50 Happy Resumption Prayers (You Should Share At Resumption)

It feels exciting to resume school, work, or any other endeavor, so long as you enjoy your activity there. However, joyfully resuming shouldn’t simply be your goal.

As you plan to resume, set new goals, and get ready to meet the people you haven’t seen in a while, you should say a happy resumption prayer.

This prayer is for people who want a happy resumption and have chosen to take out time to commit their resumption and the rest of their activities into God’s hands.

Underneath Are 50 Happy Resumption Prayers

  1. Father, I appreciate you greatly for your help towards me in the semester that just passed. You have been faithful, great, and kind. I bless you from my heart, oh, dear Lord.


  1. Abba, I appreciate your loving kindness toward me. Thank you for your sanity. Thank you for the great grace that you have granted me, not just to be a student but to be outstanding and to end last semester strong.


  1. Heavenly Father, I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to be a student. Thank you for the admission you have gifted me. It is such an opportunity to be placed in this position. To you be all the glory and praise now and for all eternity.


  1. Blessed Lord, I pray that you be praised and glorified in my academic exercise. May all the steps that I will take in this new session be to your glory.


  1. Father, I believe that you will never leave or forsake your own. Even as I have resumed to kick start the new academic session with full force, and I ask that you be with me. May your help come through for me from now until the end, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I appreciate your almightiness. In different ways, I have experienced your sufficiency. Oh, how beautiful you are. I bless you for this great opportunity that you have opened me to. In this period, Lord, may I experience you in a greater dimension, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. God, grant me the grace to move with the speed that is required of me in this academic season. Open my eyes to know what I ought to do, and I pray that you grant me the audacity, stability, direction, and knowledge that I need to soar and perform excellently in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I open my heart to you. May every form of laziness not unfold in my academics as I resume this semester. May laziness not unfold during midterms, and may you grant me all that it takes to finish gloriously to the praise and honor of your name. Amen


  1. Abba, I acknowledge your help in my life. I thank you for what you are doing for my academics. I believe that you have not brought me this far to leave me hanging in confusion. Now that you have begun this powerful work in my academics, I am sure that you won’t cease to do much more to praise your wonderful name. Amen
See also:  120+ Happy New Year Prayers (to Mark the Beginning of 2023)


  1. Dear Lord, I thank you for how far you have brought me. I ask that you open my eyes to make a difference even as I resume. Keep my hope alive throughout my journey in school. Let my inspiration come from you, and by your right hand, uplift me in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Thank you, blessed Lord, for I have a full assurance that you will start with me from this resumption onward and even till I wrap up. Amen


  1. I bless you with a great God. Remaining and standing until now in my academics can only be by your hand. I look up to you for stability in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that you grant me the wisdom, knowledge, and a smart mind to achieve my goals. Open up my mind to relevant knowledge from this period of resumption up until this program ends in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Blessed Lord, I pray for the grace to stand tall during tough circumstances. Lead me and guide me. Even as I begin now, be with me. Let your words of encouragement not be far from me, and may this process be a bliss-filled one in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. God, I ask for the grace to be diligent. May your grace, which is sufficient for me, be my drive to work hard even as I resume. May my hands not be found empty when they should be working in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, I ask that you increase me on every side. As I resume, may your presence be with me. In my journey and through the whole process, may your presence not leave me, as it has for us in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Redeemer, I pray that you save me from everything that is against your will and plans for me. May everything that will unfold in my life be to your glory in the name of Jesus.


