37 Prayers to Say Before a Test

Before a test, you should pray. Prayers before a test are the best because they help boost your confidence and make you more prepared.

To help you out, here are some prayers to say before a test that is completely free to use.

37 Best Prayers to say before a test

  1. God, I ask you to help me remember the information that I have studied and to apply it correctly on this test. Use my brain, not my memory when answering questions, so that my answers will reflect knowledge and understanding rather than rote recall. Protect me from making careless mistakes on the test because of nervousness or uncertainty. May the knowledge that I acquire over time truly benefit others, who might need what my mind offers them on this day and beyond. Amen.
  2. Heavenly Father, because of Jesus, I can do all things. I pray for Your peace, grace, and strength. Give me confidence, courage, and determination in everything which I have to do. Grant that I may study diligently so that everything may be done well. If there are any problems, solve them now while they are small; otherwise, they will grow large like a mountain and overshadow everything else. With You all things are possible; without You not even one thing is possible. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen.
  3. Dear Lord, please bless me on this test. Please give me the courage to ask for help when I need it and the strength and wisdom to do my best work. I thank You for all that You give me and for all of the wonderful things You have done in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  4. Dear Lord, I pray that you grant me the wisdom and ability to answer these questions as you see fit. Grant me comfort in knowing that each question you ask has a purpose, and that your purpose is my learning. May I be able to reflect on your word and God’s word throughout this class so that I may impress upon my memory what I have learned, not just during the exam.
  5. Lord, I ask that you make my mind a place of peace and tranquility. I know how hard it is to focus in this stressful environment but I know that you are with me and I can do anything with your help. Please guide me through this exam as you guide my life every day!
  6. Father, please bless me with the gifts of grace and intellect as I study for this test. Give me the strength and courage to succeed. In your name I pray, Amen.
  7. Dear Lord, please help me to become a better student. I pray that you will give me the wisdom and knowledge to excel in this course. I pray for positive test results, and I ask for your protection from anything that would interfere with my test performance or my preparation. Amen.
  8. Lord, help me to study hard this weekend so that I can do well on my test. Please give me the knowledge and understanding that I need. Please bless us all with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Help us to be able to pass this test in your name. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
  9. I ask that you guide my mind and give me the ability to recall the knowledge I have learned. I know that I can do this as long as you are with me, guiding me every step of the way. In Jesus name. Amen!
  10. Dear Lord, please help me to pass this test. I have studied and I have worked hard to prepare for it, but it is in your hands to give me the knowledge I need. Please make my classmates study as well and let them not distract me from my path.
  11. Dear Lord, I ask that you guide my thoughts and give me the knowledge to do my best on this test. Please remove all distractions from me, so that I may hear your words clearly. Watch over me and others during this time of testing, Amen.
  12. Dear God, I pray that my studying for this test will be fruitful. Dear God, please help me to prepare well. Dear Lord, please help me to focus my thoughts on the content of the test and all its components. Dear God, please help me to stay calm and composed if I have a difficult question or if I am unable to answer some questions correctly. I pray that you lead me to do well on this test. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
  13. Lord, please help me prepare for this test. Please keep me focused and calm, and help me remember every detail of the material. I pray that you will guide my mind, body, and spirit as I prepare to take this test. Enable me to use your word as a tool to not only help me get through this exam but also throughout my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  14. Dear Lord, I always pray just before a test. The prayer may be brief and simple but its effect is always great. So, I start by saying thanks to you for everything u have given me. I have been so blessed with good health, an amazing family, and friends who love me. Please help me today during this test as I cherish your gift of knowledge bestowed upon me. May ur gentle hand guide me through all difficult moments during the test and keep my mind focused on what’s really important so that my efforts bear maximum results. Thank you for listening to my humble request. Amen.
  15. Dear Lord, please help me to study this evening. I need wisdom and knowledge in order to pass the test tomorrow. Instead of studying today, I chose to watch television instead with my friends…now I am afraid of tomorrow’s test. Help me with wisdom and knowledge. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  16. Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to get my teaching certificate. Please bless me as I prepare for this test and help me learn the material so that I can be the best teacher possible. In your name I pray, Amen.
  17. Dear Lord, Help me to focus on the right things so that I can use my talents, hard work and knowledge to help me get through this challenge. Thank you, Dear God, help me to do my best today. In Jesus name I pray amen.
