47 Sunday Morning Prayers for Family and Friends

Sunday is a day to be thankful and we want to extend our gratitude to everyone in our lives. We can share Sunday prayers for family and friends, who support us in everything we do.

Family and friends are a gift from God. When you dedicate your Sunday to remembering your family and friends, you are reminded of your love for them.

These prayers are written to be read out loud and are heartfelt and sincere. The words were selected specifically to express the love and fellowship that you feel for your family and friends.

47 Sunday Morning Prayers for Loved Ones

  1. Dear Lord, I pray that my family and friends may be healed in mind, body, and spirit.
  2. On this Sunday and for all those who are dear to me, I pray that you may be blessed with peace, happiness, and harmony amongst you as a family. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. May God give you strength during times that you feel down or weak. May he guide your paths and bring to pass all that is righteous and true for you. May he never leave you during calamities whether natural or man-made. I pray that the spirit of love will always abide in your hearts because Love is what makes us human beings different from other animals on earth who do not have love.”
  4. Dear God, we pray for our family and friends. For those who are ill, for those who mourn, for those in need. Bless us with health and safety, with love and peace. Amen.
  5. Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of family and friends. May my love for them be reflected in the way that I live my life. Forgive me for not always putting their needs above my own, as I know that you do. And help me to love them with the same love that you have for us all.
  6. We pray for our family and friends, that they will face their challenges and overcome them. May God guide their steps in life.
  7. Lord, please look after my family and friends in the coming week. Thank you for the blessings – big or small – that we have received this week.
  8. Dear Lord! Please bless all my family and friends, keep them safe, and give them the strength to overcome every trouble they face.
  9. I pray for my family and friends, especially the sick and dying this Sunday. Lord, please help them with their needs, and comfort them with your love and mercy. I pray that they will never be afraid or alone in life.
  10. I pray for all the families, friends, and relatives who are not here with us today. I ask that you keep them in your prayers. Remember that god is there for all of them whether they know it or not. He will guide them in their time of need and give them the strength to face life.
  11. Dear God, be with my family and friends. Protect them from all harm, and give them happiness and peace in their lives. Bless them with health and harmony in their home.
  12. Lord, help us to remember and cherish the special people in our lives. Bring love, laughter, and friendship into their hearts, and place them in your loving care. Bless the hearts of our family, friends, and acquaintances. May they know the comfort of your presence at all times. May their lives be filled with all that is good here on earth and for eternity.
  13. God, we pray for all of our friends and family that are sick and need your healing touch. Be with those who have lost their loved ones with strength from you to help them through this difficult time. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
  14. I pray that God would give me more patience and understanding of how to help my Family and Friends.
  15. I pray that my family and friends stay close to God, so he can lead them on the path that he wants them to take.
  16. May God bless you with the strength and peace to keep your faith strong, your health good, and your families close.
  17. Lord, fill their hearts with understanding, wisdom, and courage so that as they face life’s problems, they will turn to you for guidance. Bring peace into their homes, so that each member of their family will grow in an atmosphere of kindness and consideration towards each other
  18. Dear Jesus, Please guide and protect our families this Sunday. Help us to be thankful for all the good things we have and to be patient with those who annoy us sometimes. Thank you that in our busy lives we can always find time to be with you and share your love with those around us. Amen.
  19. May God bless you and your family, strengthen you and keep you in his care. May the Lord grant your heart’s desire, whatever it may be. May the Lord grant him perfect health, peace, and tranquility. May god grant you a very happy beginning of a new year!
  20. I pray that my family will be safe, and free from physical and mental pain. I ask this in Jesus name Amen.
  21. Pray for my Family this Sunday, that God guides us and provides for our needs, protects us from evil, and blesses us with His grace.
  22. May God bless you and keep you. May God smile upon you today and every day, And may angels guide your way.
  23. Dear God, thank you for our family and friends. We pray that each person’s life is filled with love from you and that they know how much you love them. We thank you for the joy they bring to our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  24. As we begin another week of work, school, and life, may God be with you in your home and family. May He guide your thoughts, words, and deeds. May He bring joy to you and to those around you.’
  25. Dear Lord, I pray that You will bless my family and friends with every good gift. Thank you for all of the blessings in our lives, especially for my home, family, food, and health. I thank You for keeping me safe while I am here on earth while helping to prepare me to go to heaven when my time comes to leave this world!
  26. Dear God, please bless my friend ____ with your love and care today. Help them to make wise choices and be successful in all they do. Be with them every step of the way as they grow up into fine adults who always want what is best for others as well help one another. In Jesus name we pray amen!
