21 Prayers for Text Anxiety

Anxiety can be triggered by pressure or fear of the unknown. Tests can put a lot of pressure on one’s shoulders especially when you have to do very well to launch your next step, platform, or career.

This pressure causes anxiety, but this is not a thing to be afraid of as a Christian.

Rather than allow the anxiety to get the best of you and disorient you make the devil a winner. You should pray about this and hand it into the hands of God our father.

Even if you lack the words, we are here to help you through this journey with our list of twenty prayer points for test anxiety, let us pray.

21 Best Prayers For Test Anxiety

  1. Dear God my father, I am here before you to place the burden of my test which you today gives me anxiety at the foot of your cross. Knowing that whoever ran to you for rest would surely receive. Let your tranquillity envelop me and put me at ease, in you I trust my God, knowing that you have paid the price for me on the cross. Thank you, dear God, for granting my petition and putting me at ease, amen.


  1. My lord and my God, I worship you for you are my courage and hope. I adore you for who you are. You are the solid rock I stand on, my salvation, my refuge, and my redeemer. As I write my test, my lord and my God, I cast away every form of anxiety. Let your courage carry me through my test. May the boldness to carry on come on me supernaturally, amen.


  1. Heavenly Father, I commit my test anxiety to your able and mighty hands. When my mind is overcrowded with trouble, helps me keep a positive outlook. When anxiety sets in and makes me feel like giving up, let your light find me. Come walk with me you may see me through.


  1. Oh lord, I hope in you and trust in you. When I am in doubt of myself and lack the form to express myself properly, may your gentle breeze whisper words of love and assurance to me. Because I am a living testimony of your great works and love, I will continue to tell of your goodness to the world. Thank you savior for setting me free from anxiety, amen.
See also:  Catholic Prayers for Good Test Results (41 Examples)


  1. You alone are bigger than what people say. Father, there is no one like you, you alone can do what no one can do. I stand before your presence father asking that you heal me of anxiety. I surrender all to you and ask that you take control. Help me pay more attention to my mental health, ruling out anything that would make me edgy or cause anxiety and grant me your peace, amen.


  1. Dear God, may your pure love for me place my mind at rest and keep my heart away from trouble. When my mind is like troubled waters, I seem to drift away into anxiety. Come through for me dear lord. Walk into my life dear lord just as you walked on water and let peace be still. Clarify my mind oh God by your love and light. From the rising of the sun may your love and light find me, amen.


  1. Dear Lord, it is me your humble servant kneeling before you in fear of anxiety attacks for my test. You alone are my creator and know-how of how I truly feel. In you I feel hopeful and loved, knowing that you have promised to protect and guide me from all forms of attack. As I take on my test your will and perfect love for me be seen through my life, amen.


  1. Heavenly Father, I am worried about my test lately. Give me the faith to trust in you always, I know you would visit and grant in your own time. I know you would perfect my life in due time and let your glory shine through me. Let your light guide me so that I may handle my worries in the right way, amen.


  1. God our father, the act of worrying has never gotten me anywhere good. I am weak so this anxiety continues to get the best part of me. Grant me faith father so that I will find the courage to write my test without anxiety problems. In these trying times father, please come and comfort me, hear my prayers and grant my supplication, amen.


  1. Abba Father, you are my source of peace and light. You said that I should not worry as you are my father and you have my best interest for me at heart. I pray that whatever comes my way now that you are in control and I am assured of peace As I pray these words lord please hear and answer me amen.
See also:  44 Prayers for Maths Exam


  1. I thank you Jesus for your care and mercy. I know I am created in your image and likeness. You are the one who calms the raging storm in times of distress. Dear Jesus, you know me better than I know myself, let your mercy find me merciful Jesus. My test shall be a victory, anxiety would not get the best part of me, and I would come out with flying colors to the glory of your holy name.


  1. Dear merciful Jesus, as a mere human I worry about my pending test and it gives me stress causing me anxiety. My mind is too occupied and troubled, please help me, lord. Just as you cried on the cross “Eli Eli lama saba Tani” my God why have you forsaken me? Merciful Jesus please do not forsake me but run to my aid, amen.


  1. Dear Lord, I thank you for your undying love toward me. I thank you for I can trust in you and hope in you. You said that when we ask we shall receive, we should seek and we shall find, we should knock and the door would be opened unto us. Today dear lord I ask that you rid me of anxiety as I wrote my test, amen.


  1. I know you would help free me from my worries and fear and lift me, amen.


  1. Sooth me oh lord when the toll of anxiety sets in. Remind me you are the giver of life in all its form. Let your Holy Spirit blow your gentle breeze on me. Calm me like the still waters, let all the roll of anxiety leave me. Let our love and presence soothe me. May my test never make me anxious. I know you will do all these and many more I ask through christ our lord amen.


  1. Dear Jesus, I am weighty from worry; I carry the burden of my test wrongly which causes me anxiety. I am tired on this journey and need your help, strength, and grace to carry on. You said I should lay my burdens at your feet and you will give me rest. Dear Jesus today I lay down my worry, burden, and anxiety at your foot. Take this away from me lord so that I may be a new creation, amen.


  1. Father, my heart is heavy. Words like overwhelmed, distraught, and exhausted seem to describe where I am. Please help me to overcome this anxious feeling that I have. In Jesus name. Amen.
See also:  37 Prayers to Say Before a Test


  1. According to your word lord in Romans chapter eight verses fifteen to seventeen. You assured us of this promise lord saying that the Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. I, therefore, decree that by your word my body would not be a slave to anxiety, this shall never have an upper hand on my body and mind, amen.


  1. Thank you father for your wonderful promise. You said I should fear not that you will give me rest. My test season is about to start father. I commit them into your able and mighty hands asking that you grant me the grace to make the best choices in my test, amen.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for all the blessings you have made to come my way, both the one the eye can see and the one the ordinary eyes cannot see, I say thank you. I thank you because you are God; I thank you because I know you will help me overcome my test anxiety, amen.


  1. Anxiety would never take over my body and mind, I soak myself in the precious blood of Jesus that nothing shall by any means hurt us, amen. You overcame death, my father, in this firm faith I command my body and mind to have the power to overcome anxiety now. I know you would help free me from my worries and fear and lift me, amen.


As a child of God, fear, worry, hopelessness, and anxiety should not be the order of your day. Remember Jesus says we should cast all our burdens on him and he will give us rest.

So the right thing to do when you are conflicted or cannot seem to find peace is to cast all your worry and burdens on him.

Do this and watch God take all your fears and turn them into strength, change your hopelessness to hope, and give you lasting courage to face your test without anxiety.

Say your prayers, put in the work, and watch God turn all things around for your good. Stay blessed.

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