Short Prayers Before Examination

If you’re feeling anxious before an exam, take a few minutes to relax and pray about your upcoming challenges.

Here are some short prayers for students that you can quickly say before starting your exam.

1. I pray that the wisdom and grace of God will be with me on this exam day as I seek to do His will. I pray for all the students who will be taking exams, and for their beautiful lives. Amen.

2. God I ask for your help. Use me to share Your love. Give me the wisdom to answer the questions correctly and give me a good day in this new adventure of school. Amen

3. Lord, please open my ears and guide my heart. Open the eyes of my understanding so that I may know the right answer when it comes to me. Strengthen my faith so that I may stand strong against all temptations and fears. May your Holy Spirit be with me as I prepare for this important test.

4. Birth me, Lord, with your grace and love to do well in my exams. Bless me, Lord, as I take these examinations. Grant me health and good fortune; teach me that there is no easy way out of difficulties, but that I can grow through them by honoring God in all things.

5. Lord, I come before You as an exam-taker. Please help me to stay strong when my mind is unclear and my body is tired. Give me the words to express how grateful I am for all that You have done for me, and for the opportunity to show it by doing my best on this exam. In Jesus’ Name . . . Amen.

6. In the examination today, help me to know your will for my life. I want to pass the exam and get the best grades possible but if it is not in your will for me to pass, please make that clear to me now, so that I may adjust my study plans accordingly. If you are guiding me now through these exams, please guide me through my next exams too, and keep every examination with its particular purpose in mind as well. I ask this in Jesus’ Name…

7. Dear Lord, please give me the strength and ability to perform well in my next examination. I pray that you’ll help me understand the questions and answers in the exam. I also pray that you’ll protect me from careless mistakes. And if there is any problem with my exam paper, please fix all of them so that they can be corrected before it’s too late.

8. Dear Lord, I come before you with gratitude and thanksgiving for all the ways you have helped me to this point in my academic career. I pray that your Holy Spirit would guide me into truth and learning on the exam. Please give me wisdom about how to tackle each essay question, and send angels of encouragement to sit next to me in the examination room. Please guide me to find the right answers and give me courage as I sit down to write. Help me use my time wisely as I answer these questions and allow no distractions. Lead me so that I would give praise to God when this exam is over.

9. May God give me the wisdom, confidence, and knowledge I need to complete this exam.

See also:  37 Prayers to Say Before a Test

10. Lord, thank you for this opportunity to learn. Please help me to prepare well and allow these questions to be answered in my heart. I ask this through the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen

11. God, please help me shine my brilliance in this exam. Guide my hands to write legibly and assist me in properly conveying the important information. Open my eyes to read the questions, please help me be attentive and alert. Let me have a clear mind so that I can think clearly and focus on answering all questions.

12. Dear God, please guide me through this exam and let me remember the knowledge I learned. Help me do my best on this test, but also accept whatever outcome you have for me. In Jesus’ name I pray… Amen.

13. Dear Lord, please help me pass this exam and make my parents proud. Please send angels to guard me as I sit for this exam.

14. O my God, help me to remember that the examination which I am about to undergo is but a small thing in itself; make me so truly humble that I may think of it as coming from Thy hand. Amen!

15. God, please give me guidance during this exam. Guide my thoughts and keep me focused on what I need to know in order to get the best possible grade. Thank you, God. Amen

16. Dear Lord, please help me to do my work with excellence and fully aware of the responsibility involved. Thank You for blessing me with this opportunity to learn; help me to perform to the best of my abilities without fail today. AMEN

17. Lord, bless me with clear and quick wisdom today. Help me to remember all that I have learned in the past, and strengthen my memory so that I can recall what I need to know now. Grant me a sense of inner calmness that will help me stay focused, especially during the more difficult times when my mind may wander and become unfocused. God, if You see fit to bring another test or examination upon me tomorrow, help me to welcome it with eagerness rather than dread. Amen

18. Dear God, please help me do my best. Please guide me through the exam.”

19. Dear God, please help me to remember these answers today when I am answering these questions. Please shield my mind from the distractions of others and help me focus on the task at hand.

20. Thank you, God, that exams are a great way to show how much I know and understand. You have been good at revealing things through tests and quizzes. Please help me pass my test today and in life too. Amen

21. Lord, I pray for wisdom to guide my decisions and the grace to recognize divine guidance. Give me the courage to face whatever obstacles lie ahead and the confidence that comes from knowing Your will for my life.

22. Lord, I come to you today trusting in your guidance. Please help me to understand the questions on my test and provide me with the knowledge and wisdom to pass them successfully.

