67 End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures (2022)

We are rounding up the tear and what a year it has been. It’s time to thank God for the year and all we went through in it, the lessons and blessings alike.

It is also time to start praying for the best year and asking for all we desire. These prayers are all you need.

67 Best End-of-the-Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

  1. Father, this year has been challenging and has put my faith to the test. Please take away any resentment and suffering that has grown. Psalm 51:10.


  1. I’ll keep bringing my heart before you, Father, because I want to be righteous in your eyes. All over the place I travel and in everything I say, I want to show the love of Christ. Psalms 4:23.


  1. Please get rid of any victim mentality or negative ideas. I’m not powerless, frail, or doomed. Free my mind from oppression, unpleasant memories, embarrassment, and any lewd ideas. There were difficult times this year, but I’ll keep trying to think you’re good. Romans 12:2.


  1. Father, please grant me the courage to face my worries. Give me the courage to entrust you with all of my burdens. I won’t hide from the land’s giants; instead, I’ll bravely defeat each one beside you. Philippians 4:13.


  1. Remove anything from my heart that I have positioned above you, Abba. I want you to be the center of my attention and the source of my happiness, love, and security. Matthew 22:37.


  1. I thank you, God, for enabling me to stand as solidly in faith as I could this year. I beg you to help me stand even more securely, with more faith and hope in your fidelity. 1 Corinthians 15:58.


  1. Father, please pardon me for getting impatient with you. Teach me to be patient, to recognize your principles, and to comprehend your strategies better. When everything is going wrong, please help me to have faith in your goodness. 2 Peter 3:9.


  1. Father, I know you love me, and I humbly accept your correction. Although it’s challenging, I trust and humbly submit to your sanctification process because I want to appear like Jesus. Hebrew 12:11.


  1. 2021 was challenging, but I appreciate you providing me with all I needed to be righteous. I’m thankful you never left my side throughout it all because I need you, father. 1 Corinthians 10:13.


  1. Father, I thank you for trimming me in 2023 so I could grow stronger. In order for me to be free from all of my emotional and mental illnesses, you are strengthening my mind and spirit. The idea of being clear-headed and able to concentrate on kingdom issues makes me happy. Romans 5:13.

End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

  1. I am eager to watch how you use what the adversary intended for evil and turn it into good, Abba. Romans 8:28.


  1. Father, I thank you for my work is not in vain. I appreciate you because you intend to bless me and fill my cup to overflowing because this is the year of awards. 2 John 1:8.


  1. Oh Lord, I am aware of how these circumstances are enhancing my faith. I’m grateful that I’ll be perfect and complete at the end of this. James 1:2-4.


  1. I praise you, God, for keeping your word and working tirelessly behind the scenes to grant requests in accordance with your will and bring all of your children into the Kingdom. 2 Peter 3:9.


  1. Please, Father, give me the courage to carry on. I need your courage to continue believing in the oil of joy instead of grief and wishing for beauty instead of ashes. I firmly vow that the environment won’t have an impact on my optimism, positivity, or attention. Isaiah 40:31.


  1. I proclaim 2023 to be a year of favor and open doors. I’m grateful to Abba for creating a path when none existed. Please direct my steps and assist me in leading me to the prosperity you have planned for my life. John 10:27.


  1. I am glad that your voice is leading me to your goodness, Daddy. Father, you speak, and I hear you. I am glad because you are my leader, my defender, and my soul’s lover in Isaiah 30:21.


  1. The God that works marvels in the human body is you. You have granted the believer power and confidence over disease. I declare that everything that is broken both inside of me and in the world around me can be fixed by your powerful energy. Mark 10:8.
See also:  50 End-Of-Month Scriptures (Prayers)


  1. Help me find the appropriate contacts and clients to increase my financial and professional success. In advance, I will thank you for hearing my prayers. Jehovah Jireh is my benefactor.


  1. Lord, I pray that the saints throughout the world would spread the word about you and inspire others to embrace the faith. Romans 1:8.


  1. Oh Father, I beg you to edify the body of Christ and give us assurance that your regenerating ability is sufficient to heal all of our ailments. 1 John 5:14-15.


  1. We don’t have to worry about or be afraid of lack, so I thank God for that. I am confident that you will make provisions for the church in accordance with your will. Philippians 4:19.

End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

  1. Oh Lord, thank you for speaking to me because I can hear you. I’m sure you’re about to disclose how you want for my life to change. I am glad because you are a loving and omnipresent God. Isaiah 33:3.


  1. Thank you, Lord, for empowering me and the entire body of Christ with supernatural stamina so that we might live out our beliefs. Galatians 6:9.


  1. I want to pay tribute to your dad. Father, thank you for enabling us to finish the race in honor, chastity, and loyalty. 2 Timothy 2:5.


