Catholic Prayers When Starting a New Job

Getting a new job is like unlocking an unused door in your life. This fresh door will include some new adventures with new people.

A new employment is a chance for us to mature in accountability and responsibility. It is a fresh chapter that shows us a new route to follow.

This Catholic prayer for commencing a new job will help boost your morale and acquire God’s assistance as you start a new career.

It can be utilized when taking on a new position at the same firm, taking a new career with a different corporation or when beginning a new career field.

Catholic Prayers for Thanksgiving for new job

  • Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    We honor you and give you glory
    We give praise to you for calling us to be your holy people. We thank you, Almighty father of all, We thank you for Choosing us to be your people,
    And for picking me to give you glory.
    Uniquely I thank you for this recent Job. On this beautiful day,
    I thank God and praise him for his many gifts.
    Father of Jesus, We honor you and give you praise, For the remarkable things you do for me, For life and health, for friends and relatives, for this glorious day.
    God my Father, I come before you with my Appreciation. I thank you for the gift of life, family, and of my friends.


  • Thank you, Lord, for direction, protection, guidance, guarding, Supervising, and taking good care of me through the nights and days. Only by your Mercy have I woken up this day.

Catholic Prayers for protection at work

  • Soul of Christ, cleanse me.
    O glorious Archangel St. Michael, keep watch over me during life, protect me against the wrath of the demon, and assist me, especially at the hour of death. May the three surround me; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. please Hold me safe and hold me strong.


  • Almighty and Loving Father, by your boundless goodness you have kept me this night, Do not take away this Blessing Holy One. I graciously ask. Lead my spirit and body according to the law of your will,


  • Heavenly Father, I plead for Your physical and spiritual security in my workplace.
    Guard me against those who try to prevail upon our faith. or entice us to compromise our Morals in the name of success. When others strive to criticize my way or when a dispute arises, guard me against impatience and anger, For you are my Lord and my employer,


  • Thank You for Your assurance to never leave or neglect me.
    Thank You, Lord, that where I go
    Your hand leads me, and Your right arm defends me. Lord, I pray that You would shield me and my household from all the dangers that are Lurking nearby, and from those that would aim to cause us harm to me. Put Your wall of safety and security around me.
See also:  40 Prayer Points To Finish Well


  • Holy Father in heaven, save my Colleagues, leaders, and managers at my place of employment. Shield us away. From Illnesses at work and help us to serve properly…Amen

Catholic Prayers for favor at work

  • Sacred St. Joseph,
    model for all those who are devoted to labor,
    get for me the grace to labor conscientiously,
    placing the call of responsibility above my many indecencies;
    to work with appreciation and happiness
    deeming it a privilege to employ and invent,
    through the means of work,
    the gifts obtained from God;
    to labor with the order,
    peace, diplomacy, and tolerance,
    never giving into exhaustion or complications;
    to labor, above all,
    with the virtue of purpose,
    and with separation from self,
    having always death before my eyes
    and the account which I must give of moments lost,
    and of skills wasted.


  • Our father who art in heaven m, I lay my Job before you. It is not mine but for you and your Kingdom. Please help me shape it and help it thrive in success. Lord, I ask for your safety over every facet of this job, may it be strong, proper, and genuine. Father, I long only for your hand to teach me as I make significant decisions about its future. Encourage my mind and lead my ideas as I surrender everything to you.


  • Father, assist me to do my finest at work and to always remain optimistic and bright. Please stop the criticisms and dissatisfactions of my heart with your peace. Also, allow me to lean on you in my job. Cover me in the garments of honor and the purity of Christ that I may bring you glory where I labor. Lord, let me know my true essence, to walk in your blessing, and to strive to please you more than those with whom I toil.


  • Where there is discord, let me be a peacemaker. Where there are untruths, let me speak the truth. Father, where there is anguish, let me bring hope. Where there is anxiety, let me bring belief. Lord, where there is darkness, let me bring a glow. And Where there is unhappiness let me bring elation.


  • Holy Father of all, please help me to serve my clients and buyers with a heart like yours. Cause them to see Your light in me each time they interact with me or step foot into my place of trade. Help me to stand by my religion and values in my trade if I come across controversy and stand firm in You.

