40 Best Prayers to Say for a Son Starting a New Job

After weeks, months, and years of searching for a new job, your son has finally found favor before God and men.

Alas! A testimony of what the mercies of God can accomplish.

It is only right that we go back to him who has shown your Dear son mercy and commit this new phase into his mighty hands.

Here are 40 Prayers to say for a son who is starting a new job

  1. Dear Jesus, Thank you for the incredible manner in which you have proven yourself. Thank you for this great Job that you have given to my son.
  2. Almighty God, thank you for your compassion and your tenderness over my son. I give you thanks for seeing him through his previous employment. Thank you for the understanding you have given unto him. Thank you for your blessing, and thank you for your grace over his profession, Please accept all of my gratitude in Jesus name…Amen.
  3. Dear Lord, thank you for the life of my son. Thank you for your protection, and Guidance. Father, I thank you for the blessings and Favor which you have bestowed upon my Dear son. Thank you for this privilege. We know that it is not because he’s most qualified,  neither is it because he’s deserving of it. Only by your mercy have we obtained this. We ascribe all the appreciation to you in Jesus name… Amen.
  4. Almighty Father, As he starts this New Job, please Be his Direction. Please. Teach him, lead him and Guide him. At his place of employment, Father Grant him the spirit of Excellence in Jesus name…Amen
  5. Infuse in him your Holy Spirit so that he can work accurately, and with excellency. Position Your utterances in his mouth, help him to always Speak the right to those around him. Stand by him through every phase in Jesus’ name…Amen
  6. O Lord, For we know that we can achieve all things through Him who gives us strength. please grant my son support, please help him evade dwelling on the errors of the past. Help him maintain and excel at this position, God. Assist him to perform competently and retain a positive perspective at all times. Assist him to put aside any distractions while working in Jesus name…Amen
  7. Father, Guide my Dear son, so. That his activities bring glory to Your name. O Lord, our Great king, You grant knowledge generously to those who request. In this new position, Give unto my son an increased portion of wisdom. Give him Knowledge that comes from You and not worldly wisdom. Unlock his Mind to absorb all the knowledge about the organization, his position, boss, and colleagues. in Jesus name…Amen.
  8. Dear Lord, I pray that You Bless him with strength and perseverance in this employment. Through challenges and fatigue, keep him from slipping and help him to bring praise to Your name. Load him with Goodness and Mercy in Jesus name…Amen
  9. I Pray that You will assist my Son with all the anxiety he encounters at work. Soothe the nervousness he often feels. Provide him peace, in Jesus name…Amen.
  10. Father, keep him safe from bodily damage at work. I pray You safeguard him from mishaps with tools and machinery or automobiles. Keep him secure from chemicals and other things that may damage his health. Shield him from any stress-related ailment., Keep him safe from all  diseases passed on from the people he comes into touch with throughout his day in Jesus name. Amen
  11. Lord, When the job is tedious and dull, help him focus and When the workload is hefty, help him to press through with perseverance and efficiency. Help him to endure uneasy situations and always be willing to take on and overpower any barriers that stand in his way. May he stand as a man of extraordinary strength in Jesus name…. Amen.
  12. Dear Lord,  Thank you for your journey with my son. You have been there through his learning, scouring, and applying for this position in Jesus name…Amen
  13. Lord, refill his mind with morale as he starts this new chapter of his life. When he feels skeptical about decisions in this new job, let him lean on you and your knowledge to guide him.
  14. Where he lacks faith and self-belief, may your infinite resilience empower him. Lord, fill him with devotion and motivation for the assignments that lie ahead of him, and may he bring your love and truth to others through the work that he does in Jesus name…Amen
  15. Lord Jesus, Today, I surrender my son to you. Come breathe your life Into his Day. Cause him to welcome the moment, And to proceed in Your name. For You are his strength Jesus,  Enable him to carry the duties with grace. Help him to lift each concern or responsibility to You, Help him to uphold Honesty, justice, and fairness in his approach… Amen.
  16. Dear lord, please keep him safe from all Forms of bad occurrences and events. Give him the discernment to know when he should request assistance or when he should make an effort to reason things out on his own.   Help him to seek the guidance of others and yield profit from it.  Guide him to any special activity that might benefit him in Jesus name…Amen
  17. Father, Help him to comprehend his responsibilities distinctly.  Give him a good understanding of the larger organization and his position in it. Direct him to someone who might come to be a potential mentor.  And reveal to him how to become a mentor to others in Jesus name…Amen
  18. Lord, My son is excited about the opportunity of beginning at this new place of employment and I ask that You would equip him in every way for the Difficulty that lies ahead in Jesus name…Amen
  19. Lord, I know that my son may have had some imperfections, please forgive him and pull him into your wonderful embrace. I pray that as he takes up this new appointment, You will help him live and work in a way that Ascribes honor to You in Jesus name.
