40 Catholic Prayers For Hopeless Situation

Having high expectations and setting goals are wonderful only when you can manage your reaction when they don’t happen. Or else you will fall into a state of hopelessness.

This is why you should always put your plans into the hands of God.

When hopelessness sets in, it is not the time to concede defeat, believe that nothing good can ever happen again, and sit in gloom. It is a time to pray as you restrategize.

This Catholic prayer is for someone who is at a crossroads, with so much burden and without hope that something good can miraculously happen.

Here Are 40 Catholic Prayers to Say in Hopeless Situations

  1. Dear Father, I thank you for being your constant love, even during this trying period that I find myself in. I know that my end has not come. As your sweet spirit speaks to my heart that you are closer to me, help me to believe it.


  1. Lord, my heart cry is that you come to my aid speedily.


  1. Almighty God, make me look away from the things I lack. Help me not to base my focus on my inadequacies but to base my gaze on your faithfulness. Let your mercy overwhelm me and open my eyes to see the light of your love.


  1. Dear Lord, I’m at a loss for words to describe my current situation. But you search the heart. You know every word, even in dark places, and I know that you know the deepest thoughts in my heart. I look at you even now because you are closer to me than the air that I breathe.


  1. Father, I’m amazed that your goodness is all around me. Even right now, when everything looks like it’s going haywire and I’ve been running away from you, all I see is impossibilities. Help me to settle down by changing my focus.


  1. Dear Lord, the only positive thing I can think about right now is you. Hold my hand closely and safely lead me out of this hopeless situation that I’m engrossed in.


  1. Without a doubt, Father. I don’t know how long I can bear this situation alone. This burden is not as light as yours. I sincerely need your assistance in coming to my aid. Let your fountain of hope surround me so that I won’t be swept away like an orphan.


  1. Dear God, I refused to act as if everything was fine in front of you, as I do in front of everyone else. This is a difficult situation for me to face, so I lay all my hopelessness at your feet. I remember that you said in your words that those who put their trust in you will not be captured in shame.


  1. As I cry to you for help, I already envision that your angel is coming through for me with your guiding light. I pray that you grant me the grace to be hopeful that this heartbreaking issue will come to an end. Help me to be patient and not rush my way into more difficult issues.
See also:  40 Prayers For Hopelessness And Depression


  1. As I settle gently on this spot, breathe your breath of hope into me. Normalize my heartbeat and teach me to trust in you. Bring the timely thoughts I need right now my way and help me not to worry.


  1. Dear God, in this period and beyond, help me to depend on you sincerely and wholeheartedly. May my love for you not be situational. Help me to rely on you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Dear Father, lead me to always recognize the truth and help me to always remind myself of who I am in your world. Let your spirit take over everything, even down to the situation that I’m faced with right now.


  1. Almighty Father, you made the heavens and the earth. No situation is too hard for you to unravel. What I’m battling with is nothing at all before you, so I’ve brought it before you to handle.


  1. Dear God, you said I should cast my cares upon you, for your concern for me is beyond words. Dear Lord, no one else can show concern towards me the way you do. Help me to look for no other help by way of the cross.


  1. Almighty God, align me with your thoughts for my life. You stated in your words that your intentions toward me are good and not evil in order to end my life prematurely. Let your plans for my life ring in my head even now that I’m at this crossroad.


  1. Lord, I know that life has its peculiar hurdles, but just as you helped your son Jesus to overcome the devil when he was tempted, I pray that you grant me the same grace right now.


  1. Abba, I’m aware that times like this don’t last forever. With you, it takes a shorter time because your wisdom is available to me steadily. I pray that you bring beauty out of this situation.


  1. Dear Lord, for your glory, please send your messengers to pick me up out of this den. May this trouble not overwhelm me. I look up to you, Lord. Send help in my direction.


  1. Heavenly Father, anxiety has almost captured my thoughts. I’m scared that I will not come out of this situation whole. My hope has ceased to proffer possible solutions to the issue at hand. Just like you delivered your son Elijah in his depressed state centuries ago, let me not remain in this hopeless condition.


  1. Father, hold me in your comforting hands as I learn to trust in you in this period. Please don’t judge me based on my attitude toward you, but rather help me to rely on you much more than I have in the past.


