120+ Happy New Year Prayers (to Mark the Beginning of 2023)

It is delightful to mark a new year. After the hurdles of last year, a fresh chance gets opened for new opportunities and more blessings.

As the new year unfolds, you should pray to celebrate it and declare your intentions for the year already!

You can say these prayers to express your gratitude for a new year and commit it to God to be a beautiful one.

Below are 120+ Happy New Year Prayers To Say As The Year Begins

  1. Lord, thank you for my life. My existence is indeed a testimony to your mighty hand in and upon my life. For this opportunity to breathe, I render thanks to you.


  1. I wish I could count the amazing blessings I’ve experienced in my existence. It is obvious that your goodness keeps chasing me around, Lord. Thank you for your great hand of grace upon me, Lord.


  1. Blessed Father, your child says thank you for this new beginning. As the year kicked off, you’ve shown me so much grace and help. Thank you, Father.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for the previous year. I appreciate every experience you have brought me through. Thank you for looking out for me even when I stray. In this new year, I pray that you keep me stable in your presence.


  1. Father, your holy presence has preserved me thus far. Through the years and even into this new year, I get so excited every time I become conscious of your love. May your love surround me much more even in this new year, I pray. Amen


  1. Abba, your fatherly love has brought me this far, and I give you thanks. Even in this new year, I remain humble as a child. Let your fatherly love not cease from my life in this new year. Amen.


  1. Lord, I appreciate you for stabilizing my family even after the challenges of the past year. Their joy has overflowed and engulfed me as well. I trust that in this new year, Lord, you will continue what you have started in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I know that the latter will be greater. So, I’m set for remarkable blessings and mercies in this new year. Thank you, dear Father, for the super things to come.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for these ecstatic occurrences. The aura is so beautiful, and I believe that it is packed with good tidings for me in this new year.


  1. Thank you, Lord, even for the works of my hands, which are fruitful. I know that there is so much increase on every side, and in this new year, my business will break forth on every level.


  1. Dear Lord, as I start a new year, I pray for your guidance. Let your angels surround me so that at every step that I take, I will be safe and unharmed. May I experience heaven’s protection in this year and beyond. Amen


  1. Dear God, even as the year unfolds, I receive the grace to live a life worth living. At the end of this year, may my testimonies be much more than the year that just passed.


  1. Father, help me to live a life that is full of you, and may your peace that supersedes all understanding fill my heart in the name of Jesus. Enable me to be joyful in every circumstance, and may my joy not be dependent on man in this new year. Amen.


  1. Abba, teach me the ropes of love in this new year and help me to practice the attitude of living with anyone and everyone that encounters me. As the year begins, may my life be full of love and lovely as well.


  1. Heavenly Father, I commit my life into your hands, and every day that I open my eyes at dawn, I ask, Oh Lord, that you’ll grant me a sense of purpose. May this year not end without me getting a better glimpse at the purpose and living a life of satisfaction in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Father, may I experience a supernatural shift in this new year. I pray that things will work out for my good even as I ride on your wings in this new year.


  1. Lord, as the new year unfolds, help me set my goals on things that count. May every side plan and distraction that would derail me from my objectives not come to pass in this new year.


  1. Father, hold my hand on this journey through the new year. As my heart is set on you and I believe in you, I pray that you’ll not let me call for my desires but lead me in the path of righteousness and fulfillment of destiny in this new year.


  1. Lord, take me far from everything that will not glorify you in this new year; let your guiding light keep me safe even through the journey of this year. As it begins happily, may I record tons of victories and triumphs as well.


  1. Dear Lord, lead me and guide me. Free me from every blindfold that is set to hinder me from making the most of this year. Even as I trust in you for guidance and direction, I know that I will never see shame or get disappointed along the way. Amen


  1. Heavenly Lord, from my heart, I thank you for your hand upon my life and family. Thank you for every experience in the past year. Indeed, you have helped us greatly, and so we offer our praise.


  1. Father, even as you have helped us cross to this stage where we are currently, may this new year bring good tidings for us. We will not go into obscurity and lose our heritage in this new year. Amen


  1. Abba, as we step into this new year, we continue to depend on you and request that you continue to provide for us. Help us not to depend on our strength, efforts, and skills, but may our eyes continually be on you for our sustenance.