  27. I pray for my family and friends as they wake up and go to bed, as they eat and pray, as they live and love. I pray that they are happy, healthy, and safe. With special friends in my life, I ask God to grant us to continue on this journey together. And lastly, I ask God to keep each of you safe in His arms always…
  28. May the Almighty Lord, through His merciful goodness, shower upon you His choicest blessings and bounties. May your home be a center of love and affection where peace, happiness, and harmony prevail.
  29. God, please be with those we lost, and give them the strength to move on and the courage to live without their loved ones. Please help those that are now left behind, to know your love for them (Eph. 2:4-5).
  30. Our dear family and friends, may God be with you and bless you on this special day. As you gather with loved ones, may your hearts be filled with gratitude for all that He has given us. May His presence be felt in your hearts, homes, and communities. Blessings to all of you today and always!
  31. Dear God, let your presence be felt in the hearts of our loved ones, as they face the unknown and begin their new lives. May they remember us in their prayers and feel your love reaching out to them.
  32. I just wanted to express my prayers for your family and friends. I know that God has great plans for them, and I’ll be praying for his mercy on all of them.
  33. Dear God, thank you for my family and friends. Help me to open my eyes to ways that I can be a blessing to them and further the glory of your name by being the best version of myself. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
  34. Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for our friends and family who will be traveling on Sunday, especially those with small children or elderly relatives. May they arrive safely and comfortably. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
  35. Our prayers today are for all our friends and family, especially those who are sick. We ask that you be with them, be with us all today and every day, in Jesus name we pray. Amen!
  36. For my dear family and friends, may you find peace and joy in your home. May this day be a blessing to you, filled with love and smiles. Blessings to all of you on this day of rest.
  37. Lord, thank You for Your mercy and love. Please help me to have a good week and to be successful in all my endeavors. Protect those I love from evil, keep them safe and healthy this week, Lord. Protect my family members, who are so dear to me and who I think about constantly. May they grow in faith and serve You faithfully. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
  38. Dear Lord, we come before you this day and thank you for being with us in this joyful time. We pray for our friends and family that are here with us today as well as those that can’t be here physically but with their hearts are also present. We ask for your guidance and wisdom through all the decisions that affect our lives. Help us to focus on what we want for our lives and not just what we want. Amen.
  39. I pray for my friends and family are always by my side, especially this week as I am facing challenges and stress. Please God keep them safe and healthy. In Jesus name I pray.
  40. Lord, we thank you for all the blessings you give us each day. We pray for your guidance and protection over our family, friends, and loved ones during this upcoming week. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  41. I pray for the ones who have broken family ties and for those struggling to remain close. I pray that you may be blessed with true friends that care about you and will not leave because of minor disagreements or family disputes.
  42. I pray that the Almighty looks after your family today, Lord. Protect them from danger, sickness, and harm. Bless you with health and happiness, wealth, joy, and abundance in your time of need. Help you to be kind to one another; give each other courage, patience, and understanding as you experience your everyday lives together as a family group.
  43. Jesus, we lift up to You our family and friends. Thank You for each of them, for who they are, and for the role you have given them here on earth. Help them to remember that nothing is more important in life than their relationship with You. Keep them safe from harm, and comfort them when they are sick or suffering. May Your peace rest upon each and every one of us throughout this Sunday. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  44. Dear Father, I thank You for guiding my family this week and helping us to come together. Keep us close to each other and help us remember the importance of being a loving family. Dear Father, I pray for my dear friends who are going through difficult times. Thank you for giving them the strength to continue on their journey with peace and trust in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
  45. Dear God, thank you for our family, friends and loved ones. We pray that your love, compassion and kindness will give them comfort during this difficult time of loss. Please bless us with a sense of peace as we go about our day and look after our loved ones’ needs.”
  46. May the Lord watch over you as you rest tonight, may he hold you in his arms and keep you from harm. May his face shed light upon your dreams and make them peaceful until the dawn.
  47. Dear Blessed Mother and St. Jude, I ask for your prayers for my family and friends. I particularly ask you to pray for the safety of my friend’s parents who are traveling in an area of the country where there have been many recent road accidents. May their hearts be filled with joy and peace at this time. Please watch over my nieces and nephews, who are preparing for Confirmation. Bless them with your courage, strength, and wisdom.
See also:  45 Sunday Prayers for My Mentor


Prayers on Sundays are an opportunity to express our love and gratitude for those who are close to us, who support us, and whom we would like to love in return.

When you pray for someone else, you create a bridge of understanding and love between yourselves.

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