  1. Abba, you said in your word that you would not bring me temptation that I could not bear. I believe that with you, this cannot take away my peace. I am not below, but rather above.
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  1. Dear Lord, be my director and administrator even as I look for solutions. Help me to understand what you are impressing on my heart to do.


  1. Dear Lord, even as I look for solutions, help me to understand what you impress on my heart to do. I will not go ahead with your instructions or do what I’m not supposed to do out of desperation.


  1. Almighty God, may this circumstance bring glory to your name in the end. Let my life not bring you shame, even now. I believe that you can raise the giant in a man even when he doesn’t believe in himself. May that be my testimony.


  1. Father, for the decades I’ve been alive, you’ve kept me safe in your hands. Even now, I know that you are with me because you promised not to depart from me or forsake me and I know that you always keep your promises. Let it come to pass in my life as it is in yours.


  1. Almighty God, I pray for your divine intervention. For any reason, I will not interfere in what you are doing. To get swift answers concerning this circumstance requires more than human analysis, so I will leave it up to you for divine answers.


  1. Lord, thank you for your constant assurances of your love. When I remember how many people you’ve rescued from this den of trouble, a light of hope shines in my heart, and I know that mine will end as a testimony too.


  1. Abba, you are my father, my helper, and my fortified fortress. Wicked men cannot prevail over me because you are my owner. Help me to recognize your superiority in my life and to work in that light. Let your awesome plans and loving verdict concerning my life become a reality.


  1. Dear Lord, let your light shine upon every issue that is troubling my heart at the moment. Help me gently not to remain here for too long, but lead me to the picture you showed me of myself. Let your holy spirit comfort me all the way.


  1. Honestly, God, grant me wisdom and direction. I want to remain in your will for myself and not go about wasting time in confusion. Remaining stuck at this spot is not your will for my life, so my life moves onwards from henceforth.


  1. Please, Abba, shield me from the influence of popular opinion. It is in your hands to know what you want concerning me now and how best to handle the situation on the ground. Your words give me strength and the ability to focus my attention on what you are pointing out to me.


  1. Dear Lord, rekindle my fire. May this issue not make me forget my goals and the targets I’ve set for myself. Help my dreams be fresh in my sight. Let my hope be resurrected in the adoration of your name.
See also:  40 Powerful Prayers To Find Lost Things


  1. Heavenly Father, use your spirit to guide my steps. You said in your word that your spirit is a lamp that searches the heart. Search me, Lord, and reveal to me what I cannot decipher by myself. This opens me up to knowing whether to quit, move on, or rest at this point.


  1. Lord, breathe your life into me because I am exhausted and broken. Adam can testify to the effect of your breath. Breathe in hope and more grace to continue this journey. Restore me again, bring back my faith in you.


  1. Father, you are my father. Life hasn’t been fair for days now, but it’s beautiful that I have a father like you who grants me solace. May I receive the grace to pick myself up courageously from this point and make continual progress.


  1. Abba, my creator, and sustainer. If there was nothing good about my life, then I wouldn’t be here by now. Even as it seems like the world is against me, I know that my existence defeats every tough time. Let your heavenly inspiration make me dwell upon this truth.


  1. My Heavenly Father, I’ve noticed how unprepared I am character-wise for this battle that surfaced recently. In the process of expressing myself, I’ve hurt others and gotten upset unnecessarily. Teach me to prepare mentally and grant me the understanding to step out of this situation quickly.


  1. Father, may my enemies not rejoice that they have triumphed over me, because I know that as long as I call on you, you will help me. My sustainer, don’t leave me in-between two decisions to worsen my confusion but bring clarity and faith that it will work out.


  1. Dear Lord, in the name of your son Jesus, everything is subject to authority. At the cross, he nailed every hard time, including this one, cursed it and declared it finished completely. I trust you that this situation is boss in respect to that name. Amen.


  1. Father, I come to you humbly to surrender my hopelessness. You said, “Anyone that finds his way to you will not be abandoned. I trust that you will receive me and attend to my petition. My gaze is fixed on you, and I know that you will show up because you have done it before and you are the ancient of days.


  1. Almighty God, you have commanded that anyone who comes to you will be accepted if their faith is in check. I look up to you, Lord. Heighten my faith so that I won’t be hindered from receiving direction from you.


  1. Thank you, dear Father, for you make all things marvelous in your time. I know that this too will pass because in you there is hope. As I thank you today, I exchange my hopelessness for complete faith in you.

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