How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer? (24 Different Prayers of Gratitude)

No matter how bad things are, if you take a look around you, you will see that there is always something for which to give thanks to God. I’ll start with your existence! And it’s not your life, either. You got it from him.

The list goes on and on and includes things like food, clothing, shelter, provision, and protection. Why not express your gratitude by saying a few prayers of thanks:

Prayer Of Gratitude For the Gift Of Life

How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer

Thank you for being the only true God, Lord. I recognize that You are Sovereign and that You have given me life as a gift. Father God, I thank You for Being the Source of All Good and Perfect Gifts. I Value and Appreciate Everything You Give Me. Lord, I thank You for all of Your Good Gifts. I am grateful that you have given me the love, strength, and self-control to live life to the fullest for Your honor and glory. Amen!

Prayer Of Gratitude For God’s Unfailing Love

I am incredibly appreciative of everything You have given me. Thank you so much for my family and friends, as well as the numerous ways that I am taken care of and supported on a daily basis. Thank you for all the opportunities I have to help others and give back. I’m grateful for creation’s vibrant tapestry of colors, for the beauty all around me, for the skies, and for my surroundings’ ever-changing landscape. My heart is incredibly appreciative of everything You have given me in my life. I praise You in the name of the Lord!


Lord, you have my utmost gratitude for our connection. Dear Lord, You began this relationship by what Your Son worked to achieve, paying the price for my sins and the sins of my brothers and sisters, thus redeeming and bringing me to a place of reconciliation.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Peace Of Mind

I’m grateful to God for your peace. Your unfathomable peace, please. I appreciate the peace it brings me and the support it gives me during storms. Lord, I thank you. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Grace, Mercy, And Favour

Lord, I am grateful for your abundant grace. We are grateful that the vast river of grace that flows freely for us today doesn’t require us to work for a single drop of it. Please help me to maintain the habits that are necessary for me to regularly meet with you and drink from the water of life. I appreciate your deep love. Amen.

See also:  15 Catholic Prayers to Find Something Lost

Prayer Of Thankfulness For Blessings Received

How I praise and thank You, My Precious Father, for all the wonderful blessings You have bestowed upon us all, despite our foolish ways and sinful pride. How wonderful You are, and what a kind God You are, to take care of me despite the way I can be at times toward you and other people. Father, thank You for Your unwavering love that endures forever. May I develop to become more and more like You. I pray that You will continue to lead and instruct me in everything I say and do so that I can carry out Your will in everything I do. I beg You to keep showering my entire family and me with Your abundant mercy and blessings. Amen.

How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer

Short Thank You Prayer

First, we ask You, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, to bless our families both near and far. We are grateful for our wellbeing and our solid, enduring relationship with the Lord. Amen


Jesus Christ, the Lord I appreciate you giving me eternal life. I’m grateful that You paid the price for my sins on the cross. Please help me to love and forgive those who have wounded me. Give me faith in You, Lord, and help me to trust in You more each day. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Protection

Father, I appreciate Your guardianship. I appreciate Your love and faithfulness. I recognize Your name. In the name of Jesus, I recognize Your love and give You thanks for Your goodness in every aspect of my life. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Health

I’m grateful to God for my health. I’m relieved that every part of me is healthy and operative. My body is alive, and my mind is awake. I’m grateful that I can move, think, and act in the ways that You have intended. I appreciate every aspect of who I am. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Healing And Recovery

All-powerful, eternal God, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance in helping me regain my health. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, I beg your grace to help me use my life better than I have; to correct all the mistakes of my past, to grow in virtue, to set a good example for others, and to dedicate my health to you as a special gift so that, by doing so, I will always be ready for my final hour. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For A New Day

Please, Lord You have helped me start a brand-new day. I beg You to renew my heart with Your power and purpose just as the world is made new and pure. Forgive me for my mistakes from yesterday, and grant me the grace to follow You more closely today. This is the day I start over in life; shine through me that everyone I come in contact with may sense Your presence in me. Take my hand, dear Lord, for I am unable to survive on my own. Gratitude to God Amen.

See also:  40 Prayers For Hopelessness And Depression

Prayer Of Gratitude For A New Month

How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer

Please accept our gratitude for your unwavering love, mercies, goodness, grace, favor, and faithfulness to us and our loved ones. You have my gratitude, Lord my faithfulness. In the name of Jesus, Amen, I give back to you, my Father, all the praise, honor, and adoration. Father, thank you for bringing us into a brand-new month.

