44 Prayers for Maths Exam

So, you’re struggling in a math exam and have no clue how to solve it. I can definitely relate to that: there were too many times when I was close to flunking an important course.

There’s no point in feeling desperate though because math isn’t the one assuring your grades! You do!

With the right study methods and some good quality prayer for a math exam, you can get those scores up.

Having said that, let me encourage you with these prayers for your Maths exam so that you can keep on shining because God is always ready to help.

44 Best Prayers for Maths Exam

  1. Dear Lord, please help me pass my math exam. I am confident that I can do well, but I need your help to achieve this. It would be an honor if you could give me a good grade. Amen.
  2. Dear Lord, I pray that you will be with me during my next maths exam and guide me in what to do. I also ask that you give me the wisdom to answer the questions and make wise choices in these situations when answering. I am so anxious right now. I need your Holy Spirit to help lead me through this stressful time but most importantly through my studies so that I may pass this examination successfully. Amen.
  3. Dear Lord, please ask the Holy Spirit to help me pass my Maths exam tomorrow. I will try my best, but please help me. Please give me the wisdom, knowledge, and courage to make decisions throughout this process.
  4. I pray that in the exam you will open the eyes of my heart, And bring to me your words of wisdom. I do not need to be taught by others; You have given me all I need to succeed. I also ask that you protect me from any attacks of Satan, as well as all physical problems. May your grace be evident on test day and may my knowledge be increased through this opportunity.
  5. Lord, I pray to You today and ask that all my questions will be answered during the Maths exams, so that I may pass with flying colors. Amen.
  6. Lord, I come to you in our time of need. As a student, I ask that you give us the strength, knowledge, and understanding to study hard and pass this Maths exam. I know that if you give me wisdom from above, I will be able to understand what is being taught. Please help me in this hour of need. Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, please help me get through this Maths exam. May God give me the wisdom and strength to do my best. Amen.
  8. I know that I have been struggling with my maths, but I need to pass this exam so I can pass the year. Please help me Lord and give me all the strength and ability that I need.
  9. Lord, please come along with me as I take this Maths exam. Cover me and make sure that I am ready for it. Help me in every way possible to pass this test and be happy afterward. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
  10. Dear Lord, I have been trying hard to get good marks in my math exam. I have focused on studying hard and doing the best I can. I ask for your help in learning math concepts and doing well on my tests. The exams are so important to me and my future. Please guide me in being successful at the exam and give me wisdom.
  11. Dear Lord, please give me the wisdom and strength to do my best on the Maths exam. Though I know that life does not begin and end with school, it does mean a great deal to me and I really want to do well.
  12. Lord, I desire your grace this morning. Please guide my mind as I prepare for my maths examination today. Help me to be calm and peaceful before my exam, so that I would be able to study well and pass the exam with flying colors… Amen.
  13. Dear Lord, as I prepare for my maths exam I ask that you bless me with the knowledge and understanding of the subject. Please give me grace and patience to learn, for it is your will that all men are saved through knowledge. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  14. Dear Lord, Please guide me in my Maths exams and help me succeed. Open the gates of wisdom for me and give me the knowledge to make wise decisions so that I will be successful in my studies. I pray that You will bless me with good grades and help me get a great job when I graduate. Amen.
  15. Dear Lord, Please bless me as I take my math exam. May I know the right answers, and not be confused by the questions. And when I am confused, I pray that You would show me right away what to do. Also please fend off any distractions, such as people talking or cell phones. Thank you for your help during this test. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  16. Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing and guiding me in my exam today. I know that there will be a lot of tough questions from all subjects, but I trust in your ability to guide me to the correct answers. Help me to focus on each problem and also help me rest if I need it. Please help me to take note of any information that is important at this time in my life. Be with me as I go into this Maths exam today and help me do my very best. Amen.
  17. I thank you Lord for everything. You have made me who I am and given me my life. I ask that you be with me and help me in my Maths Exam today, give me the courage and strength to learn all that need to know so that I may pass this exam with flying colors. Amen.
  18. Dear Lord, please help me to pass this Maths exam. Thank you for the many times You have helped me in the past to succeed in my challenges. I am confident that you will not fail me now. Through the mercy of your son Jesus Christ, Amen!
  19. I pray for the strength to pass my maths exam and that knowledge will be given. I thank you for all the blessings you have blessed me with.
  20. I pray that you bring with you, blessings and protection for the upcoming Maths exam. May I do my best and pass with flying colors. Amen.
