42 Prayers for Good MRI Results

Prayer for health and healing is an often-underrated tool in the fight against diseases.

The practice of prayer may not be associated with a particular faith, but it can be an effective approach to getting results.

You may try praying on your own or with the support of a community; either way, know that you’re not alone in this fight, and keep up the good fight!

Here are powerful prayers for you waiting for your MRI scan results. Go on ahead and pray!

42 Best Prayers for Good MRI ResultsDear God

  1. Father God, I humble myself in prayer to ask that the results of my MRI today are good. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!
  2. Dear God, please protect me during my MRI scan today and grant me a healthy result. Thank you for keeping me safe. Amen.
  3. Dear God please create a miracle for me and carry me through this time. I am very scared of the results and even though they may be bad imagine what they could be I’m trying to stay positive please keep me in your hands. Amen.
  4. Dear Lord, I pray for good MRI results. Please help me to be strong if the results are not what I hope for. I pray that you comfort any family members and loved ones who may already be dealing with cancer and all its uncertainly, so that they may seek comfort in you. Thank you God for your love and compassion.
  5. I am asking for prayer on behalf of my son. He is having an MRI done tomorrow and I would like all the prayers available to help bring positive results.
  6. Dear St. Jude, I ask that you please help me with this MRI as I am scared of what I might have to hear. Please take away my fears, help me have my prayers answered and give me the courage to get through whatever results await me today! Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, please heal my body. I know that you are with me, but sometimes we all need a little help from you! Please give me fast healing and good MRI results. Thank you and amen.
  8. Lord, please guide the doctors as they perform my MRI today. Please let them find nothing wrong with my back other than a possible pinched nerve or muscle spasm. I pray for good results and thank you for your healing powers. Protect me from harm, Amen.
  9. Dear Lord, I ask you to pray for me at this time. I thank you for the many miracles that you have granted me in my life, and especially for those prayers that were answered by your intercession. I leave in your hands this special request which is important to me; please pray for good MRI results when I have them on Thursday morning. Your unconditional love helps us all, Amen.
  10. Dear God, please guide the MRI test and give me a clear result. Thank you for your work and love.
  11. Dear God, I need your help. My daughter went for an MRI today, and I’m asking you to pray for her because she’s scared. Please grant her the wisdom to be strong and the grace to endure any uncertainties that may come from this test. Thank you for being with us when we need you most.
  12. Dear Lord Jesus, help me to maintain peace of mind and a positive outlook on life. Help me to trust you with the results, whatever they may be. In your name I pray, amen.
  13. Dear Lord, please guide doctors and nurses in providing the best possible care to {name}. Father, I pray that they will give answers that are accurate and do not lead to additional tests or procedures. Thank You for all the work that goes into preparing for an MRI so that it is accurate and conclusive. Help each person involved with this process to love their jobs and do them well. Please protect our loved one from any harm during his/her testing or recovery process. Amen.
  14. Dear Heavenly Father, please protect my friend, who is having an MRI today. May your holy angels surround him to protect him and his body during his scan. I pray that the results will reveal no dangerous disease or condition. I ask You to be with him during the procedure and after it has been completed. Please take away any fear he feels during this time and let him know that You are with him always. Amen.
  15. Father God, I thank you for the knowledge that when we turn to you in our time of need and don’t worry about the results, you will take care of us. Thank You for your protection and comfort. For making my MRI results good and healthy, I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.
  16. Lord, we ask you to put your hand of protection on my MRI results. We ask that you give us wisdom and discernment as we go through this process. We ask that all is well with the Lord, that He reveals Himself to me and not only keep me but everyone who loves me safe.
  17. Dear God, thank you for giving me the strength and courage to go through this MRI. Please bless the doctors with the knowledge and wisdom to help me. Please bless my MRI results so that there are no tumors or infections. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
  18. Father God, we lift up the person who is seeking an MRI of the brain today. We ask that you guide and protect them throughout their entire experience, and that your healing power would be revealed to them in that MRI. Help us to keep them in your care so they will know you are working in their lives. Blessed be God’s name forever as we pray!
  19. Prayer for good MRI results. Please God, help my mom have a good MRI result. I need her to do that so that she can go back to work and pay our bills and pay for my school and continue to live happily with our family. Most importantly, health is most important. Please be with us always because we needed you now more than ever.
  20. I pray that these MRI results will be clear and not reveal any new problems. Please grant me peace of mind during this time of uncertainty. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  21. Dear God, please bless me with good MRI results. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the healer of all and can give me peace even in these situations. Amen.
  22. Dear Father in Heaven, I’m praying for good results in the MRI tests today. You are a healer and I am relying on Your power to heal my back. I know that the doctors are under Your control and that you will use them to heal me from this pain. In Jesus name I’m healed!
