34 Catholic Prayers for Good Biopsy Results

Catholic prayers for good biopsy results will help you ask God to ease your pain, have the strength to get through this difficult time, and ask for a positive outcome for your test.

Here are some suggested prayers to ask God to guide you, and reassure you and your loved ones during this difficult time.

Best 34 Catholic Prayers for Good Biopsy Results

  1. Our loving God, You are our hope and our strength in times of need. We thank you for your mercy which is never-ending. Guide us through this Biopsy test today, so that we may gain a better understanding of ourselves and the gifts that you have given us. Anoint our bodies with Your holy grace and protection to heal any issues that may arise from this procedure. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
  2. May God be with you and watch over you in your biopsy results, and may He guide the doctors to do a proper job. May He cure you completely and protect you from all evil. Amen.
  3. God, I ask you to bless me with a positive result. If not, and my biopsy comes back as cancerous, give me the grace to accept it graciously. Please heal my body and let discernment be the in removing any more damaged cells. Grant me peace of mind, faith in Your providence, and unconditional love for this most wonderful journey of life. Amen.
  4. May I obtain the strength, courage, and peace necessary to submit myself with docility to the will of God and receive my biopsy results.
  5. May our Lord God bless you and keep you safe on your way to the hospital, may he protect you and guide you through this difficult time. May he give you strength and courage during this medical procedure and please grant that everything would be Ok. In Jesus name I pray, amen!
  6. Loving God, who daily calls us to a new life, we pray for all those involved in the process of the biopsy. Their suffering and fear is your concern. Give them strength in your love and peace in this time of uncertainty. May they be comforted by faith and trust in your goodness that all will turn out well. We offer prayers today that this positive result is what they need to hear. Amen.
  7. Our Lord Jesus Christ, You suffered and died on the cross for us. In this hour, bless Your servant(s). Give him/her(them) courage to face the results of the biopsy and comfort during treatment if needed. Grant that the doctors may behave in a Christian manner, following Your commandments, so that no harm would come to your servant(s). If a lot of cancer cells are discovered during this 24-hour period (after which we will do another biopsy to check for recurrence), then take all pagan thoughts out of our heads, hearts, and souls!
  8. I am so grateful that you have answered my prayers and helped me get through this difficult time. Please give me strength through my surgery, treatment, and recovery. In your mercy, please take care of the doctors who are going to be doing this procedure for me. Give them wisdom and knowledge so they can make the right calls for me during my biopsy results.
  9. May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
  10. Dear Lord, thank you for loving me and letting me know that you are there to guide me through this difficult time of waiting for my biopsy results. Please don’t make me wait too long before you tell me what you need to tell me. I trust in your will, your infinite love, and power. Amen.
  11. Heavenly Father, we ask your blessing and prayers upon our family. Give us peace of mind as we await the results of this test and place your healing hand on these precious people who have been afflicted with this disease. We beseech you through the power of your Holy Sacrifice, to grant them a positive biopsy result so that they may fight their battle against cancer with renewed strength and hope. Amen!
  12. I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that He may grant you a good biopsy report, courage, and strength to bear the pain, comfort, and patience to live your life as usual and hope in God’s mercy. Amen.
  13. Lord, I pray for all of my friends who are undergoing a biopsy and those that have already gone through it. Keep them safe and healthy, please. May the results be positive and give peace to those who need it. In Jesus name. Amen.
  14. Please, dear Lord, let this be good news. If this biopsy is negative, I will give you praise and glory; if it is positive, please comfort more people as they go through this and bring them into your way of thinking. Thank you for my life and all of the surprise blessings you have given me over the years.
  15. Lord, we pray that your grace and mercy be granted to all those who will have the biopsy results today. May they be healed if it is your will. If not, may they receive the strength they need to bear this trial with courage and hope as they anticipate their next step toward full recovery. Please give them all a quick recovery by lending them your healing touch through your faithful people here on earth who carry out the work of doctors and nurses.
  16. Lord, I pray that the Good Lord would watch over my husband as he undergoes his biopsy today. Give us the strength to face what may come and give him the courage to fight this cancer.
  17. I come to you today as a community and ask for prayers of healing on behalf of my friend ____ who is going to have a biopsy done. This is a critical part of treatment, and I pray that it goes smoothly. Thank you for all your amazing ways and I ask that you bring goodness from this procedure. Amen.