23. Dear God, please help me answer the questions in this exam. I know thou art hearing me right now. This exam is very important to me and I need Thy divine help. May Thou guide my mind with wisdom when answering these questions and may the answers reveal themselves to me as I read them. Please give me the courage to face all obstacles that come my way during this exam. And lastly, help me to achieve good grades in this examination because that is what will lead me to success in life and help me accomplish my goals. Thank You Father Almighty for hearing me.

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24. Dear Lord, please bless me with knowledge. Give me the wisdom to apply my knowledge, guide me to the right answer and give me enough time to complete the paper. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work on this assignment. Amen.

25. God, help me focus. Blessed Mother, guide me. Help me to be a better person today and forever, through your grace and through these studies. And please give me the highest grade possible on this test so I can pass this subject, which is very important to me 🙂 Thank you.”

26. Lord, be with me as I take this exam. I have been studying hard, but I know there are some things that I haven’t learned yet. Help me focus more this time, and be a good student. Amen.

27. Dear Lord, please help me to feel your presence in this room and with me. Please help me to be relaxed, calm, and relaxed so I can give the best possible examination I can. I know that you are on my side, interacting with me, and love me as your children. Give me the joy of a good pass, in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

28. God, I thank you that all things are possible with You. I pray to you that when I take this test today, tomorrow, and every day after that, as long as it is necessary, I will always come away victorious because of Your strength. Amen.”

29. “Lord, help me to be happy through these moments. I know they can be difficult and challenging, so please help me to let go of my worries and trust that you will guide me through them. I give all of myself to you and ask that you bless this exam with your divine light. May my mind be clear and focused on the tasks at hand, and give me wisdom when I need it most.”

30. “Lord, help me remember what I have learned, not what I am going to learn. Help me put my trust in you and not worry about failing.”

31. “Dear God, please bless my exam today. Keep me calm and confident as I tackle any questions that come my way. This is your gift to me – allow it to bring honor and glory unto you.”

32. Dear God, please help me do my best in this exam and give me all the knowledge I need to pass it. Thank you for being with me always and being my best friend.

33. Dear God, please help me to pass this exam and give me the ability to study well. May your guidance be with me as I prepare for each class and test. I thank you for the opportunity to learn throughout my life from my family, school, friends, teachers, and mentors. Please fill my mind with your wisdom and help me remember the information I need today!

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34. Praise you, O God, the author of all science. Make me attentive today to your voice in my heart and always to the things that I have learned by experience or by study. Grant me a good knowledge of what I am going to be examined on and help me to choose good answers, avoiding any chance of false pride or vain glory. May your holy love guide my every thought, word, and action steadfastly in conformity with Your will

35. Lord, help me to be honest in my answers, knowledgeable about the material, and give me the courage to face the examination bravely. Amen

36. “Dear God, please create in me the retentive memory to understand and remember all that I have read for this exam. In Jesus’ name Amen”

37. May the Lord give me the strength and focus to perform well in my exams. May He guide every step of my way today and help me bring glory to His name. May this exam find me as God finds me, and may He always be with me, helping me to do His will.

38. “Father, bless me with contentment, diligence, and patience. Teach me to be patient and humble in the midst of exams. Help me listen attentively to your voice that gives me knowledge on how to answer these questions. Amen.”

39. God, please let me pass this exam so that I can stay in school and get my education. Guide me as I prepare for my test, and help me to become a better student as I learn. In Jesus’ name, Amen

40. Dear God, please help me to be strong and confident during the exam. Please give me courage, wisdom, and knowledge during this time. Amen.”

41. Dear Lord, please help me pass my exam today. Please help me to focus on what I need to know so that I can remember it and write it down on my paper. Please let your words flow from my mind to the book and onto the paper. Thank you for all of your help during this time; it is greatly appreciated and needed.

42. God, give me the wisdom to study, the strength to endure, and the courage to succeed in my exams.

43. I pray that God helps me relax and focus on the exam, not the pressures of it. May God grant me wisdom, discernment, and understanding to give the best answers that he has placed in my heart. I pray for strength in my hands so they don’t shake when I write, eyes that are sharp enough to see what needs to be seen, and ears that hear things being said to clarify them by my professor.

44. May the wisdom of the Almighty God enlighten me in this exam and make me happy with his loving mercy. God, grant me the grace to endure the temptations that would come my way today so that I can prove worthy of His happiness and favor. Amen.

These short prayers are great to pray before an exam. Quick, simple, and easy to memorize, these prayers will put your mind at ease and help you concentrate.

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