50 End-Of-Month Scriptures (Prayers)

Whether the month you are in currently or have experienced didn’t go as expected, there is hope that the upcoming month will be a pleasant one. You simply need to have faith, remain optimistic, work and pray.

If the months you’ve experienced didn’t yield so much, you can begin to lay the foundation for the month to come by praying and professing related scriptures.

You can declare these scriptures or say any of these prayers to thank God for the month you are in currently and declare good tidings into the upcoming month.

Here Are 50 Scriptures Or Prayers You Can Profess Or Declare At The End Of The Month

  1. Thank you, Father, for everything I’ve experienced in this world, even as your word says in Proverbs 3:5–6 that I should trust you with all my heart and depend at any occasion on my own understanding but completely submit to you in order to walk in your smooth plans for my life. Lord, help me to continually hold on to you.


  1. Heavenly Father, I know you care for me. Your word confirms it in Psalm 55:22. That I shouldn’t fret about anything at all but look without taking my eyes off you. “Lord, you promised me that you won’t permit the righteous to fall.” So my whole being is set to focus on you even after the end of this month.


  1. I acknowledge your hand upon my life in this month, Lord, and I won’t fail to declare that, “Oh Lord, thou art my rock, my butler, my fortress, and my ultimate help.” In you, I am much more than a success.


  1. Lord, even though my expectations for this month are yet to be met. I still have hope, and I won’t cease to admit that I will not be swept away by circumstances, but “I lift up my focus from the distractions around me to the mountains, the great place where my help comes from.” “Thank you in advance, Maker of the Universe.” Psalm 121:1-2


  1. Even as the month comes to an end, I receive the grace to seek you, and I request your mercy. I stand upon your word in Isaiah 55:6-7, which says, “That I should persistently look to you and call on your name for help.” I ask for your mercy, oh dear Lord; please grant me pardon and help me, Lord.


  1. No matter what has happened, I know that I cannot suffer harm so long as I trust in you. Your word says, “Anyone who meets the requirements to dwell in your precious presence will experience the greatest security ever.” Thank you, my refuge, for a great month ahead. Psalm 91:1-2


  1. As this month comes to a close, I boldly declare to my challenges that He who never sleeps nor slumbers is my light and my great salvation, so I remain unstaggered. I know that you will not stop, for you are unchanging. Psalm 27:1
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  1. No matter the situation around me, I know I have a guide: “The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.”


  1. As I get set for the new month, I believe that “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13


  1. In the superior name of Jesus, I know that I am an overcomer even in the upcoming month, for the Lord constantly tells me to stay gallant and firm in holding on to your promises. In this new month, I refuse to be terrified as your presence is all around me and working so well.


  1. People and things seem to get scarier lately. But what can mortals do to me? I remain keenly attentive to your instructions this month” Psalm 56:4


  1. My praise will not cease even in this new month because “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; so I bless your name with all that is in me.” Psalm 28:7


  1. I live above fear of the next month and the future because “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress is the Lord, in whom I trust.”


  1. No matter the problem cooked up to crush me in the next month, I know that “The Lord is my reliable source.” Psalm 18:2


  1. Oh, Lord, help me! Let my focus not derail from you, but help me make decisions to “… meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.” “I will delight in you.” Psalm 119:15–16


  1. In the upcoming month, I refused to be confused because “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105


  1. May my energy not get depleted even in this new month, for you assured me, Lord, that you are with me even till the end of the earth.


  1. As this month ends, there shall be no unfavorable news, but the song of the Lord will be on my lips.


  1. Although things may not go as planned in the new month and trouble may arise, I know that my testimony will be that “the Lord is kind-hearted, a steady cover in the day of trouble” (Nahum 1:7).


