40 Prayers for Students Before Exam

If you’re looking for a prayer for exam success, we can help. Let us show you how to use the power of prayer to help you the through the tough times in life and make your dreams come true.

Our Creator has a plan for your life and will help guide you as long as you ask!

40 Prayers for Students Before Exam

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, redeemer of the human race, look upon your servants who are about to make an important examination. Bless them and give them grace, that with a true heart and a good conscience they may obtain the grade for which they hope. We ask this through your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Dear Lord, please help me pass my exams. Give me the courage, wisdom, and strength to excel at all of my exams by the grace of God. Amen.
  3. O, Lord, allow me to pass my exam without fear. Help me remember all the knowledge I have amassed through the learning process I have been on. Guide my hand and mind as I take this test in your name. Let me remember to check that my points are valid and my answers are correct. Give me the wisdom to check and recheck to make sure I have done well. Help me see problems or answer questions that I may not have thought of, but will help me get better and smarter in your name, O God. Allow me the focus to see each problem and resolve it to your glory. I ask these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  4. Dear Lord, I pray to you, please help me and all of the students to pass my exam. Please bless my teachers and give them the strength to teach us, please look towards us with a loving heart and steer us towards success. Amen.
  5. Lord, give me success in my exams this year. You know what I need, I can’t ask for more. All these things you’ve blessed me with, use them to help me along.
  6. Lord, you know how important tomorrow’s exam is and how much I’m stressing over it. Then please give me the strength to do my best and provide all the questions that I need to know for the test. Thank you for your protection during the exam so I will always remember to use your guidance. And please help me pass this exam and make it a 100% pass. I thank you in advance Lord for all that you have done and going to do in my life, Amen.
  7. May you be rewarded on the day of your exam. The Almighty God shall back you. You are such a hard-working girl and God will never let you down. God will surely give you success in your Life.
  8. I pray that God will give me the strength and courage to be successful in my exams. I don’t want to disappoint my parents and friends.
  9. Dear God, please bless me with enough strength to pass my exams. May your guidance be with me and help me study, so that I know the answers and my exam will be successful.
  10. Dear Lord, please bless me and help me to pass my upcoming exam. May all your blessings be upon me in Jesus name, Amen
  11. Lord, today I come before you with a heavy heart. Know that I’m anxious about this exam, but despite my fears, I know it is right for me to take this next step in my life. Please give me the strength and courage to pass this exam, so that I may help those around me with their needs. In Jesus’ name.
  12. Dear God, please don’t let me fail this exam. Please help me pass with good grades, Amen.
  13. Dear God, please bless me with my exams. Let the answers come to me easily and let me pass with flying colors. Thank you for hearing this prayer and thank you for blessing me that my exams go well!
  14. Lord, I ask you to help me remember what I have studied and prepare me for my exam. I want to succeed, Lord, and memorize my notes so that I can do well. Help me to be focused and calm when I take the test. Guide me, Lord; bring me through this exam in an effective manner and strengthen my ability to study for future exams with ease
  15. Dear God, I pray that you protect me during the exam and give me all the knowledge required to pass it with flying colors. Thank you for always being there for me.
  16. Dear God, please help me to pass my exam today. Guide me and give me the confidence I need to succeed. Amen.
  17. Lord, who has made all things for your glory, bring to mind the days of your youth and direct my thoughts to the time of my studies. May I have strength in my mind and willpower to study. Let the words of wisdom and understanding flow from your hands. O Lord, you know all things, teach me to learn so that I may become a better person today. Amen.
  18. Dear Jesus, you know how our hearts feel as we approach the exams. Please fill us with your grace and strength so we can be all that you have planned for us.
  19. Dear Lord, please protect and guide me through my exams. Bless the teachers who have prepared me, and keep them safe from harm. Please give me wisdom and knowledge where I am lacking. Thank you for giving me this chance to learn more about myself and grow stronger in your service. Amen.
  20. Dear God, I pray that you will never let me face an exam that is beyond my ability. May your hand guide my intellect and show me everything I need to learn. Amen.
  21. Lord, I know that I cannot perform to my full potential unless I am calm and relaxed. Please help me to remain calm during this exam. Help me to use good judgment when answering the questions, so that the Lord may bless the results of this exam and use them to accomplish His will in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray.
  22. Dear God, please be with me and give me strength and wisdom, as I study for my exams. Give me the knowledge and ability to pass with flying colors. Amen.
