37 Prayers After Exams

As students, we’re always encouraged to pray before we start our exams. But after the exam is over? God is in control and he’s our heavenly father who loves us so much!

After you take an exam, use this space to pray for yourself, your peers, and the instructors.

Take a moment to reflect and be thankful for all that has transpired during your class/program and for your hard work.

After all, “a person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” (Prov 19:11).

37 Great Prayers After Exams

  1. Lord, I am in great need of your help after all the effort I put in during the exam. Please give me strength to deal with the pressure now that my exam is over. Thank you for always being there for me.
  2. O God of infinite mercy and compassion, thou are aware of our weakness and the temptations that we have to face. May thy Holy Spirit fill us with fortitude, strength and courage in order to overcome our inability in this exam. Make us worthy of the grace of having done our best so that we may obtain the reward of a good grade.
  3. Thank God for this exam, and I’m happy to be done but they were a lot of information to learn…
  4. Dear Lord, thank you so much for today’s exam! I am extremely grateful that you have given me the strength to take it. Please help me to use my mind wisely, and please protect me as I step out of this room. Dear Lord, also please help everyone else who’s been taking tests today – whether or not they’re competing with anyone else or trying to get a better score than someone else. Set them all free from stress and anxiety! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  5. Dear Lord, I just finished my exams. Please guide me throughout the next few weeks while all the papers are being finalized. Amen.
  6. Father God, I thank you that my exam is over. Although it was long and sometimes difficult, thank you for giving me the strength to persevere. And now that my exam is over, please reward me with the best grade possible. In Jesus name I pray.
  7. Dear Lord, I feel so frightened right now. Please give me the strength to get through this latest challenge. And if You think it’s the right thing for me to fall short this time, I accept Your will with open arms. God bless me and keep me safe from harm until my test comes back positive.
  8. Dear God, Thank you for answering my prayers during the exam. I thank you for your great love, protection, and guidance. Please help me in everything I need to succeed in this new stage of my life. Please grant me the ability and opportunities to achieve my goals. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
  9. Dear Lord, I thank you for my exam. I believe that you were with me when I took it and that your hand was on me. Thank you for helping me to pass this test. Amen.
  10. Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the gift of this exam. I pray that I may use it well and show my gratitude by studying to improve my performance. Amen.
  11. In the name of Jesus, the one and only God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank you for my exam results. I am thankful for the opportunity to prove myself and to see my progress in this discipline. I know that You have allowed this test to strengthen me and help make me wiser. Please use these results to guide my academic future as well as my life in general. I thank You for those who encouraged and supported me during this time and pray that all will receive their desired grades. Lord, please bless us all at the university so that all may continue to study without distractions or interruptions from our enemies. Have mercy on those who are not doing so well at university or in life in general by giving them the courage and strength to do better than they believe is possible. Amen.
  12. Dear Father, thank you for the wonderful year I just completed. I couldn’t have done it without your help, your guidance, and your love. I thank you, especially for the support of my friends and family. Please help me know what to do for next year’s exams so that I can show you how grateful and thankful I am to have such a wonderful relationship with you! Thank you and bless!
  13. Dear God, Thank you for this exam. My faith in you has grown through the many challenges as I have faced them. Please continue your work in my life, so that I may continue to learn and grow through many more challenges in the future. Through prayer, fasting, and good deeds we find strength within ourselves to overcome the challenges that come our way.
  14. Lord, thank you for the time I spent studying and preparing for my exam. It is now finished, and I am trusting you to help me do well. Please forgive me for any time I wasted – it may not have been wasted if it was used to bring glory to you. Thank you for answering my prayers about the exam!
  15. Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to get this exam done. I pray that you will help me do my best in it and keep me calm so that I can be at ease during exams. If I do not pass this exam or get the desired results please help me understand why this is so and help me do something better next time. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ
  16. Dear Lord, today I have been tested by my examiners. I am thankful that you helped me to get through the day safely, even though it was stressful and difficult. Thank you also for helping me to learn what I needed to know so that I can succeed in life. Help me study harder in the future as well so that I may be successful in my next exams! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  17. Dear God, I thank you for helping me to pass my exam today. Please continue to guide me through the rest of this semester, and throughout my time here at school. I pray that You will protect those who are in need, those who are sick or hurt, and those who aren’t sure what they want from life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
