46 Best Prayers for Good Results

Prayer for good results is a powerful prayer that can get your mind on track to succeed in all your goal and plans.

46 Best Prayers for Good Results

  1. Dear Lord, thank you for your love. I pray that if there are any concerns or issues in my past, you will protect me and make my rights clear. I pray that all the marks against me become clear and I have good results. Amen.
  2. Dear Lord, please protect me from all evil. Help me to achieve good results in my examination. Amen.
  3. Dear Lord, please guide me in my studies and help me to understand what I am learning. Bless my teachers and my classmates so that we may work together in harmony. Amen
  4. Dear Lord, please bless us with good results. Grant us the courage to be brave and the wisdom to be humble. Lord, give us strength if we need it in order to achieve our goals. Please let everyone come out of this exam well. Amen.
  5. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that a higher power has a plan. That our prayers will be answered and that there is someone who hears the cries of our hearts. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that everything will work out, despite feeling like all your hopes and dreams are slipping away. But I know that you see me, Lord. I know that you hear my prayers, even when I feel as though my voice is lost among the crowd. So please give me strength; give me confidence; give me hope. Give me good results in this exam ☺. Amen.
  6. Dear Lord, I pray for the results that you want for me. I ask that you help me to apply myself properly and to be willing to do whatever it takes in order to succeed. Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, I beseech you to revise my current situation that is causing me great anxiety and stress. Amen.
  8. Lord, please help me to achieve good results in my exams. Provide me with all the tools and guidance I need to succeed. Amen.
  9. Please bless me with good results for this exam and bless my teachers so that they can guide me in the right direction. In Jesus’ Name I pray. A-men.
  10. Dear Lord, I pray that you guide me in all my endeavors today. I pray that I will pass this exam and do well in the others. Also, it is my birthday today and I would like to ask for good health, peace, and prosperity for me, my parents, friends, and country. In Jesus Name Amen.
  11. Dear Lord, please help me to study hard so that I can get good results. Please guide me and give me the knowledge that I need to pass my exams successfully. Help me to be patient in all ways, especially when it comes to studying. Thank you for all that you have done for me so far, and I pray that you continue to help me throughout this life. Amen!
  12. Lord, I pray that you bless my efforts and give me the best possible results. Bless me with your wisdom so that I can find the best way forward based on your guidance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  13. Dear Lord, thank you for answering my prayers. I pray that you guide me in those things I should be doing and keep me from doing those things which are wrong. I know that you are the answer to all of our problems, so Guide me and keep me on the right path. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  14. Dear Lord, please help me to do well on my exams. Please guide me through this time of stress and anxiety. You are always with me, so I know you will help me succeed in all that I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  15. Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with life’s beautiful gift. Help me to use it to glorify your name. Please guide and protect me through this exam period and help me to get good results for my exams. Amen.
  16. Dear Lord, Please bless me with good results in my examinations tomorrow. I truly believe that you will honor my prayer and give me a PASS mark.
  17. Dear Lord, You are the giver of all good things. Thank you for my life and for the opportunity to complete this coursework. Dear Lord, I pray that all my exam results will be good and that you help me pass all of my exams. Amen.
  18. Dear Lord, I have tried my best to do this examination. I have attended the class and read the books on time. I have used whatever time was left till now to study. The result of this examination is my future, so please help me in getting good marks. Amen.
  19. Dear Lord, thank you for answering my prayers so far. I am truly grateful and look forward to more of your help in the future. Please let all my exams be easy and successful. Protect me from distractions and let me focus on the task at hand. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
  20. I pray to you Lord that I may be able to get good grades this school year as I seek Your will and wisdom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  21. Dear Lord, please guide me to the best place for my career. I pray that the results from my job search and interviews will be favorable. And that I will have a job soon with a good salary.
  22. Dear Lord, please help me. Thank you for all the blessings in my life and let your divine wisdom guide me through this examination. I love you and will serve you always. Amen.
  23. Dear Lord, Please watch over my examination day and give me good results. I know You are the only one who can help me pass this exam. Give me the wisdom and courage to read for a long time and answer questions fast and accurately. Amen.
  24. As I participate in this examination, may the results not be a reflection of my intelligence but of your grace in my life. Amen.
