43 Prayer Points for the New Month of October (2022)

October is a very special month around the world and this prayer is intended to help you get through the month of October in happiness, peace, and prosperity.

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, this month has amazing prayers with powerful promises to start creating a positive change in your life.

This list of prayer points will help you make the best use of your time, connect with God, and be used by Him to bring sustenance in October.’

Prayer Points for the New Month of October

  1. As October begins, I pray that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit, that He would open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings on you.
  2. Dear Lord, please hear my prayer for October. I need a miracle in my life, help me to find it. I pray for physical healing, spiritual cleansing, and financial freedom! I thank you Lord Jesus for this month full of love, faithfulness, and forgiveness.
  3. The month of October is now upon us. This month we pray for guidance, care, and protection. Please watch over us and keep us safe throughout the month. Amen
  4. Dear Lord, We come before you today to ask for your presence and guidance in our lives this new month. Bless this month and these days. Please surround us with your love and peace during this time. Help us to not fear the future but be filled with hope for the good things that are in store for us. Help us to remember that it is a tough time around us but know that you are here beside us through the good times and the bad times. Please keep us safe from harm. Be with our friends and families as they go through their own struggles during these difficult times.
  5. Lord, help us to see the beauty in this time of year – the change in color, the coolness in the air, and the gentle reminders from our bodies that it’s time to pay attention to what we really need: to slow down and be present.
  6. Dear God, thank you for this day and the many blessings you have given me in my life. Please be with me today as I face the challenges that may be thrown in my way by strangers, friends or family members. Help me to be strong and patient when these challenges arise. Show me your love through them all and steer me on a path of righteousness.
  7. Dear Lord, We thank you for another beautiful October day. Fill us with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the many blessings in our lives: the people around us, the food we eat, and especially our health. We are so grateful for Your compassion in times of grief and for Your healing hands upon those who suffer illness. Help us to be kind and loving toward our fellow creatures; both human and animal, That feeling that all is right with the world may fill each heart in this month of October. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  8. Lord, we are placing all of our trust in you. Please guide us through October, and keep us safe and healthy throughout the month. We know that your will shall be done and we give you thanks for this beautiful season.
  9. Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing my life with the month of October. Thank you for all of the blessings that you have bestowed upon me throughout my entire life. Help me to recognize and acknowledge your provisions, guidance, and love for me. Continue to be a source of inspiration and peace in the midst of my trials, challenges, joys, and sorrows. I pray that you may always be with me as I go through this life so that I may accomplish all that was intended for me by your grace alone. In Jesus Name.
  10. O Lord Jesus, who in your mercy have accepted the prayer of this month and have granted us the virtues you grant to those who do them: grant, we pray, that we may rest in peace with you who are our only hope.
  11. Dear God, thank you for blessing us with another month. Help us make good use of this wonderful gift. May we be kind to each other and thankful for the things we have. Thank you for our lives, our health, and all we have accomplished this month. Shine your light over our lives and guide us throughout this month that lies ahead of us.
  12. Lord, we pray for your guidance. We know that your hand is upon us and that you surround us with love and protection. Please bless us in our endeavors this month, as we move forward toward new beginnings. Thank you for giving us the strength to endure as well as celebrate the road we have traveled so far. Amen.
  13. O Lord, my God, I have cried out to Thee, and Thou hast healed me. O hear my prayer for the sake of Thy loving-kindness, O Lord. In the morning when I raise my hands to pray, I will remember to give thanks to Thee for Thy great compassion toward the children of men in this month and always. Anoint my head with oil this new month. O Lord; yes, anoint my head with oil. And let it flow down upon me that I may flourish like an olive tree and let its aroma be pleasing to me in thy name.
  14. Dear God, we pray for October. Please help us by praying for those who are suffering from natural disasters, illness or death in their family. Give them comfort and strength. We also ask that you would continue to watch over us during this month as well as every month of the year. Make each day a blessing as You lead us down Your path in life. In Jesus name. Amen.