  1. Lord, help me to be disciplined so that you can find a vessel in me. Put into me your zeal and passion to be the best that I can be in this new year. Refuel my inspiration, and may my biggest motivation always be before me, Lord.
See also:  50 End-Of-Year Thanksgiving Prayer Points


  1. Heavenly Father, help my actions and thoughts! Let everything that goes in my mind glorify you, for in it lies a vital aspect of my life. Pattern everything I do and every thought that runs through my mind throughout the year. Let everything I do glorify you.


  1. Goodness, grace, and help from God will not elude me in this new year. I open up my heart to obtain greater mercies and sufficient strength from you, Lord, even as the year unfolds. I trust that I’m safe and secure in your hands.


  1. Abba, even as I thank you and continue to rely on your grace in this new year, I receive what it takes to trust you, Lord, and pour all my strengths and weaknesses into you at every point in this year. Help me to look up to you and lean on you even when I face obstacles.


  1. In my lonely days, Lord, help me to trust in you. Do not let any circumstances take me away from your presence, for there is a goal ahead. I pray that my gaze will be on your predestined plans for my life. Amen


  1. Father, in this new year, may my hours not be wasted. Help me to maximize my days; may my weeks scream fruitfulness and my year with prosperity and security.


  1. Lord, I look up to you in this new year for an upgraded character. Help me work better to be the best version of myself. Strengthen me to dislike those traits that are not beautiful but be open to change, especially when needed.


  1. Father, I receive the grace to be friendly. May I not chase away my destiny helpers and end profitable relationships. Teach me to know the right people to walk with, and grant me the grace to sustain impactful relationships.


  1. Lord, thank you for the year that has passed. Even as this new year unfolds, I request wisdom to make decisions. May your spirit prompt me to make the right choices that are according to your will for me.


  1. Last year was great, but I trust you, Lord, for a more beautiful year. Direct me to set goals that will yield greater achievements. Even as I set these goals, assist me in all the required efforts to make my goals a reality in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  1. Lord, make me live surrendered to your will at all times. Enable me to permit this year count so that I will make this year a memorable one.


  1. Heavenly Father, as I surrender my will to pick up yours in this new year, I ask that you swallow up my weaknesses and frailties with your strength. May my feeble nature not hinder me from shining my light in this new year.


  1. Father, make me courageous to face whatever this new year brings. Open my eyes to see opportunities and make me see danger as well. May this year usher me into a path of beauty and bliss.


  1. Dear Lord, help me not to forget your goodness this year. May I not begin or end the year with a heart of ingratitude. Lord, may your praise not cease from my heart.


  1. Father, help me to entrust my life to your hands for real. Teach me every passing day to trust you and constantly remind me that I can do all things so long as I keep my eyes on you.


  1. Lord, help me to utilize my potential in this new year. Open my eyes to the reality that you have given me the power to remain an overcomer. May I not trivialize your power in me as well, in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly God, I pray for your calm nature and peace that is unexplainable to envelop my heart. Even as I begin this year with an open heart, may my optimism not die, oh Lord.


  1. Abba, guide me in this new year. May my eyes not roam to and fro without clarity, but I pray that you help me to be content and find rest from the depth of my heart in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. For myself and my family, I pray for open doors, protection, and angelic coverings in this new year. May your love be evident in our lives around the world. Surround us and strengthen us for the journey ahead, we pray. Amen.


  1. Father, now and beyond, I ask for the grace to be silent. Challenges greater than those of last year may arise this year. But I pray that you, who are faithful to keep me from falling, will see me through even in this new year.


  1. Teach me, Lord, how to comfort myself in seasons that are strange and unknown. May my strength not fail me on the day of war when I need to stand stronger. Let your vigor garrison my heart.


  1. Father, I trust that you, who have never let me go a day hungry, will continue to abundantly provide for me and my loved ones. I pray that this year there will be an abundant supply in my barn.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for your loving kindness towards me. In this new year, I know that your mercies will continue to shine on me. I know that your provisions will not cease as well.


  1. Abba, let your spirit of love be my leading motivation in this new year. May self-centeredness not take over my heart. Fill me with compassion and take complete rulership over me and my life.


  1. Dear God, help me to live a life that is full of kindness. May my character beam beauty. In everything I do this year, may you get the praise with all your pride as an excited father.


  1. Help me not to be virtuous by mouth and hypocrisy. May my life this year and beyond be pure and not deceptive. Lead me. in the proper way I ought to go and help me to extend kindness and reach out to others in love.


  1. Lord, I obtain your strength to remain steady till the end of the journey. May nothing weary me or push me off track. Let my source of inspiration not die as well, but keep me constantly motivated, I pray.
See also:  40 Saint Anthony Prayers for Protection


  1. Dear Father, I’m open to perseverance. Even as life’s challenges surface, I receive the endurance to be still and remain full of hope.


