Prayers to Say for Good Grades

Before, During, and After Tests or Examinations, we sometimes go into panic mode While waiting for our Grades. The Anxiety, fear, and stress that come with the waiting Period can be nerve Wracking.

I’ve been there, and all I had to do was let go of the fear and hand it all to Jesus. Why Stress when you can pray?

Now would be a good time to settle it in the place of prayer. Here are some prayers that can help you get good Grades.

Prayers to say for good grades

  • My Father, I thank you because you have created me and all that I have to glorify you. Dear Jesus, I ask that you be Glorified in my academics. Grant me good grades and bless my efforts in Jesus name… Amen


  • Lord, I reject negative results and grades in my schoolwork. Let every difficulty, Fear and worry concerning my Grades be sorted. I receive the power to excel and do great things in my studies in Jesus name… Amen.


  • Dear Lord, I ask that the hand of the lord rest upon me. In the name of Jesus, I will excel, I will attain success, and be victorious in my academics. Good grades become normal to me in Jesus name. Amen.


  • By the power in the name of Jesus, I proclaim success concerning my School work. Among my peers, I ask that you exalt me and grant me the spirit of excellence in the name of Jesus. Amen


  • Dear Lord, I ask that my eyes be opened to know what to do and when to do it. I come against confusion and negative reports concerning my school work. I declare that I receive favor and Excellent grades in Jesus name… Amen


  • My Father, I receive the spirit of excellence. As it was with Daniel, so shall it be with me. I obtain the ability to excel without limitations in the name of Jesus… Amen


  • Dear Lord, I reject all forms of negative emergencies concerning my Grades and school work. I revive boldness and Strength to study without fear and negative interventions in Jesus name… Amen


  • Dear Jesus, please connect me with friends and helpers who you have ordained to support me. Academically Father, I receive Divine leadings in areas of concentration during my examinations. I receive help from above, Please direct my studies in the name of Jesus. Amen


  • Father, I come against everything speaking negativity into my grades. Every hindrance on my way to achieving good grades is hereby Destroyed in Jesus name… Amen


  • Dear Lord, I receive Divine instructions concerning my Grades. Please speak to me, Help me to know your will concerning my studies, I declare that victory is mine in Jesus. Amen.


  • Father, Exalt my horn far above that of competitors. I receive grace for Divine acceleration, Let my grades be proof of Your wonder-working power in Jesus name…Amen.
See also:  46 Best Prayers for Good Results


  • Dear Lord, I thank you because I have received favor in the sight of teachers, examiners, and script markers. I know that I am a partaker of God’s favor in Jesus name…Amen


  • Favor of God, please overshadow my life. My name is excluded from the list of failures. I am not an average student. I receive the grace to overcome all forms of anxiety, I obtain excellent grades in the name of Jesus… Amen


  • Father I commit my Tests and examinations unto your hands, Help me to excel. I have done my part in studying, please crown my efforts with success. I know that, with you, there is nothing impossible. let your name be glorified over my grades… Amen.


  • Father, I pray that you grant me success in my Tests. I know that you have good thoughts toward me, please bless me with Good grades. You know every one of my fears and worries. Please come through for me. I come before you o Lord and I ask for an amazing grade… Amen


  • Dear God, please Grant me favors in my examinations. Help me to study and clear off all forms of distractions During my study time. Father, I put my faith in you and I trust that you will see me through. You are the one who perfects everything, Please Perfect all that concerns my Grades. I know that on my own I can do nothing, Please intervene and perform wonders with my grades… Amen


  • Dear Lord, Grant me understanding in the subjects I am taught and help me to retain all that I have learned. Please help me to study hard so I can get good Grades. Grant me wisdom o lord, and help me find the best study pattern… Amen.


  • Lord, I thank you because I know you love me. Thank you for the opportunity to get access to education. Please help me with my studies and bless me with Good Grades. I hand over all that concerns my education to you. Bless my efforts o lord and grant me success in Jesus name… Amen


  • Dear Lord, I know that only you alone can help me. Please take control of my Grades. Help me with my school work and make me victorious. I pray for the Grace to Excel academically in Jesus name…Amen


  • Dear Lord, please direct my paths. Help me to study the right and make a way for me during my examinations. I know that you have a plan for me and that you are working on me. Help me to become very successful in my academics. Failure is inexistent in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen


  • Lord, I thank you because the Glory of the Lord shines upon me and all that concerns me. I thank you because you have blessed me with amazing Grades and turned every of my fears into testimonies… Amen


  • Dear Father, thank you for your hand upon my life. Thank you because the holy spirit is always at work in me. Thank you for the many testimonies I will receive concerning my Grades. I Thank you because I know you have Anointed my head with oil and blessed me with the gift of Excellence… Amen
See also:  60 Thank You Prayers for Passing Exam


  • Almighty Father, please help my teachers and all those who contribute towards the success of my education and help them to always guide me in the right direction. Help me to not disappoint them. Please Bless me with Good grades… Amen


  • Father, please Grant me divine wisdom and knowledge. I come against every spirit of fear, confusion, and anxiety in my academics and I rejoice because I know you have given me good grades in Jesus name.. Amen.