  18. We pray for (name) who is having a biopsy today. Lord, you know her and the pain she is going through. Touch her body and mind in the way that only you can. Help her to feel your presence so her fears and doubts will be comforted. Fill her with love and peace and strength.
  19. Dear Lord, I pray that the results from my biopsy come back positive and accurate. Help me to be strong and know that You are with me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
  20. Dear Lord, we pray for good biopsy results and that the tumor is benign. We are thankful for all You’ve done for us and ask for Your grace during this time. In Jesus’s name, we pray, amen.
  21. Dear Lord, I turn to you today with a deep sense of gratitude. You provide me with the strength and courage that I need for this journey. Have mercy on my soul, dear Lord. May all my prayers be answered. Amen.
  22. I come to you today after a painful biopsy. The results were negative and I am so thankful that there is no need for treatment. Please bless me with your compassion, your peace, and the strength to cope with my emotional ups and downs.
  23. Lord, please bless this process of biopsy. Watch over the doctors and nurses, who are doing their best to help me. Give me the courage and hope to face what I may encounter in this procedure, and the strength to follow through with it with a good attitude. Thank you for the peace that comes from trusting in your care.
  24. Lord, please help me remember this day as one of Your miracles. I have said the words over and over, “If God is on my side, who can possibly be against me?” Bless me with comfort and strength as I wait for my results. If the biopsy is positive, please help me to remember that You are always there for me. Show me how to adjust my thinking and actions in order to begin living a new life full of joy and hope. Help me to remember that You are in control, even though this seems so unfair. Please grant peace, serenity, and acceptance to my entire family so we may weather this storm together. If the biopsy is negative, please help us celebrate our good news without fear or anxiety. Use this experience as another opportunity for us to show Your power through prayer.
  25. Dear Lord, we pray for our dear friend (name) who is getting a biopsy today. Please give her strength and courage during the procedure, and please surround her with Your love. Help her be at peace if it is your will that she has cancer. If she doesn’t have cancer we ask that she becomes well soon. In faith, amen.
  26. We pray for this man to have good biopsy results. He has an appointment for x-rays and blood work in the morning, and you know that he is very nervous. Please guide the doctors and nurses on how to do their jobs well. Amen.
  27. We pray for good results on the biopsy. Our dear friend needs You and Your healing hands, Jesus, to take care of her. We believe the best outcome is possible because You have promised to be with us through the storm.
  28. I ask that you keep my family, friends, and loved ones in your prayers. I am asking for prayer for a good biopsy result this week. I have been having some pains in my right shoulder and a couple of the tests have come back indicating an infection of some sort. I am having another test done tomorrow morning and will be praying to get good results from that test to give me more information on what is going on and if they can start treatment soon so I don’t have to worry about it anymore! Thank you so much for always taking care of us!
  29. Dear Lord, I ask Your blessing and protection over the person who is having this Biopsy test today. Please keep them safe and healthy throughout their tests. May their results be positive. Protect them from any pain, suffering, or loss that could result if their results are not what they hoped for in their life. I ask all this in Jesus’ name.
  30. Please help us to remain calm and confident in your care, knowing that you are taking good care of us. Help us to trust in your plan for our lives and not get anxious about the results of the biopsy. Please help us to remember that we can turn to you at any time and you are listening.
  31. Dear Lord, thank you for all your blessings. Father, I need your prayers right now. My mother is undergoing a biopsy and I want the results to be positive. St Jude, please intercede on her behalf so that she may be healed if that is your will.
  32. We pray to you, our Lord, that the test results of this biopsy be good, let the cancer cells be small in number and easily conquered, or if part of the bowel needs to be removed then we ask that this be done safely and completely. We pray for strength for my brother and sister-in-law as they wait for news on how their new baby will fare after surgery. Help them remember all those who have loved and prayed for them today. Thank you, Father. In your name…Amen.
  33. The results of my biopsy are in. Please keep my mind at ease and help me to let go of my fear. I have faith that all your plans for me are good. Amen.
  34. God, I just turned my life over to you. If the results of this biopsy are negative, please let me know that this was a false alarm and that there are no cancerous cells.
See also:  Best Catholic Prayers for Medical Procedures


If you’re experiencing the anxiety of awaiting results from a biopsy, take heart in knowing that God hears your prayer.

Let everything that you do be done for the glory of God and the good of others (1 Cor. 10:31)!

Asking for His blessing on your efforts will help you feel more at peace with whatever comes next.

You can also add your prayer for the favorable biopsy result in the comments too. Let’s pray together.

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