40 Friday Prayers for Ladies (And They Will Be Answered)

Everybody needs someone to pray for them. Despite the advice that one should always pray for his or herself, having someone who intercedes on one’s behalf also goes a long way in getting prayers answered.

This list is a collection of Friday prayers for ladies in your circle; whether friends, cousins, sisters or colleagues, this will always serve you as a prayer point for them.

40 Great Friday Prayers for Ladies

  1. May God grant you with His love, forgiveness, and the best of rewards. May God grant you the best in this world and the hereafter. May God receive your good deeds and make you healthy, wealthy, and happy. May he protect you from evil. Amen.
  2. Dear God, please help my friend this Friday. Give her the strength and courage to overcome her struggles and pain. May she be able to accept your will in her life and know that you are with her always. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  3. Dear God, please be with her today. She is really stressed and I pray that you will calm her nerves and give her strength. I love her very much and want her to be happy and healthy.
  4. Lord, please bless her and her family. Fill her day with comfort and peace, to know that she is held in the arms of your love, through whatever comes her way today. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
  5. O God! Take away her doubts and let your faith clear all her fears. Give her the strength to brave this difficult time and the courage to face everything with a smile. Grant her peace of mind and body, faith in You, and Your love.
  6. Dear Lord, please give her strength. Give her the courage to stand on her own two feet and the strength to not fall down. Please be with her and give her comfort during this difficult time. In Your Name, we pray. Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, please be with her today and in the days to come. Please ease her mind as she worries about how to get through this terrible time in her life. Have mercy on her and help her see that your grace is sufficient enough for her needs. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  8. Lord, today I pray for… Please give her strength and comfort. Show her that you care and guide her through this difficult time, so that she may lean on you and not fall. May she be cheered by the many lovelies who surround her with their love. Help her to always see your hand in control, and know that you are providing for all your children.
  9. Dear God, it is Friday, and please help my dear lady to go through her exam in a happy mood and pass it with ease. May all the answers that she has learned in class be revealed to her at this time. Dear God, be with her during this important period of her life. Amen.
  10. Lord, please heal my lady I pray that you would use your power to help her be healed. Give her strength and courage as she goes through this tough time. Please let the doctors know exactly what they need to do in order to make her well again. This is not your will, but it is my will for her health and well-being. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  11. Lord, I beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior to hear my prayer for my lady who is vomiting and coughing. Heal her from her illness Lord and put your healing hand upon her body. Cleanse her heart body and soul through your precious blood in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
  12. Lord, I pray that (name of lady) comes out of her arguments and trials as a stronger person, with a peaceful mind and heart. I pray that she does not get any more hurt.
  13. May her Friday be filled with peace, love, and joy. Give strength to those who need it, comfort to those in pain, and hope to those who despair. Amen.
  14. Please bless my lady today She has been through so much that I am worried about her mental state now. She is a great person in general but I would love for her to have an angel on her shoulder to give her support in these tough times and help her navigate this difficult time as she becomes homeless and then gets into a new place. Amen.
  15. Lord, I ask that you give her the strength to make the right choices. May she continue to choose life for her son and herself even when it’s difficult. Watch over this lady and give her peace knowing that you are with her and she is safe in your arms. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  16. Father God, I thank you for (name of the lady). Please bless her with your favor today. Protect her from all evil and let good things happen to her. Thank you, Father.
  17. Dear God, please help (insert name of lady) deal with all of the difficulties in her life and keep her strong. Help me be a good support system and help me understand what she is going through. Please let her know that I love her and that she is not alone. Amen!
  18. Thank you for always listening, I pray to you always Lord God. Thank you Father for helping (name of lady) out of her financial crisis due to hospital bills that have been piling up. She has a child, and a husband and she has worked so hard to be where she is now in a very good position but wounded due to unfortunate circumstances. I ask that you please help her be able to pay her bills and settle all her debts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  19. Dear Lord, I pray that you provide (name of lady) with strength and wisdom as she faces her challenges. I ask that she draw close to you, and find peace and comfort in your love. Thank you for always being there for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  20. Lord, I pray for (name of lady) to be a good example to her children, that they learn by her example. Help them to develop their own sense of humor, their own interests, and strengths. Protect their health and happiness and give them guidance as they grow up. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  21. Thank you for keeping (name of lady) safe and bringing her home. I am so grateful that she is spared. Please, Father, help us all recover from this tragedy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  22. Lord, I pray for (name of lady) emotional and physical health. Please let her realize that you are there for her during this difficult time in her life. Bring peace to her heart and help her find the strength to carry on so she can continue doing good work in your name. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  23. Dear Lord, please bless (name of lady). Help her to find a job that she loves and that suits her talents and personality. Help her to show people how much you love them. Please help her have patience with the people who cross her path at work or at home. And protect her from any temptations of evil. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