  20. Dear God, my son is preparing to begin new employment and I ask for Your backing and blessing as he moves. Regardless of his decisions, opinions, or past incidents, he is ready for this to be the most remarkable job he’s ever had. Help him to acknowledge the perfection of Your Divine agenda exactly as it is unfolding before him In Jesus name…Amen
  21. Father, today is my son’s first day at this new job. Help him oh lord to understand everything that is required of him effectively and speedily. Give him Favor coworkers and supervisors. Calm his nerves and anxieties in Jesus name. Amen.
  22. Dear Father Give him confidence and courage so that he can be a great representative for you. Help him to declare what you want him to. Help him to behave in a manner that is delightful In Jesus. Amen
  23. Father, Bless and reveal to my Son how he can bless others. Let him be generous and considerate, and protect him from all kinds of evil. Let him keep his language in check, and keep him from all resentment or dissatisfaction…Amen.
  24. Father Please brush away his exhaustion, So that he may be motivated in his work. Help him to uncover new ways to demonstrate your love to all he meets. Keep his sanity clear and focused on all he needs to accomplish And give him the knowledge to overcome complications and find solutions in the name of Jesus…Amen.
  25. As he learns the strings of his new career, give him the tolerance and endurance he needs.  Enable him to catch on fast.  Show him how best to use his crafts, education, and knowledge…Amen
  26. Give him insight and courage, and let him care only about what you believe of him, not what other people think. Bless him with mental acuity, bodily health, and power to do the work you have given him in Jesus’ name…Amen.
  27. Please show him how to take maintenance of himself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. so he can retain a good balance between profession and life. Help him obtain a good night’s rest. Give him quality time with loving, favorable, and hopeful people. In Jesus name…Amen
  28. Lord, Help my Darling son to Give his absolute best every day and bestow upon him a sense of achievement.  Help him to see modifications in his performance and the results produced.  Even if others may not recognize his efforts, help him to accept your affirmation for jobs done nicely and service faithfully rendered in Jesus’ name…Amen.
  29. Grant him the vision and capacity to quickly recognize what requires to be ventured and the Grace to act fast and effectively. Enable him to excel in all he does and bestow upon his wisdom and power to confront any tough challenges with faith, understanding, and grace. Thank You for Your grace is adequate and I honor You for this next step in his life in Jesus name…Amen.
  30. Dear lord, Please bless this new profession and I pray that my Son l settles in quickly and cheerfully in his new role, and will be enabled to achieve the many needs he will be called upon to do and to overcome all the problems he might face…Amen.
  31. That you stand by him while he is at work, and bless his endeavors. Give him resilience, tolerance, and knowledge of the problems he encounters and the tasks he finishes. I pray he feels Your closeness and your peace each day in Jesus name…Amen
  32. Father help his leader to take satisfaction in his actions. Help my Son to keep going with bliss, understanding that it’s all for You. When he is exhausted, discouraged, and wants to give up, remind him of Your tremendous love for him. Let my Son remember your promise to never leave him in Jesus name…Amen.
  33. Lord, please help him to always see his career as a gift, even in moments when it’s bumpy. Shield his heart and mind from sadness when things don’t get on the way he expects. Let him function with all his heart to bring You glory. I pray Your blessing would wrap him and that he would thrive in his work in Jesus name…Amen.
  34. Father, I entrust the life of my Son into your care. Keep Watch over him and protect every step he takes. Save him from the evils of the day and the destruction of the night. His source of earnings will not go dry. I declare over my Son that his health is sound. Disease will not make his body a harbor in Jesus name…Amen.
  35. I pray for wisdom to always make good Decisions. Help him to be tactful and be able to distinguish between the wrong and right people. Help him also to be able to discern between worthwhile and questionable deals. Dear God, save my Son from mishaps: road, air, and home accidents in the name of Jesus…Amen.
  36. Dear Lord, I pray that my Son encounters physical, psychological, social, and spiritual stability, as well as perspective in difficulties, challenges, and stubborn issues he may face. I pray he has an increasing ability to access his inner strength, so he will not be intimidated, Scared, or Frustrated in Jesus name…Amen.
  37. I pray that my son can oversee finances with wisdom and discernment. I pray that he will be self-sufficient and that he will keep an eternal perspective in temporal matters in Jesus name…Amen
  38. Lord Jesus, I pray that my Son is strengthened in his anxieties, doubts, worries, and insecurities.  I pray that he is empowered and to defy tension and that he is prepared to be stable during struggling times in Jesus name…Amen.
  39. Lord, I pray for my Son’s heart, sanity, and feelings. Oversee his heart through the power of your Holy Spirit. Help him to direct his frustrations, concerns, worries, happiness, and grief through the lens of Scripture in the name of Jesus…Amen
  40. Father, Help him to be conscious of his feelings and to speak to you about them. I pray that he will not keep his adverse emotions in but that he will come to you in prayer to process his thinking and emotions. In Jesus name, I pray…Amen.
See also:  45 Prayers for Studying Success

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