Catholic Prayers for mercy at new job

  • Gracious Lord, it does not amaze me that you fully pass over the wrongs of those who repent. I am not surprised at how you stay loyal to those who despise and denounce you. The compassion which pours forth from you fills the entire globe. It was by your compassion that we were made, and by your mercy that you saved us by giving unto us your dear Son. Your mercy is the light in which wrongdoers find you and faithful people come back to you. Your mercy is all around, even in the deepness of perdition where you offer to pardon the tortured souls. Your fairness is constantly seasoned with mercy, so you refuse to penalize us as we merit. O, blessed Lover! It was not enough for you to take on humankind; you had to die for
    as well… Amen.
See also:  40 Friday Prayers for Ladies (And They Will Be Answered)


  • Lord, I pray that if You are bringing me down this passage, You would use me as a cleansed vessel, not only to pour out compassion and love without estimate on other people but that You would use me to motivate others to show the same compassion and forgiveness to their brethren in the body of Christ and the world at large. Lord, I know that I have nothing that applauds me for this exceptional ministry of compassion and enlightenment, for I know that without Christ I cannot do anything but honor God. May I be a pliant clay in the Potter’s hand and allow you to shape me into the kind of person You would have me be and make use of me in your way. In Jesus name, I pray…Amen.

Catholic Prayers for God’s blessings

  • O Lord, Unto Your hands and into the hands of Your sacred angels, this day I entrust my heart, my families, my supporters, my friends and adversaries, and all Your Catholic people. O Lord, by the merits and blessings of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all Your martyrs, save us today from all evil and uncontrollable desires, from all corruptions and enticements of the devil, from premature and unprovided death, and the miseries of hell. Radiate my heart with the grace of Your Holy Spirit. Grant that I may ever be compliant to Your commandments. Let me never be set apart from You.


  • Lord God Almighty, You have brought me safely to the beginning of this day. Defend me in it by Your mighty power, that this day I may not go into sin, but that all my words may be uttered and all our opinions and actions directed in such a way that will always be delighting in Your sight. Through Christ our Lord… Amen.


  • Lord, I plead with you, go before me with Your merciful motivation in all my doings, and assist me with your continued help, that my prayer and Job may start from You and be ended by You. Through Christ our Lord…Amen.

Catholic Prayer for Colleagues and Bosses

  • Holy One, I pray that You grant my Colleagues and me the power to finish off the jobs set for us. Dear Lord, let my co-workers and I not be just talkers. All hard labor gets a profit but mere talk ushers only to poverty. I pray that we remain attentive to the goal of laboring hard for the good of this firm, but I also pray that we do so because perseverance is an attribute that draws to Your nature. Dear Father who lives in the high places, I pray for harmony among my co-workers. I ask that as we function together, as various communities, be with us and keep us in Unity. Your Word declares that two are more useful than one because they have a promising reward for their endeavor. Lord help us stand jointly because the prize for the work that we do shall be more remarkable together than alone. Amen.
See also:  20 Bible Verses For Blessing A New Car

Catholic Prayers for Good Health

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus, I pray for Your recovery touch upon my body, senses, and spirit. I ask you to take away any nervousness or Fear. Replenish me with the serenity that You alone can give. I position myself entirely in Your hands. Lord, trust in Your care and passion for me. Father may my recuperation be swift, my muscles are revived, and my Good health restored. I lift all my despair in Your hands, For You are the Divine Healer, with Divine compassion.


  • Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have faith in You fully. You are the only source of soundness and recovery, the spirit of Ease and the peace of this universe, Bestow upon me such a consciousness of you and your presence that I may empower you to give me health and resilience and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Catholic Prayer for Financial Aid

  • My Heavenly Father,
    I Come before you today to request for
    a monetary blessing to enhance my life.
    My confidence in you holds me strong,
    and I know you will fend for me,
    and the ones I love.
    I do not seek a sum of finances.
    I do not concern you for unnecessary comfort or extravagance. I only plead for sufficient money to ease my monetary sufferings and ease this pressure.
    Grant me the means to do your Will, and show your Love. I know with your Help I will do so much
    if only It pleases you to qualify me.
    In your name, I pray, Amen

Catholic Prayer for Family

  • O Mary, Mother of grace and compassion, guard us against the evil spirit, reconcile us with your Son, dedicate us to His keeping, that so we may be made deserving of His assurances. Saint Joseph, foster-father of our Lord, guardian of His holy Mother, head of the Holy Family, prays for us, blesses us, and protects our homes at all times. Saint Michael, safeguard us against all the evil trickery of hell. Saint Gabriel, help us to comprehend the holy will of God. Keep distant from us, above all else, the scar of sin, and do Thou alone rule in our midst by Thy decree, by Thy most holy love and by the activity of every Christian integrity and Let each one of us hear Thee…Amen.

Catholic Prayer for guidance and protection

  • Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You very much for securing me of Your perpetual guidance. Thank You for leading the way when I am sleeping, awake, at my place of employment, and when I am in motion. Today, I Stand on that assurance and pray that You will go on with showing me the proper direction to follow toward executing the goals You have set before me.
    Lord, occasionally I feel inefficient in terms of opinions, ideas, and willpower while I carry out my usual activities. But I know that through Your direction and plentiful graces, You will turn my inadequacies into enthusiasm and zest that will yield fruits in abundance in Your vineyard in Jesus name…Amen.

Also Read: 40 Best Prayers to Say for a Son Starting a New Job

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