39 Prayers for Car Troubles

Prayers for Car Troubles

There are so many prayers that can be said for car dilemmas. Some of the best prayers include asking for protection, direction, and safety. Other prayers may ask for power, boldness, and knowledge. It is necessary to remember that God is ever with us and will help us through any problem. If you’re looking for … Continue reading

39 Prayers for Safe Driving

Prayers for Safe Driving

Every year, About 1.35 million people lose their lives to road Mishaps. Whether you are a teenager who just got a driver’s license or a grown-up who has been driving for years, Every driver ought to have prayer backing. This prayer for secure driving is a wonderful way to begin the day and give appreciation … Continue reading

21 Prayers for Text Anxiety

Prayers for Text Anxiety

Anxiety can be triggered by pressure or fear of the unknown. Tests can put a lot of pressure on one’s shoulders especially when you have to do very well to launch your next step, platform, or career. This pressure causes anxiety, but this is not a thing to be afraid of as a Christian. Rather … Continue reading