33 Prayers for Someone’s First Day At Work

The first day at work is the most exciting day in anyone’s life. May the Lord bless you with progress and success and bring happiness to your work.

Let’s get to the prayers for someone’s first day at work.

33 Best Prayers for Someone’s First Day At Work

  1. Dear Lord, please help (fill in the name of the person) feel comfortable on their first day of work. Give them a sense of calm and confidence so that they are able to make a good impression on their new boss and coworkers. Please guide them during their journey as they meet new people and learn about different ideas. Protect them from any bad habits which might develop in the early stages of their careers. Use this time to guide them towards recognizing Your way and seek You as the source of all wisdom and success. In Jesus Name Amen!
  2. Please keep my friend safe today as he goes to work for the first time. Help him to be organized and efficient, show kindness to all of his colleagues, provide good ideas for his projects, and make good choices regarding his health, diet and exercise. Please protect everyone who works with him. Amen.
  3. Thank you for getting this person on board. Help them through their first day and let their work bring You glory. May this person have a blessed time working at this new job and may they grow to love their employers and co-workers in your name. Amen.
  4. Help him to have a wonderful start on his new job and that he will be able to overcome any obstacles or challenges in the coming days. And if possible, help him to be successful at his job by giving him wisdom, knowledge, and courage. Amen.
  5. Dear Lord, please bless our friend on their first day of work. Please help them to be calm and enjoy the rest of the day. Help them to stay focused on the tasks that have been given to them. May this be a good experience for them as they progress in their future endeavors as a new employee for [Company Name].
  6. Dear Lord, please watch over your children as they start their new job today. Give them strength, courage and endurance to endure the challenges they will meet. Please bless them with the ability to deal with any problems that may arise. Give them wisdom and discernment to make good decisions at work today. Grant them the grace of protection both physically and spiritually so they can be healthy and whole on this first day on the job. And Lord, please bless their employer with a good servant who will fulfill their needs and expectations while sharing your love with others in their workplace as well. Amen.
  7. I pray that you have a job that is rewarding and fulfilling the way you want it to be. For your first day of work, dear Lord, please bless this person with a gentle spirit and a peaceful heart. Help them feel at home in their new environment so that they can thrive and grow as a productive member of the team. In your name I pray, Amen.
  8. Thank you for everything you have done. Thank you for keeping my family safe in this new year. Thank you for guiding me through my decision to work at this new job and having The Lord on my side helps me feel confident that all will be well. Amen.
  9. I pray for this person, who is about to be working for the first time. I pray that you would guide and protect him/her. Help them to have courage and wisdom, to do the tasks well, to treat their coworkers and subordinates with respect, to work hard and efficiently, which is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
  10. Dear Lord, please watch over my friends and family today when they start their new jobs. Please help them make decisions that will allow them to be successful, and bring glory to you.
  11. Dear Lord, please keep my friend safe as he embarks on a new job today. Help him to remain calm and focused, so that he is able to perform his duties well in service to his company and his family. Amen.
  12. Dear Lord, please bless (name) on his first day of work. Please help him to be a productive part of the company, and bestow upon him the strength to face challenges with confidence and courage. Help him to always put others’ well-being before his own and be a shining example for others to follow in his footsteps. And as he serves with hard work and dedication in your name, please see him/her through today’s challenges. Amen.
  13. Today is my first day at work. I pray that you would protect me all through the day as I face all sorts of dangers, people or situations. Please help me keep in good conduct throughout the day and show respect to my seniors who are your representatives on earth. Amen.
  14. Dear Lord, please protect and keep my son today when he starts his new job. You know how nervous he is about starting the new job. Please help him be kind and respectful of the other employees’ feelings. Help him to work well and follow directions from his supervisors. Amen.
  15. Thank you Lord for your guidance, wisdom, and protection. We place this new employee into your loving hands. Be with him every step of the way as he commences his new job. Amen.
  16. Dear Lord, please be with (name) today and every day. Please bless her with your grace and guidance as she begins her new job. Please keep her safe, healthy, and happy. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who loved us so dearly that He sacrificed Himself for our sins. Amen.
  17. Please watch over my friend today as he starts his first day of work. Please give him the strength to face whatever challenges come his way today. Give him perseverance, courage, and grace to do his best today. Help him stay focused on what matters most – Your peace and love in his heart and mind. Please help him do the right things, without fail. Give him inspiration in what he does at work today, Lord. I ask that you guide him towards making good decisions throughout this day Lord – that he may make wise choices not just for himself but also for those around him. Amen.