  23. Dear God, please guide us today as we go in for the MRI results. We know You have a plan for us and we want to trust Your will in this matter. Please let the results be good and let it show that there are no serious problems with our health. Thank you for answering our prayers and continuing to guide our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  24. Dear God, please watch over my aunt and uncle and let the results be good so that they can regain their health. Thank you for helping me during my own difficult times. Amen.
  25. Dear God, please hear my prayer and have mercy on me in this difficult time. Please guide me with Your Word, the Bible, and make sure the doctors know what to do for me so that I get better soon. Also let the results of my MRI be good so that when I find out about them, it will bring me great joy. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  26. Dear God, please help this MRI show the problem. Please let them find me a cure so that I can live again, and return home. Please find someone who specializes in this and will know what they are doing.
  27. I pray that the results of my MRI will be benign and show no indication of cancer. God, please grant me a clean bill of health so I can have peace of mind and energy to do the things in life I want to do. Amen.
  28. Dear God, please grant healing for all who have come for their MRI results. May their bodies be healthy and show no signs of disease. Bless them with a clear picture of their health from the scan, and grant peace to those who are anxious about its outcome. Please protect us from all forms of illness, pain, and disease. Thank you in advance for your loving protection. Amen.
  29. Dear Lord, please watch over and protect my child. Please heal them of this disease. Help the doctors find a treatment so they can get back to their lives, and continue to grow and thrive. Protect us from harm, comfort us in our sadness, and allow us to find peace through all of these difficult times. May we have an MRI today that gives us the answers we seek and a plan of action forward towards recovery. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  30. Lord Jesus, thank you for leading me to your son, Jesus Christ. 2017 has been a difficult year for me spiritually and physically. Please keep your hand on me and help me find peace and joy in my step. During this time of testing, please bless my doctors with wisdom as they care for me. Thank You for hearing my prayer!
  31. Dear God, please help me and my husband to get good MRI results. We love you, God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  32. Dear Lord, please give me a good MRI today. Let the results show that all is well with my body and nothing is wrong. Thank you for taking care of me in this time of need. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  33. Dear Heavenly Father, please help us and all those who are in need of MRI results. Please, give us peace of mind concerning the results. In Jesus Christ, Amen.
  34. Dear Lord, I come to you today to talk about my fears and worries. Dear Lord, please let the results from my MRI be good ones. Please, God.
  35. Dear Lord, Please help my friend get good results from the MRI today. Ensure their safety during their test and give them strength when they need it. In Jesus name we pray Amen.
  36. Dear Lord, I pray that the MRI results of my health problems are good. Please help me keep a positive outlook and always trust in you. May I be thankful for the good things that happen, even through the bad times. I know that no matter what happens next I will be okay, because you are always with me in everything I do. In Jesus name, amen.
  37. I come to You, my God and my hope, with all my heart and mind. Please, Lord Jesus, help me get good MRI results. Help me recover from this injury as fast as I can. If it’s Your will let me heal completely so that I’ll be able to work with no problems. Thank you for everything and continue to bless me, amen.
  38. I will continuously pray that everything looks good on your MRI results. I send you strength and peace so that you can clear these results and be in the clear. May God bless you with the best and beautiful outcome for this MRI test.
  39. Lord, we pray that the results of my MRI come back quickly and are good news. I ask you to protect me from all harm and bless me with your grace. I know this has been a difficult time for my family and friends, please help us to become stronger through this trial. In Jesus name I pray amen.
  40. Lord, please watch over my friend. Let us be grateful for this MRI and all that it shows. Comfort those who are uneasy and afraid. As the doctor examines the results and finds them to be good, please surround him with your grace and love so he may feel confident in you. Please smile upon all who are assisting in this procedure as well, healing each person’s mind, body, spirit and emotions. We thank you for your love in Christ Jesus. Amen.
  41. Lord, please guide the doctors as they perform the MRI, and give them wisdom to see any problems that need to be addressed. Heal my mom’s body completely so that she can regain her strength and feel good again. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  42. Father God, I come to You in prayer for Your healing grace to be poured out on me. This morning I had an MRI and it revealed something that is not a good sign. I know that You are the Great Physician and that You have the power to heal every sickness and every disease. Please hear my prayer, Heavenly Father, as I ask for Your healing touch upon me now. Enable my body to heal rapidly and completely so that I can enjoy good health again. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
See also:  Best Catholic Prayers for Medical Procedures


In the end, it’s hard to accept that there is little you can do but wait. Pray. Count the days. Refuse to be daunted by uncertainty and lack of information.

As frustrating as it may be, it’s important to have some breathing room, because a rush to surgery has consequences just as worrisome as an unexplained delay.

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