  1. Abba, let your joy overwhelm my heart. Help me to find joy in everything I do and at every stage I get to in life. Let your still small instructive voice assist me not to go astray, Oh Lord.


  1. Dear God, I request that the year be filled with rejoicing and happy vibes for me and my loved ones. May we find delight and diligently give thanks for your great blessings. Amen


  1. Lord, I acknowledge my insufficiencies and inadequacies in the past year. So, I ask for your forgiveness. Oh, Lord, show me mercy, and do not turn your back on me. As you take away the guilt, please grant me grace not to take on old ways and make old decisions.


  1. Father, replace my shame with your unending love. Help me not to cover my sin in shame or act like a disadvantaged child, but help me to trust your love, let go of my guilt, and look up to a beautiful year ahead.


  1. God, help me not to take rash actions. Speak to me at every step that I take. In every one of my decisions, I ask for your guidance. As you teach me, may I fathom your will for my life and hold on to your timing for every one of my decisions.


  1. Dear Lord, we are thankful for your security last year. I appreciate you saving Grace on every occasion. In this new year, I pray that you will not cease to guide my friends and families. Let your tender angels go before, after, and beside us every passing day.


  1. God, grant me rest. In this new year, may my mind not roam to and fro, but grant me rest in your will for my life.


  1. Lord, help me to recognize your great love. May I not lose touch with your presence? Enable me to continually believe that with you in me, I can surmount every mountain.


  1. Abba, help me to always acknowledge my insufficiency so that I will be a candidate for the daily mercies you shower on people who you choose. Oh Lord, take charge of me.


  1. Father Lord, may your provision for me and my family not cease. Keep our pockets filled this year so that people around me can enjoy the abundance that you offer.


  1. Lord, help me to move ahead from the negativity of last year. May my transition be swift and stable. consistently guide me through the best path you’ve chosen for me. Let your assurance of an expected end and a fruitful future not end in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, in this new year and beyond, teach me to carry your light burden and your less-stressful jokes. May I not pay attention to gossip and backbiting? Every other heavy stone will not see the end of this new year.


  1. Lord, lead me to live a simple but impactful life.


  1. Lord, we ask for your forgiveness and grace as we enter a new year. Help us to let go of any guilt or shame and trust in your unconditional love.


  1. Father, thank you for giving me hope in this new year. May the flames I caught last year not die out but strengthen with more intensity to fan into reality my potential.


  1. Abba, grant me greater wisdom to navigate this year. I pray that, with your enablement, I will not make unprofitable decisions.


  1. Heavenly Lord, I step into greater levels of bliss in this new year. May my light not run out. Amen


  1. Dear God, I receive the grace to be stable in every sphere of my life. As my health and spirituality blossom, may my pocket not run dry. My relationships will be amazing as well, I pray.


  1. Abba, in this new year, uphold me with your right hand as I stand in awe of your holiness. Please help me not to stray from your presence in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Thank you, Father, for this amazing new year. I am full of hope that the year will bring forth so much bounty.


  1. Dear Lord, I trust that in this new year I am equipped with what it takes to make this stage of my life count. As I expect a mix of experiences, set me high and shine your light in my path.


  1. Dear God, I appreciate your mindfulness toward me in the year that just passed. My heart is set on a higher intensity of your help in my life in this new year. Amen


  1. My creator, in this new year, may my passion not die all of a sudden. Keep my energy alive throughout the year and grant me what it takes to achieve my set goals in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Lord, equip my heart with your love. And may this year be a lovely one for me and my family. Amen


  1. Father, lead me to your plans for my life in this new year. May this chunk of my life be a profitable one. Enable me to live life to the fullest. Guide my thoughts and hold me by your hand.


  1. Abba, in this new year, help me not to hold on tightly to everything I know. Make me flexible so I can accept positive changes. Help my mindset not to be too rigid but productive and constantly inclined to growth. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, let your glory be seen in my life in this new year. May everything in and around me scream your glory. And as my life radiates your praise, may this year’s journey not land me in a destination that is unfavorable.


  1. Father, I ask for the continuity of your miracles in my life. May the supernatural not cease happening again and again in my life. In this new year, may my eyes see more miracles. May my mouth testify of your powerful hand. Amen.