  18. Dear God, I am so grateful for this exam and all the opportunities to learn that it has to offer. Please help me understand the material so I can use it in my future endeavors.
  19. Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of knowledge. We are SO grateful for this opportunity to learn about your word, and for the opportunities, you have given us to grow and explore. Thank you for your love and protection over the past few weeks. Dear Father, help us to remember that there is work to be done but also rest that we can enjoy when it is time. In Jesus name I pray amen.
  20. Dear Jesus, this day I have done everything possible to pass my exams. I have been studying for long hours and yet if I do not succeed I accept it as Your will. Thank you for being by me all through this exam period and shielding me from the distracting things around me. Help me to remember all the things that You have brought into my life and in return help me to do good deeds for others. Guide the examiner on how to evaluate correctly and give them the ability to see what is happening within my mind so that they can appreciate my efforts and hard work. Give me peace of mind knowing that Your will is always done in my life regardless of how things turn out. In Jesus name I amen.
  21. Dear Lord, thank you for guiding me through my exams. May all my efforts be recognized in your eyes. Please help all my friends who are also struggling with their own exams. Amen.
  22. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that I was able to accomplish everything on my exam today. I know that You are keeping a watchful eye over me and helping me to get through my studies. I thank You for the ability to study and work hard, as well as for the knowledge You have blessed me with so far. Even though this exam may not have gone as I wanted it to, I praise You in faith that You will bless this effort with Your blessing and Your favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  23. Dear God, Thanks for the exam result. I know that it wasn’t easy for me to study, but you helped me manage my time wisely and focus on what is important. Thank you for giving me peace of mind during this hard period.
  24. Dear God, I pray for good results for this exam. Help me and guide me to get the best score.
  25. Dear Lord, I give thanks to Thee for the great life you have given me. I am thankful for the opportunity to take this exam. Please help me get through it with success and clear my mind with the right answers.
  26. Dear God, I thank you for this opportunity to prove myself. I ask for your help in answering questions correctly and in understanding the material. Please guide me as I prepare for my exams in the coming days and weeks so that I may improve my performance. Bless those who created this test and those students who will be taking it as well. In your name, we pray, amen.
  27. Dear Lord, thank you for the gifts of knowledge and intelligence. I pray that I receive a grade on the exam that I deserve and that my teachers would be honest and just in grading me. In Jesus name, Amen.
  28. Dear God, Thank you for helping me during this exam. Please help me to always have the right attitude and approach to my studies. Thank you for being with me all the time, even when I don’t feel like it. Amen.
  29. Dear God, I thank You for Your presence with me during these last few days. You have given me the strength to get through the exams. I know that You will help me to pass this exam but if not, then is there nothing we can do to make it happen because I am relying on YOU only. Thank you, Lord!
  30. Dear Lord, I thank you for the great opportunity to grow my faith and knowledge through our exams. Please give me the will to study hard, pass all tests and achieve desired grades. Teach me how not to be prideful over good grade but rather give Thanks to You for Your wonderful gifts. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  31. Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I come to you with my exam in my hand and on this paper. I am not sure of my progress. Please give me the peace to accept whatever result comes out of this. Please help me if I fail so I will be able to study harder next time and pass without fail. And also pray that you may help those who are struggling with this exam as well. Amen.
  32. Dear God, Please take this exam from me. I have tried my best and you know that I can do. Please let me pass my exam. In your name, I pray. Amen.
  33. I thank you, my Lord and Savior, for helping me to pass this exam. I know it was no easy task and your wisdom and guidance made it possible. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts, words, and actions throughout this important test. Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
  34. Dear Lord, thank you that I was able to finish my exams and take a rest. Please help me get better at this skill. I hope I will be able to understand all the lessons in detail, and improve myself as an individual and a student of Yours, now and in the future. Amen!
  35. Dear God, please help me to pass in flying colors. Please give me the strength and determination to succeed. Amen.
  36. Dear Lord, I know that You have been and always will be there for me. I pray for a good result in my exams and for every blessing for me to glorify you as my leader! Thanks for everything!
  37. Dear God, thank you for guiding me throughout my exams. Please help me overcome this difficult time and direct me to the right path in my life. Thank you for your infinite wisdom that is with me at all times. I love You, Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen.
See also:  44 Prayers for Maths Exam

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