  1. I am grateful that you have given me the courage to offer prayers for those who have wounded me in my immediate vicinity. I take inspiration from Jesus and am grateful for his holy example of welcoming sinners into the kingdom. Hebrews 12:3.


  1. Thank you, Abba, for enabling me to finish the race knowing that I did my best and satisfied you. Timothy 2:7.


  1. Thank you, Father, for starting a good work this year and intending to see it through since you never break your word or disgrace your righteous children. Philippians 1:6.


  1. Thank you, Abba, for assisting me in letting go of the previous year and stepping into the present one with faith, hope, and the joy of the Lord. Ecclesiastes 7:8.


  1. In the name of Jesus, I command that none of the devil’s plans for my house shall endure or be carried out. Deuteronomy 28:7.


  1. In the name of Jesus, I put an end to whatever attempts the enemy makes to thwart my work. Psalm 21:11.


  1. In the name of Jesus, I revoke any document, pact, or covenant that is in opposition to my work. Psalm 138:7.


  1. In the name of Jesus, Father, make me greater and give me comfort on the side. John 1:16.


  1. I ask the Lord to truly bless me in my work as you take pleasure in my prosperity. In the name of Jesus, let no domestic enemy have any more power over my well-being. Psalm 31:4.


  1. In the name of Jesus, I command all those who in my workplace oppose me without justification to turn around and be perplexed. Psalm 38:12.


  1. In the name of Jesus, no tool that Satan and his agent have devised against me will succeed. Isaiah 54:17.


  1. Lord, forgive me and be merciful to me for everything I have done this year that has offended Your Spirit and caused You to turn Your back on me. 1 John 1:19.


  1. Lord, cleanse my body, soul, and spirit of any impurities. I commit myself to You once more. Fill me with newfound enthusiasm and love for You. As the year comes to a close, let me be ablaze for You. Romans 12:2.


  1. I won’t be depressed or disturbed. I refused to let the things that didn’t happen in my life this year depress me. I won’t take God’s grace for granted. My soul, rise up and thank God for His faithfulness, mercy, and goodness. Father, I thank You for every witness I received in 2022 and every calamity I escaped. 2 Corinthians 4:8.


  1. Lord, heal me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet as I laud, thank, and worship You. Send an ambush to the camp of my adversaries who don’t want me to live to see 2023 or to finish 2022 with joy and celebration. 3 John 1:2.


  1. This final month of the year, I proclaim and announce that everything is good with me. My body, soul, and spirit are all in good health. I feel tranquil like a river. I won’t allow myself to feel stressed, burdened, or defeated. John 14:27.


  1. I thus declare that I, my family, my church, and all other loved ones will not suffer from end-of-year catastrophes and calamities. In the powerful name of Jesus, we won’t look back on this year with regret. Amen Psalms 91:11.
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  1. Father, let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn all You haven’t already sown in my life that is determined to stick with me into 2023. Deliver me fully and utterly from the Egyptians I am currently seeing. Stop letting me see them. Let 2022 drown all of the “Egyptians” of disease, infertility, failure, need, poverty, debt, stagnation, and afflictive sins. Psalm 21:11.


  1. Lord, put an end to every issue and adversity that always starts and finishes the year with me. Break the grip of every issue that has plagued me since birth and keeps cropping up in my life and family. I promise not to push this issue off until 2023 in the name of Jesus. John 16:33.


  1. Father, battle for me this year’s end and completely release me from all suffering and diabolical control. Set me free from all satanic shackles that are preventing me from achieving my God-ordained purpose. Lord, I’m sick and tired of the valley that is my spiritual life, family, work, company, and ministry. O Lord, raise me up and place me atop the peak of glory. Psalm 20:8.


  1. We beg you, Father, to lead and direct us in the right direction. No harm will come to us, nor will a plague approach our home, according to your word. We beg you, Father, to anoint us with your priceless blood. In the name of Jesus Christ, we humbly beg that you continue to establish your touch, not my anointed covenant, over our life. Psalm 91:10 – 11.


  1. Father, the Bible claims that the Lord is constantly mindful of the virtuous and attentive to their prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray to the Father for protection over us in the upcoming year. Proverbs 34:15.


  1. Oh Lord my God, all the adversaries’ plans for my family in the upcoming year, all the preparations to ensure that they would never advance in life. Please, God, let them perish. Bring us all into the land you have prepared for us in this new year, our promised land. Please, God, let it be so. Amen. 2 Samuel 22:3 – 4.

End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

  1. Father, if you could please stop the adversaries’ intentions to undo everything I have fought so hard for. Oh Lord, lead me to the location of my destiny and give control of my future to you. Isaiah 54:15–17


  1. Any writing done by my opponents that utterly contradicts God’s plans for my life is erased. In the name of Jesus, I renounce any agreement with the adversary. Isaiah 29:11.