  15. Lord, we ask that you guide us through this month of October and all the efforts, tasks, projects, and decisions we will face. Help us to be strong, courageous, and faithful as we walk through each day. Bless our work and joyfully share your blessings with those in need. Grant us a peaceful heart knowing you are by our side every moment of every day with all of your love and grace. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
  16. Lord God, you have named the months and ordered their arrival. Help us to remember that each month is precious because you created it and planned its gifts for our use. Open our eyes to see how we may best grow in faith and love during this month. Amen.
  17. Lord, may your spirit find a home in the hearts and minds of all who seek to love You, who long to see Your face, and who long to see their way in life illuminated by You. In prayerful solidarity with those who protect, preserve, and serve our nation, we ask for comfort for their loved ones as well as for healing from their wounds. We commend them to your mercy, Lord God of all creation. Amen.
  18. This month of October, I pray for you and all that you do. May your thoughts be ordered by Christ, your words inspired by His Spirit, and your deeds motivated by His love.
  19. Almighty Father, with the sadness that has surrounded the disasters of these previous months, we pray for the souls of those who have lost their lives and comfort for their families. We also pray for the quick recovery of all those who were wounded physically or emotionally by these events. May we all turn to you oh God, as our only hope. In your Holy Name we pray, Amen.
  20. Lord, you have heard the cry of my heart for your guidance. I humbly ask for your intervention in my life as I respond to difficult situations and decisions this new month. Help me to hear what is truly important in my life and give me the courage to follow its message. Amen.
  21. We pray for peace, health, and happiness for our family. Please bless us mercifully with your grace and light during this month of October. May we find peace in knowing that no matter what happens around us, we are safe in Your arms. We pray for a safe return home tonight after an evening out or late shift at work. Thank you for walking beside us as we make decisions this month… We praise You for the amazing opportunities you have given to our family and pray that you continue to guide us through all that could come our way this month… In your name Jesus AMEN.
  22. God, for October, I lift up those struggling with addiction. I pray for them to be delivered from the power of the enemy. May they find their way back to You.
  23. “Dear Father. We thank you for the change in seasons and pray that during this transition you would help us to truly appreciate your provision, care, and love. Lord, we pray that as we transition with joy into November we would be able to share your love and grace with our family and friends who are going through difficult times right now. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”
  24. My Father, I come before You this month, seeking wisdom and guidance. As I look out across the horizon, I am overwhelmed by the problems facing us as a nation. Please help guide our leaders and prevent us from making poor decisions that can have lasting effects on our generations to come. Thank you for Your unfailing love and protection. Amen.
  25. O God, the Eternal Father, thank you for the gift of life in October. Help us remember that our lives are gifts from your hands, and we are called to share this goodness with others. May we always remember that life is a miracle and growing old is a blessing. We thank you for this opportunity to participate in October’s National Volunteer Month. Please guide us as we seek opportunities to serve others in our community. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
  26. …during this month of thanksgiving, may I be grateful to our Holy Father for all the blessings that he has given me. may I see all my problems and difficulties as opportunities, and may I use them as tools to grow closer to him through prayer and service.
  27. Good Lord! Even though the month of October is sometimes a scary month, please help us remember that we can not control what happens or what people say to us. All we can do is try our best to live in your love, trust you for good things to happen and let the rest roll off our backs. Help us have the wisdom of knowing when to put on hold, when to stand firm and when it is ok to laugh at ourselves and others.
  28. Dear God, thank you for your blessing and protection. I pray for a happy and healthy life for me and my family. Give us the wisdom to navigate through the storms of life so that we may live each day in joy, peace, and wholeness. enlighten our hearts, minds, and souls so that we can truly experience your presence.