  18. Lord, please help your servant as he enters his new work for the first time. Grant him confidence and peace in your name. Amen.
  19. Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us the ability to do our jobs, and the courage to do it. Help us Lord to do our job to the best of our ability in honor of your name and not out of greed or selfishness. Help us also to respect others who do jobs differently than our own, and help us to live in harmony with all those around us. Amen.
  20. Good morning, Dear Lord, we pray for this person who is starting a new job today. We ask You to bless her with wisdom and strength. Help her to make the best of each day, and guide her in what she does. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  21. Dear Lord, please guide this person and help them in their new job. Please give them skills to make them the best employee they can possibly be. Help them do their job well, with organizational skills and accuracy. Please give them the patience needed to work well with others. Bless him/her with your love and protection so that he/she will feel safe throughout this new experience.
  22. Thank you Lord that I am working this new job and that you are giving me the strength and wisdom to accomplish all of my daily tasks. Amen.
  23. Please give my friend the strength, confidence and courage that is needed for her first day of work. Help her to stay focused, calm and confident in this new venture. Let it be an opportunity for personal growth, learning and professional development.
  24. Dear Lord, please be with my brother as he starts his new job this week. I pray for him to have the spirit of courage and wisdom to do well in this opportunity, so that he may prove himself to be a worthy employee.
  25. Dear Lord, please bless and protect my loved one on their first day of work. Help them to find a safe and secure place, where they will enjoy the people that they are surrounded by and do what it is that makes them happy. Help them to know or remember who they are in our Heavenly Father’s eyes and let them know that they are loved. May all be according to your will. Amen.
  26. Dear Lord, Please be with ((name)) today as he/she starts his/her first day of work. Please give them the strength and courage to do an exceptional job. Give them The wisdom that is needed in order to persevere through any difficult circumstances.
  27. Lord, I pray that my colleagues be safe, healthy, and happy while they work today. Give them the wisdom to find closure with any past issues at their old place of work that may create stress. Please bless them with a sense of confidence and peace so that they can do the job with confidence. Show them your love, mercy, and grace each day. In Jesus’ Name I pray…Amen.
  28. I have a new job today, please bless me and help me to do my best. Enable me to make the right decisions, keep my focus, and not get overwhelmed by how big this company is. Give me the strength to do what I’m supposed to do and help me maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. Please fill my heart with confidence in you, so that I can always trust that you are guiding me through this process. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  29. Dear Lord, please help me to be brave today. Don’t let me be afraid to try new things and meet new people. I know that you are here with me and that you will give me the strength I need to begin this exciting journey. Amen.
  30. Lord, I pray that you be with my son/daughter, who is starting a new job today. Please bless him/her with a spirit of wisdom and understanding in this time of transition. Help my child to be joyful and patient in every situation, as he/she seeks to do your will through this busy time. Thank you for providing him/her with this wonderful opportunity and for blessing all who work at his/her company.
  31. Dear Lord, please accompany our friend on his first day of work. Help him to be well-rested, cheerful, and alert. Bless his interactions with customers, colleagues, and supervisors so that everyone will enjoy dealing with him. Give him the ability to be patient when things do not go according to plan and make sure he makes no mistakes. Please give him strength and courage to face whatever challenges that may come his way on this first day at work. Amen.
  32. Dear Lord, we pray today for our family members who begin this day of work as new employees. Please give them the strength and courage to conquer any challenges they will face today. Empower them with Your presence, guidance, and presence as they face unfamiliar situations. Bless them with a feeling of confidence knowing that You are with them wherever they go, helping them with all of their needs. Amen.
  33. I pray that today you will give my friend courage, comfort, and help as he faces the challenges of a new job. Dear God I pray that he puts his trust in you and is motivated by the knowledge that you are with him to guide him, protect him, and keep him safe. Help him to know that if he steps out of his comfort zone, it will be because he has faith in your purpose for his life. Lord may you guide him so that he doesn’t veer off course but stays true to what is right and good knowing that your timing is perfect no matter what happens today or tomorrow. Protect him from those who would take advantage of his good nature by seeking undue advancement for themselves at his expense or seeking to make him guilty for things for which he should not have any accountability. Amen.
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