40 Spiritual Cleansing And Protection Prayers For The Car

After acquiring a car, you ought to thank God for his blessings. Afterwards, don’t forget to pray for his protection.

Constantly pray to him, asking him for spiritual cleansing too. so that a vehicle you purchase or ride in won’t harm you or take your life.

This prayer is for someone who desires cleansing and protection for their car or a car they board.

Here Are The 40 Best Spiritual Cleansing And Protection Prayers For The Car

  1. Holy Father, if you judged me by my sin, I would have been lost, miserable, and gone. I thank you for not judging me by my sins. I’ve come before you today again. Let the blood of your son purge me from everything that serves as a hindrance to reaching you. Make me as clean and pure as you are, and make everything around me as spotless as you are. clean my car. Let it be holy and useful not just to me but to everyone around me.


  1. Dear God, thank you for being pure as snow. In your light, we find light. You are great and super free of sin. Even the angels recognize your holiness, Creator of the heavens and the earth, where some of your creatures live. In your holiness, you made the earth where we move to and fro. Your pure hands made the earth where my car rides on. So, Lord, even as you pudge me, I ask. Save my car from anything that is unnatural.


  1. Praise be to the heavenly hosts. So beautiful, pure, and holy in majesty. You are an amazing creator and holy father. I’m glad to be born into your family of wonderful people. At this point, I am not worthy of being tagged as a member of your serene household. But my heart reaches out to you for cleansing. I commit my car to your hands. I can’t be sure that it’s as pure as I assume it is. Let your hands cleanse this car, O Father of the Heavenly hosts.


  1. Elohim, I appreciate your purity. You have set a beautiful standard for me and everyone that is a part of your lovely household. I know that I’m not as perfect as I look, but you have never let me suffer for my sins. Blessed be the most excellent and holy one. I ask that you sanctify this property of mine. Keep preserving this vehicle, just as you have cleaned me and helped me.


  1. Super Father, thank you for always being aware of me and my belongings. I’m blessed to enjoy this ride without difficulty and unbearable challenges. I ask that you wash this car with your holy hands and keep taking charge of it from now until it’s due for a change.


  1. I’m appreciative of your hand upon me. Thanks for blessing me with life, family, shelter, and everything good I’ve experienced and I’m currently experiencing. This blessing in the form of a car is clearly a result of your hand in my life. I’m depending on you because you said in your word that your blessings add more riches and bring no sorrow at all. May this blessing of yours be an attractive force to become more fruitful.
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  1. Abba, your love and holiness are a perfect combination of your sovereignty. You are not just full of mind-blowing surprises; you emanate holiness. I thank you, love, for the knowledge of this aspect of yourself. My eyes are focused on you, so make me like you. Bless this property if it’s yours that you’ve given me and cleanse it to your glory.


  1. Father, I’m alive today because of your holy name. Thank you for preserving me. There were moments when I wasn’t clean one bit, but you didn’t change your disposition towards me. You kept on keeping on for my sake. You’ve not given up on my excesses because you are full of awe, even in your purity. May that same grace be upon my life and property as well, including my car.


  1. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me again and again. I don’t deserve this car, but your assistance keeps me going. Even now, I praise you most highly. Continue to see me through even now, protect everything and everyone that will find their way into this car and safeguard us.


  1. As I’m in this car right now, I’m fully aware that your safety is my responsibility. Protect the driver and let him/her be the channel by which you’ll safely get us to our destination. Blessed be your Lord.


  1. Thank you for life. I believe that the same grace that is available to me will not cease. May you continue with me as you’ve started. For your word says, as you’ve started a good work in me, your faithfulness will continue and continue until I get tired, which I won’t. Father, continue to be with me for your namesake.


  1. Blessed be the God who made me and every pleasant thing that I enjoy. For the people you connected me with and the others you brought into my path, I won’t stop saying thank you. Through these relationships, things have led to things, and now I have got a car. You deserve to be praised for your investment in me. May no intruder prevail over me and my car.


  1. Father, I’m appreciative of your covering me. It’s obvious that I got to this point because of you. You’ve always assured me of your presence, and I would like to express my gratitude that you have never turned your back on me. I ask that the same grace and divine protection will not end.


  1. Blessed Redeemer, thank you for saving me. I’ve been held in your hands. May this gift of a car that you’ve given me continue to be an advantage to me. I will allow none of the challenges that lurk around me to see me. But as I trust you to continuously protect me and my car, I pray. Amen
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  1. Holy Father, I bless your heart. Thank you for my life. Just like the psalmist, I affirm that I laid my head to sleep and got up stronger because you are with me. Thanks to you for saving me continually. You are great for shielding me.