  1. Dear God, help me set my priorities right. May I not get to a point where I do the right thing at an inappropriate time or vice versa? Even as I set my priorities right, help me to tend my choices and guide my decisions to the praise of your name.
See also:  50 Short Prayers for Loss Of Mother


  1. Abba, I thank you for your dealings with me thus far. I pray that in this new year you will help me live a principled life. Guide me precept by precept in honor of your holy name. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, in this new year, I ask that you bless the works of my hands much more than last year. May I experience a great increase. Let all I do with my hands be to scream fruitfulness, and in the end, may my barns be fat.


  1. Dear God, as I continue to look up to you in this new year, I know that it will all end in glory in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  1. Abba, may I experience a greater level of your manifestation in my life. Help me get better and even better. May the wonder of this year supersede that of last year in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Father, I receive the passion and zeal to become what you have in store for me and nothing less in this new year.


  1. Heavenly Father, may I not miss anything in this season. Help me to know what I ought to do, and teach me to do it with all dedication and zeal.


  1. Dear Lord, help me in this new year to be valuable so that I will provide solutions and get the reward of being valuable.


  1. Abba, may I not live a worthless life, but hide me under your presence and grant me the grace to remain in your presence.


  1. Heavenly Lord, help me to be conscious of my health in this new year. In the name of Jesus, may I not act recklessly concerning this aspect of my life. Amen. And as I put in efforts to keep my health in shape, I tap into your divine health, Oh, Dear Lord.


  1. My father, my business, my academics, and all my endeavors experience a supernatural shift when I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  1. Dear God, my talents will not be obscure in this new year. I unmask and disentangle myself from every strategy of the enemy. May my talents and skills find expression in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Abba, I pray that you open doors financially for me in this new season. From the windows of heaven, let blessings flow down to me.


  1. Heavenly Father, I pray that you crown all my efforts with bliss in this new year. May divine favour speak for me and back up all my actions, I pray.


  1. Dear God, I receive greater wisdom in this new year to do much more than I did last year in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Heavenly Lord, thank you for being my stable help from last year up until now. I trust that, by your mercies, this new year is already a grand success.


  1. Abba, I ask that you continue to lead me. May I not stumble as I look up to you in this new year. Amen


  1. Father, bless my loved ones, increase the works of my hands, and make my expectations that are according to your will come to pass.


  1. Dear Lord, I won’t forget that you were my sake yesterday, today, and forever, so I trust that your mindfulness towards me will not come to an end even in this new year.


  1. Dear God, I ask that the blood of your son Jesus guide my path even in this new year.


  1. Abba, in you I am safe and remain unharmed. May your shield continue to cover me from every form of harm.


  1. Thank you, dear Lord, for your unending love. I’m grateful for this chance to adorn my life with so much beauty in this new year.


  1. Blessed Lord, I appreciate you Father of light for my life in this new year. I’m set for greater possibilities and powerful experiences.


  1. Abba, you are worthy to receive glory. I’m super excited for this new year. I know that you will perfect all that pertains to me. Amen


  1. Abba, thank you for your support last year. I believe that there is sufficient grace for me even in this new year.


  1. Father, I appreciate you for the goals I accomplished last year. Let’s do more with greater intensity next year!


  1. Heavenly Lord, may my zeal and passion not be in vain in this new year. Guide my pursuit as I direct my prayer to you, oh Lord.


  1. Dear Father, your banner over me will be my butler in this new year. May Grace speak for me everywhere I go. Amen


  1. Abba, teach me to live responsibly in this new year. Amen


  1. Dear God, help me to recognize wrong relationships and prompt me to move away from anyone who wants to take from me until I’m empty.


  1. Heavenly Father, please save me from the plans of the wicked in this new year. I will frustrate the enterprise over my life.


  1. Dear Lord, help me not to waste my precious time in this new year. Amen


  1. Father, lead my path and lead me into greater levels of righteousness for your namesake.


  1. May the storms and turbulence of life not sweep my feet off the floor in this new year. I depend on you, Lord.


  1. Father, protect my mind and help me to stay far away from unsound judgment in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. Dear Lord, I acknowledge your investments in my life. May this year praise you, Father.


  1. Jireh, as the year has kicked off full of bliss, I trust you will keep opening the doors for provisions even in this new year.


  1. Abba, heighten my love for you in this new year. May love not cease to flow to and from me in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  1. Heavenly Father, I acknowledge your good works toward me. For this new year, I enter your gate with a thankful heart.


  1. Dear God, see me through this new year, I pray.


  1. Lord, thank you for this new year. as ecstatic as this beginning. May good tidings follow through throughout the year in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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