40 End-Of-The-Year Prayers for Students

Although schooling lasts for a limited period, it has a lot of hurdles that can make a student lose focus or even not accomplish their academic goals.

This is why thanking God for his help thus far and committing the upcoming year to him in prayer is crucial.

Also, every student who wants to thrive purposefully must do that by planning ahead and taking steps right away from school.

And since no one completely knows the future, it is important that they trust their plans in prayers to the one who is fully aware of things to come.

This prayer is for students who are showing their gratitude for a progressive year and laying the foundation for the year to come.

40 Best End-of-the-year Prayers For Students

  1. Dear Father, your love for me is overwhelming. Words are insignificant to describe how amazing you have been to me. I am alive today because you are good to me. Among many other things, the air in my nostrils is an indication that I am loved by you. I’m grateful that you keep preserving me and granting me wisdom in my studies from the beginning of the year, even up until this moment be extolled in my life forevermore in Jesus name. Amen


  1. Father, I’m grateful for my well-being. Being whole is a rare opportunity you’ve granted me. I have the chance to go to school because you have been my shield and buckler. Thank you for protecting me all the while at school. My stay at school was peaceful because of your amazing love. May all the glory be ascribed to name. Amen


  1. Thanks, Lord, for your mercies in my life. There were times when I almost missed the road at school, but you helped me. You held me up and chose to shower me with so much mercy beyond my expectations. I pray that your mercy will not cease in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, your faithfulness has been the reason why I stand. I’m grateful that even when I focused on my inadequacies at school, you still gave me more reasons to be thankful because you are faithful. Anytime I call home or come home for a break, your goodness has found an abode in my family. Your name is blessed.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for the constant assurance that you are with me. You have been more than a friend throughout the year. When I needed a shoulder to lean on, I found one in you. An amazing one at that. Although I’ve got excesses, you have never criticized and dumped me because you are a wonderful father. In Jesus’ name, I ask for the grace to be aware of your presence at all times. Amen.


  1. Dear God, I’m excited that you didn’t give up on me. Throughout the year was a mix of experiences, especially when I had to mix it up with new people at school, give up old friendships and hold on to my values that were quite different from others, which made me stay alone at some point. You still didn’t turn your back on me. I give you thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, for consistently providing for me, I bring you thanks. From all indications, the resources I got from home weren’t sufficient to take care of myself, but see how I’m shining today. I’ve come to the end of the year well catered for. And every single day at school was full of divine supplies for me because my father owns a thousand flocks on a hill. Blessed be name. Amen.
See also:  40 End Of The Year Prayers For Myself


  1. Father, I’m amazed at how far I’ve come because of your support. Those scary presentations and hectic take-home questions you helped me overcome calls for testimonies. I was confused, but you led me throughout the year and granted me direction on what to study for every assessment and exam. Thank you for being my strength.


  1. Dear Father, please accept my heartfelt thanks for keeping my family safe while I was away at school. If something had happened to them, my emotional health would have suffered greatly. But I was always encouraged to know that they were faring well and advancing. I give you all the praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Father, I appreciate how far you’ve pushed me academically; there has been significant progress since the beginning of the year, even in areas that I did not expect. Because of you, every aspect of my life is much better than it was at the beginning of the year. Be glorified in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Many didn’t survive the toughness of school, but here I am, standing tall and not swept away by the wind of popular opinions and human predictions. In fact, you are an amazing God. Your name is blessed. Amen.


  1. Thank you for my experiences at school. Just like the house of David, you made me wax stronger and stronger. Although I had plans for the year, at some point it looked like everything was not okay. The challenges I encountered almost made me lose hope. But I’m grateful for your help in times of need. And I pray that you will continue to strengthen me even in the upcoming year, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Dear Father, I give you all the glory for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding I demonstrated this year. Despite the fact that I strive to perform my student duties, they do not qualify for the excellent result you have granted me. Accept my gratitude in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, I thank you for every distinction in my subjects this year because every good and perfect gift comes from above. In Jesus’ name, may I always recognize you as the source of all good in my life. Amen.


  1. Abba, thank you for the favor. Beyond words, I’m grateful for the favor before my peers and teachers. I pray that I will experience much more favor in this new year and beyond in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Father, I am grateful to everyone with whom I enjoy the benefit of a good relationship with, at school. In Jesus’ name, I receive the grace to discern good friendships and be open to them. Amen.


  1. Dear Father, your direction was what kept me going throughout the year. I would have given up if I made some costly mistakes. But I’m grateful for your direction through my instincts and through people. I pray that you will continue to direct me on the path to go in my academics in Jesus’ name. Amen


  1. Congratulations, Father, on another successful school year; you made all of these incredible things possible for me, and I am grateful. In Jesus’ Name, I pray that, as you have helped me thus far, you will complete what you have started in my life. Amen


  1. Dear God, thank you for my parents, siblings, and friends. You have imprinted your love on each of them, and I’m thankful. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray that you continue to envelop them in your unfailing love and that we live in harmony. Amen.