  25. Dear Lord, I am very thankful for the good result that you have given me. I believe that You are the only One who can change a situation and make everything better. So please heavenly Father, bless me tonight as I need to study hard and get an A+. Thank you so much for blessing me with success. Amen.
  26. Dear Lord, please help me pass this course. I’ve done my part, now please make my teacher look at my homework and notice how hard I worked on this. In your name we pray, Amen.
  27. Dear Lord, I pray that you will bless me with good and pleasing results. Please help me in my studies, please let me receive excellent grades. Amen.
  28. Dear Lord, I would like to request your divine blessings that all my exams, assignments, and presentations be easy for me to perform. All my friends may get good results as well. May we all achieve our targets and strive for excellence in everything. Amen.
  29. Continue to deliver good results in my life, Dear Lord. Give me the courage and strength to do what is right, even when I am tempted to go astray. I pray all of this in your name, Lord Jesus, who alone can bring light into our darkness. Amen.
  30. Dear Lord, I pray that you will help me to achieve my goals. Please bless the people who will be involved in the results and assure them that they can trust You with the outcome even if it doesn’t go the way they want. Amen.
  31. Dear Lord, may my exams go well and help me achieve good results. We ask that you protect my family from harm, in Jesus name. Amen.
  32. Help me get good results in my exams. Dear Lord, please guide me through your will and give me the ability to pass these examinations. Give me a peaceful mind and make me set my goals straight. Give me the right knowledge to grasp these subjects making it easier for me to understand them. Dear Lord, grant me both knowledge and intelligence so that I may be able to cope with any situation that may arise during these exams…Amen.
  33. I am so excited and happy because of the success that you will give me. You are all-knowing, almighty, and omnipresent. You can see everything happening in the entire world and know about their thoughts. I am praying for your blessings through this prayer for good results.
  34. Please accept my prayer for good results. I will never be able to thank you enough for the many blessings that you have given me. Please help me to do my part in order to gain more blessings because I know I am worthy of it. Thank you Lord, and bless me with success today. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
  35. Lord, I know that you can see my heart and know that I am a good person. My prayer is that you will bless me with the best results from my exam. Please give me all the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I need to pass this test. May I be able to apply what Your word says in my study and preparation for the exam. May God richly bless me with His Guidance, Love, and Protection through this exam process.
  36. Dear Lord, please help me pass all my exams and get good results. I have put in a lot of hard work but I know the results may not be as great as I would like them to be. So please give me strength for this period and fill me with the hope that I will succeed. Amen.
  37. Dear Lord, please guide me on the right path and give me positive results for the exam. I know that You have a plan for my life and You will bless me with good results in my exam. I believe that you have placed me in this situation for a reason and I humbly ask you to help me get through it in your way. Amen.
  38. Dear Lord, hear my prayer. If it is in your will, please help me with this. Use me as an instrument of your love and mercy. May I be a positive example to others. Lord, look on me with favor and give me the strength to carry out your will in all things. May I pass this exam with flying colors, so that I may return all the glory and honor to you. Amen.
  39. Please let me get good results in this exam. Please teach me how to study in a fruitful way. I also want to thank you for your love and care, God.
  40. Dear Lord, please help me achieve my goals. May you guide me on the right path to success and victory. I know that you can.
  41. Dear Lord, your guidance is the most important thing in my life. I was told you know everything, so why don’t you tell the truth about my exam results? If I did well, then so be it. If I didn’t, then give me the strength to accept your wisdom and guidance in this matter. In Jesus name.
  42. Dear Lord, to you be the glory for everything. Please help and guide me through my studies so that I can achieve good results in the exams. Amen.
  43. Thank you for helping me through this. Thank you for your love and grace, even when I don’t deserve it. Please give me the strength and courage to do the right thing and succeed with great results. Amen.
  44. Dear Lord, I come before you today humbly asking that you bring me the results that I am seeking. Whatever it is Lord, if it’s the job I’m searching for or the answers to my prayers of forgiveness and healing; I ask that you deliver me from this situation with good results. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
  45. Dear Lord, I know that these exams will bring me good results, but I know you are the owner of everything, so I thank you for the choice to give it to me. May every lesson God has taught me be tested in these exams. Amen.
  46. Dear Lord, I pray that your divine presence would guide me and help me through every exam. I pray for good results and a great future ahead, but even more importantly; I pray that you will be with me on this journey through all the exams and beyond so that nothing can stop me.
See also:  20 Prayers for Concentration In Studies

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