  1. In this new month, I have got all it takes to soar through life and make it, and I am all fired up for the upcoming month for The Lord is the Defense. “Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1


  1. My hope is steadily with you, Lord, even in this new month. So, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you take the lead, and may this new month be all about you and your purposes for my life. Amen
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  1. Even as the year unfolds and the strength of people gets depleted, I trust you, Abba, that my case will not be the same. In the upcoming month, Lord, replenish my strength. I lean on you, my steady shield, the stability of my life, and my strong tower. Psalm 18:2


  1. I refuse to give in to fear in this new month. I have you, Lord, so I believe that no evil plot will unravel in my life even as the month comes to a close. I am more than a conqueror.


  1. Some trust in chariots; others are bent on what men can do for them. But I step into life’s battleground with your backing, oh Lord. My request is that you be there for me in this new month. When you are with me, no one else can contend.


  1. Father, as the month ends, I am fully aware that I am not without hope. My situation doesn’t seem like what I desire, but so long as you remain my refuge, my tower, and my God, in whom I trust, I know that I can surmount every mountain. -Psalm 91:1-2


  1. It is honorable to know that I have the backing of the greatest. Thank you for this passing month. I believe that there’s so much good news ahead as you continue to hold my hand.


  1. Thank you, my comforter, for seeing me through this month. All the hurdles ended in praise for the glory of your name. I am expecting that this new month will be a period of rest for me. Continue to be with me, Lord.


  1. I choose your way, dear Father; with you, my path is secured. Thank you for the assurance that your guiding light grants me. For your word says, “He guides and leads me through the accurate paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:1-3


  1. I end this month and take the upcoming one by storm with the full knowledge that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I refuse to faint this month.


  1. I so enjoyed your presence this month, but I know that the next month will produce something unbelievable. For I am sure that “he will not ever leave you nor abandon me like I mean nothing to him” (Deuteronomy 31:6).


  1. “Dear Lord, as I look to you for strength and stability, I believe that you will see me through and make my path straight.” Proverbs 3:5–6


  1. Abba, having you as a father gives me hope that I will not and cannot fail. For you have promised in your word that you will never let the righteous fall. In this new month, I embrace success.


  1. A lot happened this month, but, Lord willing, I pray that mercy will come through for me. Father, show me mercy. Let the help that supersedes the normal be made available to and for me in this new month, I pray. Amen
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  1. With you, Lord, the new month yields fruitfully. Thank you, Elohim, because I am full of assurance that help has come for me in full capacity this new month. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for making provisions for me this month. Indeed, I experienced supernatural supplies this month. I give thanks. As I step into a new month, I pray that more doors of the divine open up for me through Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Lord, I receive the wisdom I need to make this month’s end worthwhile. Please help me to think about your thoughts and see things the way you see them. Amen


  1. Dear God, teach me to lean on you in every circumstance this month. May no situation sweep me away from you. Let my dependence on you be steady. I pray. Amen


  1. Dear Saviour, as I step out daily in the upcoming month, I admit that I am in need of saving. Let the enemy’s plot in the form of an accident or anything at all not prevail over me, I pray. Amen


  1. Father, I receive the spirit of discernment to know who to be with in this season of my life. May my association not bring me to my end.


  1. Dear Lord, I acknowledge my helplessness without you. As the month ends and as I step into another, may your help not elude me. Amen.


  1. Father, I ask that you direct me. Take away every form of dilemma and insecurity that wants to rush over me in this new month. For your sake, be my guide.


  1. Heavenly Lord, you made the firmament and everything therein. Even before I step into this new month, make my path straight.


  1. Dear Lord, let your angels surround me and keep my feet from stumbling this month.


  1. Father, I look to you for my sustenance. You remain the same until eternity. Let your wondrous works not cease from me, I pray.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for teaching me patience this month. Help me continue to practice and add to my resilience.


  1. Mighty God, please safeguard my family and loved ones in this new month.


  1. May the works of my hands prosper like never before in the upcoming month, Oh, Dear Lord!


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for your ultimate security and help to me. Oh, dear Lord, keep me through.


  1. Lord, I thank you for the power to succeed in this new month already.


  1. I bless you, Lord, for your investment in my life. In this month and next, and till the end of the year and for the rest of my life, may your name be praised in and through my life. Amen

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