79 Happy Month End Wishes (for October 2022)

The month is coming to an end and while people are wrapping up projects, touching their work, writing reports, and handing out and receiving salaries, they are trading comments and wishes.

Since the comments are plenty, here are wishes to add that and prepare us for the new month.

79 Best End-of-the-Month Wishes

  1. This month you worked, you toiled, you smiled, you cried, and you gave in all your best, so may all your efforts spring and bring tremendous results.


  1. Here are my wishes for you: that for the rest of the month you remain healthy and whole, able to function and put yourself to good and fruitful use.

Happy Month End Wishes

  1. As the month is coming to an end, my only wish is that you get all the blessings you have enjoyed throughout the month double-fold.


  1. As this month is rounding up, enjoy only satisfaction, peace of mind, and joy overflow.


  1. Old things fade away so that new things can take their place. Even the end of this month will be a big and bright start for you that will usher you to the new month.


  1. I wish you a lovely end of the month. The end of this month for you won’t be less than the beginning.


  1. Are there efforts you are making that no one is seeing? I wish you a result that will supersede your expectations and leave everyone too speechless to congratulate you.


  1. Everyone has dreams. My wish is that you don’t end this month with the dream still a dream.


  1. As the month ends increase in strength, wealth, and wisdom for the things of the next month.


  1. You will never tell the story of the end of this month with sadness. There will be testimonies all around.


  1. For the rest of the month, you will not know lack or pain or trouble of any kind.


  1. In the few days that remain, you will not walk into doom. Your legs will take you to favor and greater heights.


  1. It’s not too late for the miracle that will alter the pendulum that you thought was permanent, and make you smile.


  1. , continue to shine and excel far brighter than you did in the beginning throughout the rest of the month


  1. I wish you a happier month’s end just as I wished you a happy new month because the end will be better than the start.


  1. Rivers in the desert, a path in the first, and mercy at the eleventh hour…these will be your testimonies as the month comes to end.


  1. I wish this month ends with joy and laughter in sound health and prosperity, and that nothing will ruin the joy of the new month coming


  1. Everything that you have worked on this month will make you as the month ends. There will be no loss or downfall, just goodness till the very end


  1. This month will end as a remarkable one for you and your family. As you draw closer to the end, there will be no long stories to tell


  1. Thank you for the dreams that came to life this month, the hopes that were a reality, and the plans that were a success.
See also:  33 Catholic Prayers for a New Month


  1. Another month is coming to an end, another happy time. All is well and I have every reason to celebrate.

Happy Month End Wishes

  1. As the month comes to an end, I wish you the things that have been waiting for you to happen.


  1. As the month ends, all it is you have lost will be restored so you can enter the new month happy and excited.


  1. All the regrets of this month are wiped away. No matter how few days are left, you will have pleasant surprises.


  1. The remaining few days will be like opening many packages, and the last one will be a happy new month.


  1. Happy end of the month to everyone around. You made this month’s remark so may next month be remarkable too.


  1. Thank you, Lord, for all the things I have achieved. I wish that next month will be fruitful according to your will by your grace.

Happy Month End Wishes

  1. May this month not end in tears and disasters so that just as we will see the end of this month and it will see our end.


  1. As another thirty days are coming to an end, may the next thirty be just as eventful and fantastic


  1. In every moment there are highs and lows. I wish you the rest of the month, to the very last day, and all the high with laughter and lots of accomplishment.


  1. As we approach the end of the month, we are closer to the end of the year and the month that started wonderfully will end wonderfully.


  1. The sad disasters and unplanned news that affect others won’t be found around you this month’s end.


  1. I wish that even on the last day of the month, you will experience bigger blessings, greater opportunities, and new doors opening.


  1. Just as you worked through the month to achieve great results, even as the month ends, results will not end.


  1. I wish you the best of life as the month comes to a close, and let your heart desires be granted.


  1. As we round up another month, let all the things that made you cry and made you sorrow come to an end. None of it would follow you into the new month that you are entering.


  1. No matter how hard, tiring and difficult the month has been, the rest of the month into the last day will be a completely different story.


  1. If you don’t know how to laugh, you better learn because the test of the month will be filled with laughter and joy.


  1. Whatever plans you had, whatever dreams you had for the new month that is coming. They will start now to begin to work and manifest.


  1. As we say goodbye to this month, you will be bidding farewell to the things that make you anxious and scared.


  1. Sometimes the results of efforts don’t show to the end. As the end of the month is approaching you will see the abundance of results crowning all your efforts with success.

