Catholic Prayers Before Surgery for Child

Surgeries are a big deal no matter how simple the doctors may tell you they are or how painless they will be.

For children, it is an even bigger deal because they are not mature and it can be hard for a child both mentally and physically.

Worrying about your child’s surgery is normal but the best thing to do is to seek solace and comfort from the greatest father of all – God.

For both the child, the parents, and the family as a whole, here are some prayers that can see you through:

General Prayer For A Child’s Surgery

  • God, in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, keep an eye on my child as they undergo surgery. Keep the healer’s hands gentle so that no harm comes from the procedure. Thank you for all of our happy times together, and please take care of them while I am away for their surgical procedure. So that everything goes smoothly, guide the doctor’s and nurse’s hands as they skillfully perform their tasks. Comfort my child so that they will not be afraid and will feel Your hand on them when they are alone with strangers in an unfamiliar place. Keep them safe and well-cared for. Allow them to heal quickly and without complications. God bless you for being with us now and always. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


  • Thank you, God, for blessing me with this lovely child. I am grateful for the positive impact you have had on my life. Make a name for yourself, Lord, through this surgery. Allow them to emerge healthy and whole. Allow the doubts to fade as the y receiver is restored to good health. Allow them to influence and inspire even more people on this planet! In the name of Jesus, Amen.


  • Thank you, God. I place my child in Your hands as they prepare for surgery. Thank you so much for all of the good times we’ve had and the joy you’ve brought into my life. Please look after them while I am away from them for a short time. Heal whatever ails them and guide the doctor’s and nurse’s hands to do what needs to be done skillfully, carefully, and quickly. Help my child not to be afraid and to feel Your hand on them as they are left alone in a strange room with strangers. Keep an eye on them, protect them, and keep them healthy. Allow them to heal quickly and without further complications. Thank You for being with us both today, Lord. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Your Child Before Surgery

  • Please, God, help me to be brave and strong. Please assist my mother and father as well. Let us not be concerned as I go into surgery, and let us have faith until the end. Amen, I pray in Jesus’ name.
See also:  50 Catholic Prayers Before Surgery for Mom


  • God, thank you for my life. I’ll be having surgery today. Please assist me in remaining calm. I give you my life, Lord, so watch over me while I sleep. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer For Protection

  • Dear God, please keep an eye on my son or daughter during their surgery. Even though they are anxious, comfort them and give them peace. This will be difficult for them, especially because they are young, but it will give them strength. Direct the doctors’ hands with skill as they operate on my precious child. Allow him/her to feel Your hand on them during surgery and to be comforted by Your presence in the operating room. Thank you, God, for the life of my son or daughter and the encouragement they’ve given me. Please teach me how to best support and assist them during and after this time. Amen, in Jesus’ name.


  • Please, God, help us to be strong for my child. Please give my child peace as they prepare for surgery. Put your protection over them and keep the surgeon’s hands steady as the surgeon carefully repairs what is wrong with him/her. Allow him or her to recover quickly and without complications. Show them how much their families and friends love and appreciate them. Use this to entice them to come closer. So may you receive all of the glory, Lord.


  • Thank you for your steadfastness, Prince of Peace. You have promised that if I remain in you, I will bear much fruit. As he faces surgery and recovery, please help my child to trust in you. Please keep in mind that you are always with him. may you, god of all grace, make me holy, strong, and peaceful for my child. to you be glory and honor for all eternity through Jesus Christ, our lord. Amen.

Prayer For A Calm And Rested Mind

  • According to the Bible, all who are weary and burdened should come to you, and you will give them rest. Please help my child in getting some rest as I prepare for surgery. Please help him to help a smooth and successful operation, as well as peace and joy in my heart. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Prayer for A Successful Surgery for Child

  • All-Knowing God, thank you for being all-powerful and capable of accomplishing anything you desire. Help me to be grateful for the access we have to medical care, which allows my child to have the surgery he requires. He is extremely fortunate to have access to this operation and to be able to fund it financially. Your word says that you will answer the needy’s prayer. In this time of need, watch over my child. May the Father’s love, the Son’s tenderness, and the Spirit’s presence brighten my heart and bring peace to our souls today and always. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
See also:  Best Catholic Prayers for Medical Procedures