  1. To the great and mighty, you are superior. The most appropriate words to thank you for your provision in my life. You’ve meticulously laid your hands upon me and even the car that I drive daily. I re-dedicate this car to you. I pray that your cover does not move away from it. Amen


  1. Mighty God, there is no darkness on earth that can hide from you. Light is your constant abode. I look at you, heavenly creator. Every wicked plan or instability geared against my car or myself in this car will not stand.


  1. Dear Father, let everyone who sends me on my way be blind at the time they get to my direction. No one will see me or recognize my car. I’m safe in the hands of God, my father, and in a safe way, I’m kept in this car.


  1. Abba, you are super amazing to me. Thank you for being so amazing to me. Thank you for making me feel worthy of your own You have promised that you won’t permit your own to see injustice. I trust your words. Continue to save me in my car from terror.


  1. Elohim, you don’t know how to fail, nor can you stumble. You say you’ll hold up those who love you and trust in your word. So, I look up to you that in blessing you bless me, and even in my brand new car, you cover me from disaster. Amen


  1. Father, everything placed under your care is definitely in safe hands. Although I’ve brought this car before you before, I still commit it to your hands. There will be no loss recorded from it.


  1. Dear Lord, even as I embark on this journey, because you are with me, I will not have any reason to mourn. Emmanuel, be my guide. Even if it does, I hope it does not capture my heart as I travel. Grant me peace and keep me safe.


  1. Lord, even though I see accidents on the road, I know that he who is with us and in us has greater power to protect us. We look up to you, Father. That you drive me safely and that you continue to drive us as we progress.


  1. Almighty, I see your all-mightyness Indeed, you’ve always helped me out and protected me steadily until now. Even now, in this car, I trust that the outcome won’t be different and I will experience your protection all the way.


  1. Blessed be the one who guards his children. Being your child gives me so many advantages. Protection is one. Lord, as I move around in this car, let your fatherly protection, help, and preservation not leave me, I pray.


  1. Lord, I stand in awe of your goodness. I know that even now, you still have a plan for me, a good one at that, and that it won’t end in this car. Every accident set against me, electrical faults, or even kidnappers that want to wait for me to drive to their den, will not be spared. Their eyes will be blinded and they’ll lose their minds. Amen
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  1. Abba, even as this car begins to move, my gaze is fixed on you. Many people step out of their cars but never come back safely. In my case, I’m looking up to you, mighty one. It will be different because your shadow will be over me.


  1. Mighty one, use your cover as my constant companion.Myself, this car and all its occupants are exposed to your mercy.


  1. May your love continue to overwhelm me, you who have started good work by protecting and assisting me up to this point. Deliver me from every mishap and the dangers of the road.


  1. Mighty warrior, fight every battle set before me, even as I drive my car. This car is meant to serve me. It will not be an instrument of my destruction. To the praise of your Holy name, I’m surrounded by the angels of the most high.


  1. Thank you, Father, for this car you’ve blessed me with. I trust you to do well, and I’m absolutely sure that you will continue to safeguard my car.


  1. Dear Lord, all glory to you for my life. I appreciate this gift of a car. Your blessings are amazing. As you’ve made me a car owner, I ask that you keep me in the car.


  1. Master, as owner of the heavens and the earth, where all your creatures dwell, you request that you keep my car safe.Everyone who enters should be protected. And if anyone has done or said anything unpleasant inside it, please wash it and make it pure.


  1. May the eyes of the wicked one never see this car. Preserve all the passengers in it, dear Lord. Amen


  1. Thank you to the King of all the earth. You’ve made it possible to enjoy this blessing until now. I pray that you continue to protect it from every evil plan.


  1. By your name, God makes demons tremble and makes changes in plans because you are the greatest. I ask that you safeguard my car. Let every wicked plan against it come under subjection.


  1. Almighty Creator, I bless this day, I bless my life, and I bless this car. Protect us all. Amen


  1. You said that nothing secure in your hands is kept secure in your hands. My car or any of my belongings will not be lost.


  1. I have a father who never fails or changes at any time. Lord, let your faithful hand secure my car. Amen


  1. Thank you, blessed Lord, for my life. I give you praise. Continue to save me from harm and safeguard my car. Amen

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