  1. Throughout my stay away from home, your eyes have been fixed on my family, including my extended loved ones. I am grateful. Your concern over my family is evident, and it is something to thank you over and over again for. May everything praiseworthy be attributed to your name in Jesus’ name. Amen.
See also:  90 Prayers for November [2022]


  1. Everyone around me can attest to your goodness, including my friends. Our performance in school was much better towards the end of the year than when we started earlier this year. Thank you for giving us speed and the ability to study and retain. I know that you have so much in reserve for us that no human or fowl on earth has threaded that path to know what that is, but they are superb plans. I pray that you help me to trust you better in the upcoming year, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Father, as I express gratitude for my life, family, loved ones, and education at the end of the year, my expectations are still high. By your grace, I know that the “latter will be greater” and “the best is yet to come”. I pray that as much as I celebrate productivity this year, I will experience mind-blowing levels of help. Amen.


  1. Even as the year ends, help me to step into the new year with much more courage and boldness to stand tall even in the midst of crisis in Jesus name. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, help me to accomplish the goals that I’ve set for my life. In my academics, open my eyes to know the things I ought to improve on and have a plan to go about it in the new year I’m about to step into. Help me to intelligently build structures that will enable me to attain more distinctions in the upcoming year in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. I tried what I could in my academic pursuits last year, but I’m praying to do much better in the new year to come. You say we should “ask and we will receive; we should knock and the door will be opened to us.” As I knock on the door for greater possibilities in my academics next year, may my reply come speedily in Jesus name. Amen.


  1. Dear God, I seek more strength emotionally. Grant me the grace to be more resilient. May the situations around me not determine my outcome and even when I am overwhelmed by them, assist me to come out quickly and stronger with lessons to learn from and teach others in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Help me, dear Lord, to know your will concerning my life every day. I pray that those times when I squander my time by making the wrong choices will not occur again. Let my daily decisions reflect your glory. May my long-term decisions also be pleasant to you, including my career choices and other courses of learning that I will select to study next year in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Father, even as I plan to engage in school activities from next year onward, help me to do what is required to achieve the goals I’ve set for my academics. And may distractions, in any form, not take over me. As distractions try to take my attention, may you constantly remind me of the goals I’ve set and how focused I need to be at all times because the world awaits my manifestation.


  1. Dear God, this is my year to shine as a light. Everywhere I go, and whatever I put my hands to, will blossom. Help me to be a visionary in this new year. In the year approaching, my light will not be hidden in Jesus’ name. Amen.
See also:  Happy New Month Prayers to My Mentor


  1. Dear Father, grant me the insight to do what I ought to do in every aspect of my life, on time, especially academically in this new year. May I not be too early or too late, but help me to “walk diligently as a wise person”. In Jesus’ name, may the year to come bring good tidings to my academics. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, just as you shielded me this year, I ask that you grant me safety even as I journey to and fro school as I step into another year. As I leave home, may goodness follow me and mercy not depart from my side. Meeting everyone in good health was heartwarming. May this joy not depart in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. As I look forward to an amazing time at school next year, I will continue to keep and take care of my loved ones so that I’ll be focused in school. Nothing will steal my joy. May your loving kindness continue to be steadfast towards us in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, help me not to waste time on things that are insignificant at school. In Jesus’ name, “Teach me to number my days” at school so that I will be diligent and smart at the same time. Amen.


  1. Abba, this year was beautiful. I built impactful relationships with my fellow students and lecturers this year, but I’m trusting that next year will be much better. May you bring more destiny helpers my way and help me to recognize them when they show up in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Father, thank you for choosing me. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be attending the school where I am currently enrolled. I pray that in those times when the devil will try to make me fall into the temptation of doing what I ought not to, you will assist me to overcome in Jesus name. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, I won’t cease to appreciate you for the educational environment that I find myself in. Apart from the course I’m studying, I’ve learned a lot about life and encountered other things that have shaped my life. This environment has taught me balance, and my life keeps improving as the day goes by. By this time next year, I believe your grace will have made my life ten times better. Amen.


  1. Father, teach and help me to play my part carefully. Grant me the grace to retain all that I’m taught and, during exams, help me to give intelligent answers in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, I thank you for the spirit of excellence. Because “your plans towards me are good and not evil,” I trust that my final results will be beautiful. Although I’ve tried my best, I know that “by the arm of flesh no one shall prevail,” so I trust that you will come through for me. And in the end, my results will be exceptional.


  1. Father, I pray that you secure my environment in school against every evil. No wicked plans against me shall prosper in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Thanks, heavenly father. It is so amazing that I have a friend in you that I can trust. With you by my side, no aspect of my life can run down, including my academics, so long as I do my part truthfully. I trust you that in the year to come you will grant me good success and my academics will not suffer for any reason even as I “study to show myself approved” by you. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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