  • Father, thank You for creating everything in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, through Your power. You made us, and my child’s body is safe in your capable hands. You have promised that you will abundantly bless us. Bless us with a successful surgical procedure and complete recovery. When times are tough, may your joy be our strength. May your presence be my overflowing peace. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


  • Thank you, Everlasting Father, that your promises are sure, that you are faithful, and that I can rely on you. You have promised that whatever I ask for in prayer will be mine if I believe I have received it. I believe you can ensure that my child’s surgery goes well and that his recovery goes smoothly. Please assist him in relaxing because I know you have complete control over all of our circumstances. O God, be exalted above the heavens. Allow your glory to rise above all the earth. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


  • Father, thank you for renewing my soul, enlightening my mind, and bringing joy to my heart through your word. Your word says that those who seek the Lord have everything they need. As my child undergoes surgery, please help me to seek you with all my heart. Guide the surgeon’s hands so that the operation is safe and successful. May God’s peace reign in my life, his love surround me, his Spirit empowers me, and his joy sustains me. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer Of Healing for child

  • Merciful God, thank you for making your love known and for ensuring that your purposes and plans will not fail. Please accept my prayer for a successful surgery. Give my child the strength to persevere through the healing process so that I can be restored to full health. May God the Father prepare my way, Jesus the Son guide my steps, and the Holy Spirit keep an eye on me. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer of God’s Control

  • Thank you, Lord of the Nations, that there is nowhere I can go that is not in your presence. According to the Bible, you will do whatever I ask in Jesus’ name. Hear my prayer, in the name of your Son, that my child’s operation goes smoothly and without complications. Give wisdom to those who will be executing hid procedure. May God’s peace envelop me, His love sustain me, and his wisdom rule over me. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer Of Faith

  • Thank you, God of the Universe, that I am never alone; your presence calms the stormy seas of my life and speaks peace to my soul. You’ve said I can ask you for anything in Jesus’ name, and you’ll do it. Allow me to be filled with faith rather than fear as I pray for a successful operation for my child. Let the Father’s majesty be the light that guides me, the Son’s compassion be the love that inspires me, and the Spirit’s presence be the strength that empowers me. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
See also:  Catholic Prayers Before Surgery for Husband

Prayer For Strength

  • Wonderful Father, thank you for your perfect work, your just ways, and your faithfulness. Your word is that I can do nothing without you. As my son’s surgery date approaches, I am becoming increasingly aware that we must rely on you rather than my own strength. You are the source of my strength. Give me assurance that you will always look after my child with love and compassion. All glory to you now and forever. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


  • Dear God, my child is having surgery today. Help me to be there for them at every step of the way and to show them how to be brave and fearless as Your word commands. Thank You for bringing them into my life and for serving as constant reminders of Your love to me. Please give the doctors wisdom on how to perform this surgery today. Please heal my precious child quickly and grant them the grace to regain their normal strength. Allow Your presence to be with them right now. As they prepare for surgery, give them peace and remind them that You are with them. Thank You for being present to comfort us both today. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Healing

  • Thank you, Healing God, for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. You have healed people throughout history, and I am asking you to heal my child as they prepare for surgery. You’ve said that anyone who follows you will never walk in the dark, but will always have the light of life. At this time, shine your powerful light on his life. Hear my prayer, and bless his surgery and recovery. Forever and ever, I give you my blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power, and strength. Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer to Pray During Surgery

  • Please, God, bless my precious son. I ask that You stand by their side and fill the room with Your comfort even though they are unconscious in the hospital. Be present with the surgeons, doctors, and nurses as they make decisions and perform procedures. I place them in Your hands. You have control over the outcome. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

  • Thank you, God, for being with my child today before he undergoes surgery. You have promised in Your Word that You will go before us. Even if we don’t always feel You nearby, we know and trust that You are. Thank You for the surgery that is taking place today. Thank You that Your Presence will surround and comfort my child while he or she is unconscious in the operating room. I am eternally grateful that You are always with us. Thank you for looking after my child. Thank You for assuring me that You will be with him and will not abandon him. Remind him of this fact all the time. Thank You for Your valuable promises. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Remember God loves children and he is the father to all, even the fatherless so don’t hesitate to bring forth your child and commit them to the hands of Almighty God.

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