  24. Dear God, I pray for (name of lady) this Friday, that she would get complete forgiveness from you and heal every setback in her life. I pray for the complete restoration of her marriage, financial stability, spiritual growth, and emotional peace. Please restore her relationship with her husband, daughter, and parents. Amen.
  25. Lord, (name of lady) is a wonderful person, and I love her so much. Please bless her today in a big way. Give her the wisdom she needs to make good decisions at work and at home and help her find time for herself to enjoy life. Help me be a good sister and sister-in-law as well as a good example of Christ’s faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  26. Dear God, please bless (name of lady) this Friday, who is the best lady in the world. I love her so much and pray that all of her dreams come true. Give her strength and courage as she walks this challenging journey. Thank you for blessing both of us with your love! Amen.
  27. Lord, we honor you with our prayers today for our beloved (name of lady). Father, we ask that you wrap your arms of love around her and protect her from all harm. Show her the truth of who you are while overlooking her weaknesses and shortcomings, those times when she makes choices that are not in accordance with Your blessed will. Holy Spirit, use this day to show her how much Jesus loves her by touching her heart with compassion and grace. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  28. Dear God, please be with (name of lady) today. Please keep her safe and give her peace. Amen.
  29. Lord, I ask for your healing touch for (name of lady)! Heal her body and mind. Help her to have peace in this time of stress. May she know that there is hope even in the darkest of times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  30. Dear Lord, (name of lady) who is living in the U.S., whom I love dearly, will have a baby on Friday. I pray that you would bless this child and bring it into the world healthy and beautiful. I also pray that all goes well and that she will be spared any kind of illness or condition during this pregnancy. Please bless her husband, who has been a great help to her these last few months, so they may become a wonderful family. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and granting the blessings of health to her, her husband, and their baby. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
  31. Heavenly Father God our creator, I am asking You that you please bless (name of lady) with good health and let her be free from pain so that she can go to work as usual. Please fill her heart with peace and joy. Right now at this moment, she has gone to watch a movie but it was canceled due to the road being blocked by flood water. It is cold and rainy outside so please let her come back home safely. Deliver us from evil in Jesus’ name Amen.
  32. Father God in heaven I pray for [lady’s name]. Please keep her safe and help her succeed in her studies. May she have faith in your words, and may you bless her with wisdom and knowledge as she prepares for the challenges ahead. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
  33. Dear Lord, I pray that you would bless (lady’s name) and those in her life, today and every day. Please help her to overcome the challenges she faces. Protect her and provide for her needs. Be with her at all times and hear her prayers. Thank you for your love, mercy, and compassion towards her. In Jesus name I pray.
  34. Dear God, please keep (name of lady) safe. Please bring her comfort in this very difficult time and provide healing for her as well. Thank you for all that you do.
  35. Lord, please bless and protect (name of lady). I pray that she feels your presence and has confidence in you this Friday. Please help her to know that you are ready and able to guide her through whatever it is that she is going through. Thank you for your love & protection!
  36. Dear God, I’m asking you please to help (name of lady) with her medical problems. You are Almighty and I know your power lies beyond human knowledge. Grant her good health and give her the strength to fight this disease. Lord Jesus, heal all diseases that afflict her body and soul. Make her strong again so she can be the woman God intended her to be. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  37. Our loving Father in Heaven, please answer this prayer. I have (name of lady) who worries and has too many burdens to carry. She needs strength and courage, please protect her and give her all she needs for this life, for You are the giver of all good gifts. Father, You know her heart’s desires, so Lord I ask that You may bless her with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  38. Dear God, I pray that you watch over (name of lady). Please give her the strength and the will to overcome all the hardships she’s faced in this world.
  39. Lord, please guide (name of lady) in finding the right path in life. Let her walk with you and feel the warmth of your presence always. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  40. Oh Lord, please protect (name of lady) on Friday. Please make her safe and keep her from harm. Help her to be calm and peaceful throughout the day and to do what you have called her for. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
See also:  20 Prayers for Reliable Transportation

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