  23. I pray that God will strongly bless and help me to achieve excellent results in my exams. I pray that He will bestow upon me all the necessary wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as I prepare for them over the next few weeks. May he replace all of my fears with faith in Him, confidence in myself, and joy of knowing that all is well in both body and spirit. May he increase my understanding and knowledge of His word.
  24. God, please help me do well on my exams today. Help me remember to focus on the material that matters and help me not worry about what doesn’t matter. Please guide my actions, thoughts, and words throughout the exam period. Help me stay calm and confident. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  25. Dear God, bless me with good health to endure the stresses of the final exam and give me the wisdom to pass with high marks. Thank you.
  26. Dear God, please help me to do well in my exam. Open up my understanding and give me what I need for the exam. Amen.
  27. Lord, I ask for Your divine guidance as I study for my exams. May I understand the material, and remember what I learn. Help me to make good decisions in my life and open opportunities for myself. Thank you for your help and protection!
  28. Dear God, I pray that you help me pass this exam, be with me during my examination and give me the answers as I answer. In Jesus name Amen
  29. Lord, grant me the strength and the wisdom to do well on my exams. Please help me study hard and learn everything I will need to know. May you bless me with good grades and grant me plenty of time to study.
  30. Dear Lord, please guide and help me today. May I write clearly, speak eloquently, and sit calmly during the evaluation of my results. May the questions be easy and not complicated. Bless this exam with success in my life. Please let it be a stepping stone toward better things that awaits me in the future. In Jesus name I pray amen.
  31. I pray that you grant me the ability to lead, study and pass my exams. I pray for continuous, diligent work and the willingness to ask questions from the ones who are willing to help.
  32. Dear God, please let me pass this exam today. Each day I have seen you at work and have received your blessings. Please make it so that I can get an A to show my parents, teachers, and friends that all our hard work paid off. Thank you in advance for your help, Amen.
  33. Dear Lord, I come to you today for courage and perseverance. I pray that you will give me the strength and endurance to complete this exam with grace, confidence, and style. Please help me accomplish my goals at school and make the most of my education. If there are areas that need improvement please help me find ways to work on them.
  34. Dear Lord, Guide me towards taking steps in the right direction and lead me on paths of righteousness when making decisions about this exam. Let me show others your love for them through my actions and words as well as through prayer. Help me to be a good student who does not only focus on grades but also on learning for learning’s sake. Give me wisdom and grant me grace so that I can do things right! Then all will know Christ Jesus through my life and witness!
  35. Dear Lord, Please bless me with your wisdom as I prepare for my finals. Give me the courage and strength to complete the task at hand so that I may in turn be a blessing to others. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
  36. Lord, help me to write an excellent exam. I rely on you in all things, so please guide me in the right direction. Enable me to perform well and make good decisions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  37. Lord God, I come to you with all of my worries and concerns. I pray for wisdom to guide me through this exam, so that it may help me achieve the goals set before me. I thank you for your infinite goodness and ask only for your grace during this time.
  38. Lord, I come to you today to ask for your help with my exam. I know that you will help me not to be anxious or nervous but confident that You will lead me and guide me in my studies knowing that You are the true source of light. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  39. God, guide me as I study for my exam, and help me to recall all that I have learned from this subject. May your will be done.
  40. Dear God, Please fill my head with knowledge and grant me the wisdom to use it wisely. Fill my heart with purity of spirit and grant me a calm and tranquil mind in these trying times. Help me always seek your guidance so that I may be an example of your loving kindness to all whom I meet. Amen.
See also:  Short Prayers Before Examination


Study hard, ask for divine assistance, and most important of all, believe in yourself. Dive into the Bible and find verses that comfort you and strengthen your faith.

Memorize some of these verses so they are on your mind when you walk into the exam room.

Pray first before studying to ask God to help you understand the material and to know what the class is trying to teach you.

In prayer, ask Him to help you answer the questions correctly. Realize that with God’s help, you can do anything you set your mind on.

Trust in God: he’s enough for our needs even when things are not going smoothly with us.

Hopefully, things will go well for you. Just remember to remain calm and confident if you can. Everything will work out in the end!

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