  • Dear Lord, I speak progress, Success, good grades, sound mind, Great health, Amazing friends, and victory into my life in the name of Jesus… Amen


  • Lord, I pray for the favor that surpasses human understanding, please locate my grades and fix them. I rise and I shine for my light has come. My Father, I bless your name for I have an excellent spirit and failure does not exist in my life. I thank you for I know that my grades will glorify your holy name. Amen


  • Dear Lord, in my quest for good grades, please be with me. Let victory be the outcome of my Educational Pursuit. Please Grant me the Grace to do academic exploits, Cause your face to shine upon me, and Anoint me with the oil of greatness in Jesus name… Amen.


  • Lord, I ask for wisdom in my exam and tests, wisdom to know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. I know that you always hear me. Please come to my aid and grant me good Grades. I thank you because I know you’re always there for me. Dear Jesus, you alone are aware of my strengths and weaknesses, Please help me to pass this test/Examination with flying colors. Please Help me to make the right decision concerning my education. When the time comes, help me to make good and excellent career choices in Jesus name… Amen


  • Lord, please help me to be on my best behavior during tests and Examinations. Help me to stay away from distractions and Bad influences. I refuse to engage in examination malpractices in Jesus name. Because The light of God gives life in abundance, I speak life and life alone into my Grades. I Declare Failure and stagnancy cannot exist in me. I shine with radiance, The glory of the Lord reflects in me in Jesus name…..Amen


  • Precious Father, I thank you because I am strengthened. I am not weak, I will not fail and I will not be stopped. Thank you because your light will continually be my Guide, Thank you because Irrespective of the difficulties around me my Source is ever in abundance. Thank you because you have granted me Excellence in Jesus name… Amen.
See also:  37 Powerful Prayers to Pass an Exam for a Friend


  • O Lord, I put my trust in you. I totally depend on you for a good grade. Please Grant me this desire. Help me to study, I have no one And I totally depend on you for survival. Please Hear my cry in Jesus name… Amen


  • Father, I thank you because I walk in light. I walk in Excellence, I walk in purpose, I walk in victory, I walk in knowledge and I walk in success. In my Academics, I excel. I Glorify God in all that I do and my grades are Perfect in Jesus name… Amen


  • Father, I thank you because Failure cannot be found in me. Disappointments have no place in me, Regrets flee from me and shame is not my portion. Because I walk in Christ, I walk in Excellence. Excellence in my Academics, Excellence in my career, and Excellence in all that concerns me in Jesus name… Amen.


  • Father, I thank you because I see from the perspective of light. In all my choices in life, I decree and declare that the Lord’s instructions prevail over my intelligence and intellectual capability. I ask o Lord that your will and your will alone be done in Jesus name…Amen


  • Holy Spirit, please help me to study. Direct me on where and when to study, please help me to be an Excellent student. Amongst my peers o lord, I refuse to be found at the bottom in Jesus name. Amen


  • Lord, Please have mercy on me. Forgive me for not putting so much effort into my schoolwork. Help me to have Extraordinary Grades. Please, Grant me the will to study and be dedicated to it. Father let your unfailing grace go ahead of me in Jesus name. Amen


  • Dear Lord, I have done my part in studying, but I know that on my own I can’t do anything. Please, bless my efforts and make me an admirable example of what students should be like in Jesus name… Amen.


  • I receive the strength to keep pushing through difficult times. Please help me never forget your plan and purpose for my life and academics, please make me a living Testimony in Jesus name. Amen


  • Father, perhaps my grades do not come out in the way I expected, please comfort me. Strengthen me and help me to do better. Please Guide me and help me to take solace in the unconditional love you have for me in Jesus name… Amen


  • Dear God, please take charge of my grades. Take away all of my fears and anxiety. Help me to trust in you and in your words. I Thank you because I know you’re always there for me. I know that you are always working things out in my favor. Thank you because Failure is Gone and my faith is Restored, Thank you for the wonderful grade and results I will Receive. Thank you, Lord for everything. Accept my gratitude in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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