  1. God, please make me stronger in every way in this new year. Please fill up my garden so that we can continue to exalt your name and your presence in our lives. In this new year, make us better occupants of your realm. Amen. 1 Chronicles 4:10.


  1. Dear God, please grant me success in the upcoming year. Bless all I touch, and give no one the power to rule over me. Lord, please raise me up into the sky so that the enemy can never touch me. Support me during the entire new year’s nights so that my mornings will be wonderful once more. Let people elevate your name. Amen. Philippians 4:19.


  1. Father Lord, remove those who oppose my promotion at my place of employment from their positions of power. Let us always think of you and say your name. Oh Lord, be with us and lead us at every turn. Amen. Job 22:29.


  1. All the doors that my adversaries have attempted to open in order for me to sink into the black hole. In the name of Jesus, I ask the Father to close them and lock them. Deuteronomy 28:17.


  1. In the name of Jesus, no weapon of my enemies will prosper in my life. Isaiah 54:17.


  1. In the name of Jesus, Father, thwart all the enemy’s schemes to harm me this new year. Deuteronomy 20:8.


  1. Stop the efforts of those who have collected in the shadows to exploit my spiritual state. In the name of Jesus, may your name be praised! Psalm 91:7-8.


  1. In this final month of the year, I proclaim and declare that no weapon created against me and my family will be successful. We won’t spend the last days of the year sobbing, crying, and grieving. I won’t let my life, or the lives of the others in my family and church, be cut short. We won’t fall prey to catastrophes and calamities at the conclusion of the year. 2 Thessalonians 3:3.
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  1. I make the decision and declaration that I will finish this year in and through Christ. This month, I will not be visited by forces that extinguish spiritual lives, spiritual qualities, or the anointing of God. I won’t finish the year feeling empty and dry spiritually. I won’t finish the year dressed in soiled clothes. I won’t conclude the year soiled, dirty, or degraded. I remove all traces of sin from my life. I am given the grace to live this month in a way that honors, pleases, and glorifies the Lord. I will close the year performing great deeds for God because the Lord will anoint me once more and flood my life with His Spirit. Isaiah 24:7.


  1. The Lord will direct my feet at the conclusion of the year. I will be guided in the ways of righteousness by the Lord. I won’t do anything that will distance me from God or shorten my destiny. I won’t let myself get caught in the net, trap, or pit the enemy has set up for me. Psalm 37:23.


  1. I pronounce and declare that a situation’s conclusion is preferable to its start based on the Lord’s Word. that I am finishing this year stronger than I did when I began. As the year comes to a close, my life will get better, better, and better. Ecclesiastes 7:8.


  1. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that the start of my harvest season is today. This year, I shall reap the rewards of my labors, and God’s blessings and prosperity will abound in my life. Everyone who sees me at the conclusion of the year will agree that the Lord has blessed me and altered my life’s narrative. 1 Corinthians 2:10.


  1. I thus pronounce and declare that I am to receive God’s favor at this moment. This month, the Lord will be kind and forgiving to me. In this final month of the year, I am blessed by God with opportunities. Humanly impossibly difficult testimony about God’s favor come into my life. God’s favor keeps the sound and voice of crying far away from my family and me. My prayers will be heard and answered this month thanks to God’s favor. Psalm 86:15.


  1. I therefore proclaim and declare that Nigeria shall be a tranquil residence and a quiet location to rest throughout the entire month of December. This country shall be surrounded by God’s flaming wall. Every gathering of evil against Nigeria would be dispersed by his lightning. His arrows will slay Nigeria’s opponents of peace and advancement. Psalm 127:1.

End of the Year Prayer Points With Scriptures

  1. Because I am a sheep of the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and because I have the Holy Spirit residing within me, I decree and declare that I will finish this year with brand-new revelations from God and a clear orientation for the upcoming year. God’s voice will tell me that this is the way to go as the year comes to an end and that you should take this course as you get ready to start a new year, whether I turn to the left or the right. Psalm 23:1.


  1. I decide and swear that I will have a successful year’s finish. I shall end this year singing a new song. I’ll close off this year with a smile on my face. I’ll finish the year with something to be proud of and something I can vouch for. I’ll finish this year at a level that my adversaries didn’t think I was capable of reaching and with a blessing that will astound and disperse the kingdom of evil. 1:6 in Philippians.


  1. Lord, I ask for your wisdom and guidance in the year that we are about to enter, let your words be a direction to all my ways, and let me never depend on my own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6.


And that’s all. You can start now, before new year’s eve to pray these prayers and you can pray them with others around you.

Don’t forget to give God thanks when you are done praying and to pray with Faith. Happy new year in advance.

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