20 Thank God For A New Car Quotes

It’s not enough to have goals and plans. You ought to make room for adjustments, especially in situations that life may throw at you.

Anyway, when your dreams of having a brand new car of your own keep getting aborted, prayers can fast-track your goal of getting one.

And as you get one, it is expected that you say a word of prayer, acknowledging the source and, if possible, another before every ride.

This prayer is for someone who wants to say thank you to God for blessing him/her with a brand-new car.

Here Are 20 Thank God Quotes for a New Car

  1. Thank you, Father, for this nice car. What a blessing it is to take a seat on this lush leather seat with my hands on the steering wheel. Thank you entirely for this feeling. You made this day possible and you personally supervised the whole process till the point that I obtained it. All honor and glory now and forever, Father. There will be loss of any sort as a result of this car.


  1. Dear God, thank you for these additional blessings. This car has simplified so many complexities that I have encountered in the past. As you’ve brought this goodness straight to us, may you continue to guide us. Whoever steps into this car goes out with a share of blessings. Because you are with Emmanuel, we trust that your presence will never leave us as we move about in this car.


  1. Lord, thank you for the opportunity to practice my driving skills. It’s been years since I began to learn how to drive, expecting that a car would come my way someday. Even though I began sharpening my driving skills recently not just for fun, you have made my dream a reality. Blessed be your gracious name. This opportunity is such a beautiful one due to the fact that you have and will continue to drive even as I drive.


  1. Father, thank you for saving me from so much stress and difficulty, including the scorching sun. You said at the beginning of the year that you would take care of me because I’m wonderfully made. The fearful aspect of my making opens my eyes to see how much you care for me. And now, you’ve confirmed your word by doing great things in my life. Oh, I extoll you for the mighty things you have done and will keep doing in my life and to everyone around me. Thank you.
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  1. I acknowlege your grace and assistance in helping me get to my goal. At first, I knew that they were beyond my abilities, but I can now confess that trusting in you is the surest way to achieve mighty things. You have confirmed your word even as I kept my vision before me and now here I am. My vision is no longer on paper but a reality I live in. Thank you for this four-wheeled gift. For a start, it suits me so well, and I trust you that greater things are yet to manifest.


  1. Thank you, dear Lord, for the favor. At face value, nothing was working. Getting a car was an impossible task too, but as you helped me to trust you, you changed my situation from being a pedestrian to a car owner. Why can’t I believe you? Thank you so much for showering me with your new mercies. I am grateful for life, family, protection, provision, and even your mighty hand of assistance in the form of a car.


  1. Almighty Father, thank you for making this nice ride possible through all the odds. I didn’t possess a perfectly planned financial outline to obtain this car as soon as I did, but your divine favor made it possible and feasible. Where there is no possible direction, your wisdom shone and gave me the lead and help to acquire this dream car. You are excellent, Lord.


  1. Thank you, dearest Father, for all your blessings, including this car. Thank you for everything I have. Your kindness never comes to a close. As I thank you for mine, may this praise pave the way for those who are expecting the same miracle. In a divine manner, let the systems submit to their heart desires and open up to them in a divine manner to the adoration of your name.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for this point in our lives. We are thankful for the peace of mind and this nice and beautiful season. Let your outstretched arms reach out to the people around us as we enjoy your great hand in and upon our lives. Wrap us in your presence and envelope us under your canopy. Allow the same favor that appeared in our lives and brought us this gift to bless those who look up to you in getting a new car.
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  1. Thanks for this beautiful car. Amazingly, this fine car is for nobles. The model and color are everything I love and have ever envisioned. Indeed, everyone has testified with all sincerity that only your mighty hand can produce this blessing that I encounter. Honor to the king of Glory.


  1. As the earth ascribes all praise to you, so does the host of heaven wave in adoration to the lamb who never ceases to exist. This new car is so beautiful. Thank you so much, dear Lord, for beyond men’s actions and deeds, your ways are simply perfect. I appreciate your sacred name with all the praise in my heart. I open my hands for greater blessings, even as this one has begun to shower in. I appreciate you, dearest father.


  1. Amazing God, thank you for the comfortable well-being of my family in this new car. What a joy to see the big smiles on the faces of my family in this new car. It’s been years of expectations, but you’ve not only sustained us throughout the years but crowned us with this comfy car at this juncture of our lives. Thank you for making all things new, even as you’ve created another platform for us and a bonding time as well. May our lives bring you joy and not anguish.


  1. Dear Father, thank you for this opportunity to ride in a new car like this one. My desires could only come to pass by the power of your name. Truly, I’m blessed to have heaven’s attention. Thank you, Lord, for seeing through the whole process of acquiring this car. What a blessing it has been for the people around me. The glory you highlighted on our faces is marvelous. May you continue to preserve our lives to the glory of your name.


  1. Thank you for easing my busy schedule with this car. I can’t entirely declare how relieved I am right now, but you know my heart. Thank you for saving me from harsh conditions and miraculously coming to my aid. It’s beautiful to experience this new development. Everybody is in awe of you, my dear Lord. Thank you for this brand-new car.
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  1. Almighty father, I’m appreciative of your almightiness. Your blessings are pacing after me. Thank you for improving my standard of living by a notable percentage. This car demands testimony as well. Let superior ownership not cease to be yours. There is no mastermind of greatness like you. May I continue to bask in your radiance?


  1. I love this feeling and I know you enjoy making me happy. This divine aid is precious and mind-blowing to me. Let your righteous name be extolled from year to year in and through my life. I acknowledge your mindfulness towards me. You are constantly faithful to me. Thank you for this ecstatic feeling. It’s another confirmation of your concern towards me. Thank you!


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for this opportunity to own a car. Indeed, my life is advancing from little starts to great and even mightier levels. I trust you that this gift will bring greater positive likelihood. As I acknowledge your great gift of a car to me, I will act more responsibly and ensure that I play my part most diligently.


  1. Awesome father, you made this possible. Thanks! This car is another example of your help in and through my life. This car is a powerful shift for me, and I’m super grateful. I receive the wisdom and great grace to handle it with the needed care. With your help, I discern every direction this ride will take. Thank you, beloved father. You are worthy to be extolled.


  1. What a nice ride. There is nothing I’ve encountered and enjoyed in recent times that has not been a result of your divine assistance, including this car. Oh Lord, you are worthy of trust. Who will believe I can achieve all this in a short time without your intervention? I adore you. May my thanks never cease, even as I continue to enjoy this car.


  1. Father, I express my gratitude for this new ride. You’ve accomplished a lot in my honor. Oh Lord, I acknowledge your investment. Everyone around me is excited about your loving kindness and generosity in my life. Your love is a mighty catalyst. Even as I derive satisfaction from this brand-new car, let disaster not come close to me or anyone who occupies a space in it.

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