  21. Please give me the strength and wisdom to be able to attempt this exam, please help me to conquer my fear of Maths. Help me, not just for exams, but in all areas of my life where I have fear and negativity. Show me how to use a positive approach toward everything in life so that all can pass. Please bless me and guide me through these next 12 months which will include many more tests, exams, and challenges. Amen.
  22. Dear Lord, it’s common knowledge that mathematics is the language of science. It is also a language of life. We are here to pray for my son’s mathematics exam tomorrow and ask that you guard his mind against evil thoughts and ideas; protect his eyesight so he can read and write with care; grant him the power of expression to make him a good speaker; inspire him to persevere until he has conquered all obstacles. Amen.
  23. Dear Lord, please bless me with wisdom before the Maths exam and help me to remember the right answers. Please give my friend Sarah a scholarship so that she can study for free. In your name I pray, Amen.
  24. Dear Lord, I am praying for your favor and blessing on me as I write my Maths exam today. Please ensure that all the students are able to pass the exams and by doing so fulfill their dreams. We give you all the praise, honor, and glory for delivering us from the evil one in Jesus’ name. Amen!
  25. Lord, please grant me the wisdom and confidence to know that I am capable of overcoming my anxiety and boldly taking on the challenge of the Maths exam. Amen.
  26. Dear Lord, help me with my maths exam. As you know, I am good at maths but my memory is not good so please guide me to get the answers right. Amen.
  27. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for all your blessings. Today I need your guidance on my maths exam. Help me understand the questions and give me wisdom on how to answer them correctly. Guide me so that I can do well in this test. Amen.
  28. Dear Lord, please guide my hand and help me to answer all questions well. Give me the courage to face the examiner and give me the wisdom to tackle every question. Amen.
  29. Dear Lord, please help me pass this Maths exam with flying colors. You know how I feel about studying mathematics, so please make it easy for me to pass this test. Amen.
  30. Dear Lord, please give me the strength to get through this Maths exam. Please help me remember everything I’ve learned and let me complete the test to its fullest potential. Let your spirit guide me through every problem that comes my way. In your name, I pray amen.
  31. Please God, help me to pass this Maths exam. Please make me very intelligent and confident during the exam, because I hope these are the last years of my secondary level education and so I need to do well in it so that I can have a good career after it.
  32. Dear Lord. Guide my hand and let me pass the Maths exam. Help me study in order to do well in the examination, Amen.
  33. Dear Lord, please guide me through this Maths exam and give me the guidance I need to pass. Help me to understand what I am doing and how to do it correctly. Help me learn from my mistakes and never do them again. Please let me know what is expected of me so I can study accordingly. Please bless Mommy and Daddy because they helped me so much in math lately. Also, remember my best friend who is sitting next to me. May he find comfort in knowing that we will be successful together. Amen.
  34. Lord, please help me get through this Maths exam. I know you have a plan for my life and this is just a short period to get through. I know that you are with me as I study and work hard. Please make me ready for this test with ease and comfort so that I can focus my full attention on the questions and show my true potential. In your name. Amen.
  35. I pray that you help me study for my maths exam. Help me work through all the problems and all of the formulas in my head. Let me get every single question right on the exam. Amen.
  36. Help me to be calm, use the knowledge that You have given me, pay attention and exercise my reasoning skills during the exam. Amen.
  37. Dear Lord, please help me pass my maths exam. I know you are able, especially if it’s in your perfect will. Amen.
  38. Dear Lord God, Pray for me as I am preparing to sit my maths exams. Please give me peace of mind and keep me safe from the evil spirit. Help me to cope with this exam. And please give me Your grace and wisdom so that I may draw closer to You through this. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
  39. Dear Lord, please grant me the wisdom and strength to complete the Maths exam. Please guide me throughout the test, so that I can do it well and pass. I pray that you will help me clear my hindrance and my teacher will be my best help. Amen.
  40. Please keep me safe during the exam and give me the wisdom, knowledge, and skills to answer all questions. Please reveal the right answer in my head and let me write it on paper without any mistakes. Let my brain be clear so that I can remember what is written in the book, may I understand all formulas. Amen.
  41. Dear Lord, please help me get a good mark in my maths exam this week, and I won’t forget to be thankful for what You have done for me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
  42. Dear Lord, please help me with my Maths exam tomorrow. I need all the energy that you can give me to do well on the maths paper. I thank you for the gift of knowledge and wisdom that you have placed within me. May your spirit guide me and give me strength, confidence, and courage so that results can be seen in my exams. Amen.
  43. Dear Lord, I am writing this prayer because I am facing difficulty in my maths exam. Please guide me and help me with this test. This is the only opportunity for me to get a good grade and it will help me to achieve my career goals. I pray that You will help me today. Amen.
  44. Please help me in my maths exam. Please guide me and make it easy for me. I am very worried about the test and will perform well on it. Amen.
See also:  21 Prayers for Text Anxiety

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