grant that your faithful people may always walk in the light of truth, so they can be participants in your heavenly kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
  31. O Holy Father, with the sunshine of your love, the rain of your grace, and with all the blessings of nature, may we learn from every experience that comes into our lives and be blessed as we grow deeper in our relationship with you.
  32. Dear God, I am grateful for this new month. May we be always ready and prepared to accept the changes that come with it. I pray that the knowledge of Your infinite love will lead us back to you and make us return to the source from which we came. Amen
  33. Dear God, May the beginning of March bring us blessings and strength to endure the hardships in your life. May all that we do during this new month bring you closer to God and bring you happiness.
See also:  20 First Day at Work Prayers

Also Read: 40 Friday Prayers for Ladies

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