Happy Month End Wishes

  1. Just as days come to an end, months come to an end, whether or not we have accomplished l we had plans. The important thing is that the end of the month that will usher in a new month will not be like that for you.
See also:  50 Great Prayers for the Month of August


  1. Thank you, Lord, for the month that is coming to an end. All of this would not be possible by your grace. A new month is coming and I know that you will pull through for me as you have pulled for me in the past.


  1. No matter how you started the month, it is ending on a positive note because matter how bad things get they can always get better.


  1. Today marks the last day of the month. A new month awaits us with all the new opportunities you have been waiting for. Happy end of the month!


  1. May you attract everything good that you desire before we finally end the month. Happy month end!


  1. As the month is about to end, you may see only good things, hear only good news, taste only sweet things, and go to wonderful places.


  1. I have sat down to think, and I realized that this month has been awesome and it’s about to end; I pray it gets better as we go into the new month.


  1. A few days into the new month, let it be filled with all the great things you haven’t had this month. Happy month end!


  1. Remain calm and patient. Keep on doing your best. You are almost there: at the end of the month and at the door of your success.


  1. Here’s something from my heart: don’t give up, you will soon level up. I see it in your efforts, happy end of the month.


  1. The month will end with you smacking your lips in satisfaction. There will be sad takes to recount, just lovely stories of how you made it through.


  1. It is after the rain that the rainbow comes so don’t cry because of the storms you had in the month. You will end the month with a great big rainbow


  1. If there is a time to be happy and grateful, it is every time but mostly now. There is a new month coming And there is an unveiling of a better you.


  1. The month is almost done and there is so much you have done. Get ready there are more great things coming your way.


  1. No matter how bad you did, you did good, and there is another month waiting for you to try again. You have got this.


  1. I wish you all the very best for the end of the month. You will leave this month laughing because nothing would ruin your joy.


  1. Soon it will be a new month, don’t forget your streak of wins. That is something that would follow you into the new month when this one ends.


  1. Some people started this month but now they are gone. I am glad to have had you throughout the month. Many months and years to us.


  1. If you decide that you have reason to celebrate at all, at least remember that you are alive and that is worth celebrating.


  1. In dew days, we will be wrapping up the month. May the joy and grace of God that accompanied you into this month double and follow you into the next.
See also:  40 End Of The Year Prayers For Myself


  1. There is something else coming, it is a new month, a new level, and a better one that will be ready to take up more challenges. Cheers to that.


  1. To all my friends, family, and loved ones, thank you for another beautiful month, I hope the rest of the days of this month are as beautiful for you as they were beautiful for me.


  1. Every month is wonderful but this month was even more wonderful. And it will get better as we wrap it all up.


  1. For the rest of this month, there will be carryovers, losses, failures, setbacks, obstacles, or anything that will take the smile off your face.


  1. Since you started with happiness, you will finish with more happiness, since you stayed with big dreams, you will finish with even bigger dreams. The end will be better than the beginning and there will be no cause for tears.


  1. Those things that made you sad are ending as the month is ending. There will be reasons for you to worry as you step into a new month.


  1. Challenges add to the joy of life because they make you stronger and you emerge victorious hence all the challenges that the month started with become victories.


  1. You are the one that everyone will celebrate this month end. There will be congratulations and celebrations for you and your family.


  1. Every small step leads to significant progress over time. My wish is that progress will speed up and start to reward your effort.


  1. As the month ends you will be gathering a harvest because there will be no scarcity around you.

Happy Month End Wishes

  1. You and your family will never be bearers or receivers of bad news. The new month you will be entering is just the beginning of good tales.


  1. We all have stories. My wish for you is that yours is a good one that gets better and better until the very end.


  1. All the wisdom and knowledge you will need, I equip you with it. Never will run out of ideas and inspiration.


  1. As the lord has kept you this far, may He continue to preserve your life and see you through.


  1. The end of the month is a time when the Lord will come through for you at the last minute and decorate you.


  1. Thank you, Lord, for everything. Without you, this month would be seeing my end. Thank you, Lord.


  1. As another month goes by, we get closer to the end of the year. I pray that at the end of the month and of the year, you will be jubilating in good health and prosperity.


  1. You won’t be surrounded by evil. Your legs will take you to new heights and places of greatness. Never will you walk into any trap that will cut you short.


And those are just a few end-of-the-month wishes. Send these to friends, family, loved ones, and well-wishers, and brighten someone’s day. Thanks for reading.

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