  1. Abba, wrap me under your wings. May I experience your presence like never before? From the beginning, I employed your presence, oh Lord, to save me from every form of danger in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, it’s such an honor to have come this far. May this ecstasy of resumption not cease at any point during the process, but I look up to you as you lead me safely till the end. Amen


  1. Father, I am fully aware of your love for me, and I trust that you are strongly behind me. From this resumption onward, may I feel the warmth of your love more closely than ever. Amen


  1. God, I release myself into your care. You have asked me to cast my cares on you because only you are my sustenance. Continue to uphold me even as I kickstart with you in the name of Jesus. Amen
See also:  50 Catholic Prayers For The Beginning Of A New Year


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray for your grace to keep me steady throughout this period. May my eyes be continuously fixed on your presence and your plans for me. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I hide under your shield right from this beginning period onward. May I experience you in a greater dimension? I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I receive the grace to finish successfully. May your hand of help extend to me in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, may your wisdom be my guiding light, shining through my path throughout this period. From resumption through completion, lead and direct me in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I ask that your angels go around, beside, and before me even as I resume. At the end of this exercise, may my testimony be that I had a rich experience of the supernatural in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I acknowledge your help thus far. I am at this stage because of you, and even now, as I resume, preparing to wrap up, I am full of the assurance that you will send helpers my way. Amen


  1. Dear Father, combat every spirit of confusion as I resume. In the name of Jesus, may every form of dilemma without clarity on what to do not be my experience. Amen


  1. Blessed Lord, I direct my ways into your hands; lead me away from danger even as I return. May my experiences not be those of regret, but may your saving grace be my constant experience in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. God, I ask that you help me to focus on the right information that I need at any given time. May my attention not be fixed on the knowledge that doesn’t matter, and as I resume, may this period yield more bounty than ever. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I surrender my will to let yours prevail as I resume. My expectation is that this new season ends blissfully. So, I pray to you, Lord, that you enable me to permit your perfect plans to overshadow mine in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I can only imagine how faithful you are to me. Words cannot be quantified. Thank you for a successful break. I bless you for not giving up on me and not minding those situations where I was faulty. You are greatly to be praised. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I appreciate you for investing greatly in me. I acknowledge your sacrifices to make my life worthwhile. As I learn to depend on you better, I pray that, as you continue to make me valuable, may my life praise you and you alone as I resume in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Bless my endeavors and make me productive as I resume. I pray that you put ideas in my mind that work, and may you help me implement them in the best possible way to attract kings and bless the lives of those who encounter me in the name of Jesus. Amen
See also:  60 Prayer Points For The Last Day Of The Year


  1. Lord, teach me to depend on you at all times as I resume. May my eyes be upon you for sustenance and help all around. Have your way, dear Lord, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I ask that you grant me wisdom on how to navigate through the seasons. May my life not be full of loopholes without results or positive impact. Open me up to greater levels of your might. And may this resumption not only be sweet but, in the end, may my testimony be a mind-boggling one in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I receive the spirit of discernment. May I not fall into error because my spiritual senses cease to receive signals and move in the direction that you are pointing me? Amen


  1. Abba, may I not get distracted by the things that life will throw at me even as I progress in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Father, protect the people I will leave behind. Hide them in the hollow of your hands. As I leave my loved ones to resume their lives, may no evil report reach me from them in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, you are my great rock that I lean on. Even in this economy, be my help. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I ask for divine intervention in my affairs as I resume. May my experiences be beautifully beyond the norm in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. I bless you, Father of every good thing. I’ve had awesome memories, and even now, as I resume my studies, I know that you will do me good over and over again. Amen


  1. Heavenly Lord, I ask that your angels surround me and my properties as I journey to resume. May no harm befall me or anything I own in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Lord, I receive divine insight into matters around me. In the name of Jesus, may I not be a victim of the enemy even during this period. Amen


  1. God, I bless you for your mindfulness toward me. I can’t wait to resume, and I pray for your unmerited favour to show up for me again in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Father, I acknowledge your help thus far. Just like a dream, your grace has found me. Blessed are you, Lord. Amen


  1. Blessed Lord, my eyes are set on you. May my earnest expectation not be cut short as I continue to trust in you in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Lord, I pray that you step ahead of me and meet my needs according to your riches in glory. May this resumption be full of abundant blessings in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, may you grant me an attentive spirit as I resume. May I be attentive to details and not be distracted at any point when I resume in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. I bless you, dear Father, because I have greatly helped from this time of resumption until the end in the name of Jesus. Amen

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