Prayer Of Gratitude For The New Year

Father, thank you for another year. You were there for us throughout the past year, through the good times and bad, the bitter and sweet. I appreciate life, fruitfulness, and the harvest for another year. You have my gratitude, Father.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Academics

Father, thank you for allowing me the privilege and the chance to attend school. I am grateful to have this opportunity because so many of my friends do not. We are grateful for your provision, wisdom, and capacity for assimilation. Thank you for your grace, which I am using to prepare myself for the future you have planned for me.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Graduation

God, thank you for all of your blessings, including this graduation. I ask that you lead me now and always. I’m grateful that you helped me and gave me the blessing of being able to experience such joyous and exciting life events. I’m overjoyed to share this wonderful day with the people I love. God, I appreciate you giving me this chance. Please continue to bless me. I appreciate all of your help and advice during this challenging time. I appreciate you making my life simpler. I will always be grateful to you, God.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Money

Dear Lord and Father in heaven, I sincerely thank You for providing for all of my needs throughout my life in accordance with Your promises. Thank You for Your kind provisions that I have received from You on numerous occasions when assistance was not available.

Prayer Of Gratitude For A Job

How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer

God the Father, I’m grateful that You gave me a job. I’m grateful for the abilities and skills you’ve given me so I can benefit the business. I’d like to thank You for my employers, who You have used to spread blessings to a lot of people. They now have the ability to build the business where I am currently employed thanks to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I thank God for the gift of my job and ask that I also serve as a conduit for His blessings to others. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Food

We express gratitude to our heavenly Father for allowing us to come together on this special occasion. We are grateful for the loving hands that crafted this food. We are grateful for our lives, our freedom to enjoy them, and all of our other blessings. We ask for health and strength as we eat this food so that we can try to live as You would have us. In the name of Christ, Our Heavenly Father, we make this request. Amen.

See also:  40 Catholic Prayers For Hopeless Situation

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Wife

Please, Lord I just want to express my gratitude for my wife. You have undoubtedly blessed me with a woman who is familiar with and devoted to you. She pushes me to love more deeply and to be a better man. I ask God to help me love and value her as the gift she is. The present you gave me. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Husband

I am grateful for my husband. I’m grateful for his life and heart. I’m grateful for his love for me. He has many distinctive qualities that I admire. Please stop me from comparing him to other men. Help me to pray for his shortcomings while praising his strengths. We are grateful for our union. Together, we have been through so much. We are husband and wife, and I am aware that we are not perfect. I ask for continued strength in our union and a deepening of our love. In the name of Jesus, I thank You for my husband. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Marriage

Lord, thank you for this wonderful gift of a marriage, for Your wisdom that helps us to love others as You love us, and for Your unfailing grace in every decision we make. We are grateful for your unity with us. Thank you for everything that this marriage has brought us, including the blessings we are to each other. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Child

How Do You Express Gratitude in Prayer

I give thanks to the Lord for giving me my lovely child. for successfully guiding us through a challenging pregnancy and a challenging delivery. Please be with him throughout his life, and I hope that we are still here and healthy to witness him develop into a fine young man who is content and prosperous with his own family and a kind and lovely heart. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude for a Home

Father, thank you for providing my family and I with this shelter. We are grateful that we are protected from the weather and have a place to lay our heads. We are grateful that you made it a home by being here with this tranquil, loving family. Thank you for keeping me safe and for your unfailing assistance. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For Salvation

We praise You, Most Gracious Father, for Your unwavering love. Thank You for sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners, demonstrating to us the depth of Your love. We are grateful to You, Lord, for giving us the priceless gift of eternal life through Christ, our Lord. We are grateful for your grace, which has redeemed and saved us. Amen.

Prayer Of Gratitude For The Holy Spirit

Thank You for the Holy Spirit, O Lord, my gracious gift-giver. I find it hard to believe that You would choose to be in me. I feel both the honor and the weight of that responsibility. Thank You for giving me the power of the Spirit in addition to the responsibility of being Your witness in every region of the world where You send me. I’ve never had to prove myself brave or strong on my own. You have always freely given me the authority to answer every call You place through me. Amen.


Don’t limit yourself to these prayers. As many things as there are that you want to thank Him for, go right ahead. Afterall, God appreciates those who appreciate Him.

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