  18. Lord, help me to stay calm during the test. Give me the courage and strength to put my best foot forward. I will clean the slate of my mind and focus just on this one test for today.
  19. I come to you, today, asking for your guidance as I prepare for my test. Please help me to remember the material I have studied, and give me confidence in my abilities. Please protect me from unseen distractions that could come between me and a good grade. And please help me put forth the effort necessary to succeed on this test.
  20. Lord I know that You are in control of my life. Please help me to know what is the most important thing you want me to do, who you want me to be, and where you want me to go. Dear Lord, please bless this test and all of the students at our school who will be taking it tomorrow.
  21. Dear Lord, I ask for your blessings and guidance for me during this test. Please help me to understand the content of the test and help me to answer all questions correctly, so that I may receive a good grade. Thank you for your divine guidance; in Jesus’ name, Amen.
  22. Lord, I know that I am not the smartest person in this room at all times, but I believe that you have given me a talent to be used for your glory and for the betterment of humanity. So please use me well today as we take this test.
  23. Lord, today my test will determine which class I am placed in. Please guide my answers so that they are correct, I know there will be many things that I don’t know but please just let me get through this one test.
  24. Please give me wisdom in the questions that I am about to face. Help me to listen carefully, use my own knowledge, and take notes. Please help me remember important information as I go along, if I need it later.
  25. Dear Lord, I pray for your blessings for my test today. Please let me have the courage to stand up for myself. I need to win this election. God, please tell me what answers to choose. Guide my hand as I write down my thoughts on the test paper. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
  26. Dear Lord, pray that I will be successful in my test today. Help me to remember all of the things I have studied and to use them while taking this test. Please help me to do my best on the test and never forget how much you love me and how much you have given to me so that I can take advantage of it by doing well on this test. Please guard over me in this time of testing. In Jesus name, Amen.
  27. Dear Lord, please bless me with a good score on the test. Help me to focus and learn, use your understanding and help me to pass this test. To the best of our abilities we are doing our best to help and please guide us through this test.
  28. Dear Lord, please help me with my test. Give me wisdom and understanding to learn all that I need to know. Keep my mind clear, and my thoughts focused. Thank you for helping me pass through this test with flying colors. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  29. Dear Lord, as I prepare for my test, please give me the wisdom, knowledge, and confidence to do well. Please help me to remember everything that I have studied so that I can perform well on the test. In Jesus Name, Amen!
  30. Dear Lord, I come before You and ask for Your blessings on this day when I am about to take a test. May my mind be clear, my questions be answered, and my answers be correct. I ask for Your protection as I proceed with this exam. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  31. Heavenly father, Help me to take this test in the best way in which You would want it taken. Help me to learn from your teachings, and pass this test with a good grade. Please guide me through this time of testing and help me to do well. I love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
  32. Lord, please give me all of the answers to this test, so that I can stay on the honor roll in class. Guide my hand and help me feel confident in taking this exam. Place a halo over my head so that I am surrounded by your glory, love and light as I take this test. Please grant me an A+ on this test. In your holy name Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
  33. I give you praise, God, for the opportunity to be tested by this world and use my skills and talents. I pray that your divine hand will show itself within me so that I may receive blessings from this test. May the angels of heaven be present with me in prayer and answer all questions that I may be asked during this test.
  34. Dear Lord, Help me to remember that I am one of your children and that you are always with me and listening during the test. Help me to find answers in my heart and mind, not just in my notes or textbooks. And if it is your will for me to struggle, then help me to do so with grace and dignity. May your name be praised through this exam. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  35. Dear Lord, I pray for peace and strength for me and others during my test today. Please help me remember the knowledge that I have studied, and give me confidence as I enter the exam room. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
  36. I give thanks to you, O Lord, for giving me the gift of intelligence. Help me use my intelligence wisely on this test. Watching over me as I study and pray for your help today.
  37. Please bless me with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding before the test. Please give me the strength to prepare for it and please guide my hands while I write. Thank you!
See also:  45 Prayers for Studying Success


The next time you’re about to take a test, see if any of these prayers fit the bill.

At the very least, perhaps they will provide you with some peace of mind, or a moment to gather your thoughts. Who knows? Maybe you’ll have some divine inspiration before taking a test!

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