20 Prayers for Concentration In Studies

In life as we grow and advance, at some stage the thirst for knowledge becomes paramount. In order to gain knowledge, you must study very well.

Concentration plays the biggest role in studying.

But here lies the problem now, some people find it hard to concentrate and study. Without concentration, it would be almost impossible to gain knowledge and break new frontiers.

This is because not everyone has the same patience or pain threshold.

As a Christian who believes in God knowing he comes through for us. It would be a great step to commit your quest for knowledge to the hands of God and pray for concentration in your studies.

This list of well-thought-out prayers would help you communicate with God, telling him to help you concentrate better let us pray.

20 Best Prayers for Concentration In Studies

  1. God our Father, the maker of the universe. The one who says a thing, and it comes to pass. I come before you today on bended knees, asking for the grace of concentration in my studies. You are the creator of man; you are the owner of our bodies. By your power oh God our father, I speak to my brains to be in the best form of concentration for my good. I shall not be distracted by anything contrary to my studies, amen.


  1. As I put in effort and time to study, I pray dear lord, that you grant me a good study free from restlessness. May concentration be the order of my studies. I decree calmness on me for a good study and declare that restlessness shall be far away from me.


  1. Heavenly Father, I thank you for all that you do for me. I place my study into your able and mighty hands. As I try to concentrate and study I pray that tiredness would not cut my goals short. Strengthen me oh lord so that I may always tell of your goodness to everyone. Heavenly father you alone are the giver of life itself, bless and grace me with the right vigor to concentrate without being tired, amen. I hereby speak to my body to revive strength to carry on amen.


  1. Dear sweet Jesus, I pray against any spirit of fatigue in my studies, that I may have full concentration and reap the ward of my time spent. Pour your vigor in me and let me shine in my studies. Dear Jesus, I commit my frail nature to your care praying that you give me the energy to carry on my studies. I command my body to work and function in favor of my studies, amen.
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  1. Omnipotent God, the one who decrees a thing, and it comes to pass. The ruler of the universe. The bearer of all knowledge known and unknown. You said in your holy scriptures that I am your replica in form and similarities. I hereby command the grace of retention for me to concentrate dear lord. I pray you grant me the gift of retention as I study.


  1. Dear Lord. You alone are the omniscient God. You said if I ask you I will receive therefore today my lord and my God. I ask that as I try to concentrate on my studies; I pray you grant me grace To recall everything I have learned. I only hope and rely on you for the ability to recall. Thank you, my lord and my God for answering my prayers. Amen.


  1. Jehovah Yahweh, only you can do what no man can do. You are known as the ancient of days and all power belongs to you. I want to acknowledge you for what you are doing in my life, I humbly ask that in due time you would perfect my life in your will. Jehovah Elshaddi, I commit my studies to your care, praying that you grant me the grace of great assimilation to study. Without assimilation, a study will be a waste of time because the information cannot be recalled, by the name that is above all other names I command assimilation to take a pre-eminent role in my studies, amen.


  1. In my quest for knowledge, sweet Jesus, I pray you give me the discipline to concentrate on my studies. You are the maker of mankind and we are your caretakers on earth. Help me sweet Jesus to gain knowledge so that I may be a good caretaker of the earth for you. May my quest for knowledge not be an effort in futility, amen.


  1. I have nothing to say other than an enormous thank you for your many blessings and protection. I come before you today on bended knees, asking that you will give me the enablement to bring about good works of invention my God. I receive the serenity to concentrate on my studies and build a new ground for other students who have quite a test for knowledge acquisition.
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  1. I pray to you abba father knowing deep in my heart that you hear me. Ruler of heaven and the earth, maker of the universe. I commit my studies to your lead father. Please help me stay put and finish my work. You say that obedience is better than sacrifice, father. I beg you to help me stay diligent and finish my studies. Help me follow instructions through and to the latter to my Favour amen.


  1. Procrastinating would do no good for a scholar lord. As I am trying to study today lord. I pray I will be of good character and do what is required of me to do. There shall be no careless scheduling about my studies amen.


  1. Dear God, please grant me the diligence to carry out my work on my studies. Help me concentrate so that I will pass exceedingly well to the glory of your holy name, amen.


  1. Dear father, am asking you to let your peace reign supreme. Let it allow me to concentrate amen.


  1. Abba father, you are kind to me. I cannot tell you enough of your goodness to me. You have never let me down. You remain the same today, yesterday, and forever. I glorify and worship you. Father all I want to say is thank you, for the gift of life thank you. For success in my studies thank you. For reigning in my life, thank you. I thank you for the success you would grant me in my studies, and in my life amen.


  1. Good morning my maker, I come to you this morning to praise you for your faithfulness in my life. Thank you for the gift of a new dawn. As I take my studies, today lord, I ask for Favour upon me. Favor to concentrate, favor to read, and understand easily. Give me the zeal to want to know for my better, amen.


  1. God of heavens and the earth, the one who decrees a thing, and it comes to pass. I come before you to entrust my studies into your care. I dedicate my health also to you. I pray I will be of sound health of mind and body. I decree vigor in my body and good health. Thank you, God, for in faith I know you have answered my prayers and I will never seize to tell of your goodness to others.
See also:  Prayers to Say for Good Grades


  1. Holy Spirit, may you be my comforter in times of anxiety. The strain of studying would never make me lose focus nor deter me from my studies. Anxiety and I would be two parallel lines that shall never meet. I blow the gentle breeze of calmness unto myself. Let peace take over so that I may make the best options for me, amen.


  1. In the glorious name of Jesus. The lion of the triple of Judah that no one can measure up to. The one who decrees a thing, and it comes to pass. As I study dear Jesus, grant my memory the grace to function in a high capacity. I indulge you today, oh lord asking that you reign your eyes of mercy towards me and grant my petition.


  1. As I start my studies oh lord may you help me to fully concentrate. My alpha and omega, you alone can do what no man can do. I know you will never fail me. I want to excel in my studies, my lord. Come walk this journey with me as I study. Give me the grace to concentrate dear lord. I and the host of angels in heaven now before your presence asking that you hear my prayers amen.


  1. My God, your word is yes and amen. I believe in you; I hope in you and I have all my trust in you. You said that I am made in your image and likeness my God. I supplicate you let your light shine through me in my studies. My God grants me the grace to be an embodiment of knowledge.


Preparing to study should not be a cause for worry. Instead, the most important action to take is to seriously study and concentrate.

As a Christian you know that all faith without work or effort is futile, so put in all your effort to study. Cut out all forms of distraction so that you can concentrate.

Hand over your activities to the creator of heaven and the earth. Shalom.

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