  29. O God, our Father, in you we live and move and have our being. As for our hearts, let them be open to receive whatever will help us to know you more profoundly, to love you more passionately, or simply to be better Christians. We invite you this month of October to cleanse us of any lingering stains of sin; help us to be deeply rooted in your faith so that peace always seems natural for us.
  30. O God, grant us a safe, tranquil, and happy October with our loved ones. Be merciful to your faithful children everywhere for whom this month of October has proved so eventful and sorrowful
  31. October is a time of year that fills us with gratitude, respect, and appreciation. It’s a time of renewal and recovery, just as the trees shed their leaves. We pause to reflect on those things that matter most and give thanks for our wonderful family, friends, and blessings in life. This is why I ask for your special blessings throughout October. Amen.
  32. Lord, make me a channel of your peace this October. Where there is despair, let me bring hope. Where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy; and where there are shadows, light. To those who seek, Lord, bring the Good News of your charity, and to those who are thirsty give us new life from your spring.
  33. Thank you God, for October. Thank you for the rain, which means the cold nights are here again. Thank you for the sun, which lets us bask in Your Love. Bless our hearts and minds with happiness and healing.
  34. Dear God, thank you for the beautiful weather and bounteous harvest. Thank you for giving us another month to make the most of it. Keep our troops safe as they guard our borders, may they protect their wives and children who are left behind at home. Make this month a great time for all of us to be grateful for the important things in life such as good health, each other and those we care about.
  35. Lord, thank you for the strength and courage that we know we will use to accomplish our goals this month of October. We give you praise and honor for all that you have done in our lives. May this be an amazing month in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
  36. We pray for those who are suffering and unable to access the medicines they need. May those who have been traumatized find peace, comfort, and acceptance and know that they will be cared for. We pray for those in resistance to the violence being perpetrated against them; we pray for their safety and comfort.
  37. Lord we ask for your protection and guidance in this month of October. Help us to remember that though you give us strength to get through trials, you are the one who will carry us through them. We thank you for standing by our side. In Jesus name amen.
  38. Lord, we pray for your inspiration and guidance this month of October. Slowly but surely, in our own time, we are turning our hearts to you. Help us to support one another in this endeavor, knowing that as we grow closer to you, we will become closer to each other as well.
  39. Lord of October, who teaches us to be thankful for those things that are not there, help us to seek out the things that are good and right. Teach us to discern between the real and the not-so-real, between good food and bad food, between an honest face and a false smile. Let us not be deceived by lies that sound good or look pretty but are really meaningless. Free us from those lies that we think will make our lives better but don’t. Open our minds to your truth and let it sink into our hearts so that we can live in Your truth and goodness. Amen
  40. Please give me the strength and courage to get through this month of October. Please let me have a fulfilling experience at work, and please allow me to find out what is best for my career. I know with your help and guidance, my prayers will be answered. Thank you for all you do for us.
  41. Dear God, I pray for an end to wars and conflicts, that nations and people may live in peace.
  42. Thank you heavenly father for the gift of life that you have given me. I pray to you Jesus Christ, you are the light in the darkness. Please be a light in the darkness throughout October. May you allow me to see your glory through my eyes and recognize your power when dealing with my troubles.
  43. Lord of all Nations, we thank you for this day. You have richly blessed us with the bounty of your love and your creation and we ask that you continue to guide us as we go forward in our lives. We ask that you bless our local farmers and stock growers. Give them wisdom and courage to face the coming challenges as they plant their crops, sow seeds, harvest, and bring forth new life in their fields. Bless all those who grow food or work with animals or crops. May they be filled with peace and joy as they work hard on your behalf. We also ask that You bless our family farms, especially those that are struggling to keep going in these difficult times
See also:  33 Catholic Prayers for a New Month


The month of October gives us time to take a moment to pause. To think about our lives, reflect on the past and look forward to the future.

A visual reminder that we are all connected by the same breath of life and that no worries or fears can hold us back from living it to the fullest.

May this prayer guide you into a deeper connection with yourself.

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