50 St Anthony Prayers for Love

Everyone wants and needs love. And because it is better to be on the giving end than on the receiving end, it is important to

This is a prayer you can say to St Anthony for love.

Underneath Are 50 St Anthony’s Prayer For Love

  1. O Holy Saint Anthony, a close friend of the Holy One, I give you all the praise for the life that I live. I thank you because you have blessed me numerous times, most especially with the gift of the air that I breathe. Thank you for sparing my life up until this moment. You are good to me.


  1. I come before you with my whole heart, St Anthony. I thank you for constantly saying a prayer for me. Even now, I thank you for the unmeasurable love you have shown me. I am in awe of how you love me and my heart opens to you, Lord. In turn, I ask that you teach me to live and love as you do.


  1. Holy St Anthony, I appreciate you for constantly saying a prayer for me. I appreciate the love that you have poured out on me. It is so real and inspiring. You are so amazing. At this moment Lord that my eyes stay on you, I ask for the grace to give a full expression of love to everyone around me in the name of Jesus. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I ask that you say a prayer for me even at this point when I am unstable and feeling insecure, let the revelation of your love fall strongly on me. Amen


  1. At this point in my life, I have no way to escape nor do I have a headway out. I ask St. Anthony that you shower upon me live so that I can see beyond myself and my situation. Amen


  1. St Anthony, please say a prayer for me to the almighty. Let him assist me to guide my heart from all the calamities around me so that Love can freely find expression from me to the word, I pray, Lord.


  1. O St Anthony, please a word of prayer concerning my family. The way from the situation we are faced with can only be a product of your love. Please, let your light shine on us, and may your love garrison our hearts even as we open our hearts to you.


  1. Although, people around might have promised doom that our end has come I join faith with those in the hospital to pray to you St Anthony. Because of the love God has, he sent his son whose blood is a redeeming grace. May the blood which signifies redemption through love grant the hospitalized quick recovery.


  1. Dear St Anthony, I request that you intercede on my behalf. Ask the Lord to grant me a deeper knowledge of his love and as he opens the eyes of my understanding, may I pass on the same love to the people I encounter. Amen


  1. St Anthony, please pray for me, may my life not be void of love, and may my health not be in jeopardy because of lovelessness. Teach me to let go of bitterness and may my heart be fixed on you always. Amen


  1. St Anthony, intercede for me. Let your presence envelop me and leave the fragrance of your love on me. May I not be hopeless and limited but let your love graciously spread on me so that I will be assured of a bliss-filled future.


  1. Thank you for living thus far, I appreciate you a lot for the people you brought my way before now and in this season. Thank you for sending them my way so that I will feel your love from their approach toward me.
See also:  50 Catholic Prayers For The Beginning Of A New Year


  1. Dear St Anthony, intercede for me. Let everything I have lost as a result of my carelessness and having a heart void of love be restored. May my heart be receptive to angels in human form even when they come as visitors to me.


  1. St Anthony, please pray for me. Let your love be imprinted in my heart so that your love will be displayed in my life in every action and at every thought. Amen


  1. Dear St Anthony, intercede for me. Let your love overtake and cloud every fear in my mind. Teach me to understand how much you won’t let me get into harm and as you continue to unveil your love life to me may every form of fear in my life end in obscurity.


  1. Even now oh dear Lord, I pray that you enable me to live a simple life. May every form of sophistication with no reason drop-down and by your love, help me to be unnecessarily complicated.


  1. St Anthony, say a prayer for me. May your love flood my life and alter the way I view things. Let my eyes not view every situation as an enemy of my growth. Amen


  1. St Anthony, please intercede for me. Let your love teach and lead me. Enable me to be resilient to situations. May I get the opportunity to hide under your shadow again and again during tough times and may your love sustain me. Amen


  1. As I openly declare that my might is simply little to stand tall in life. Dear Lord, may your love grant me the enablement and capacity to make a quantum leap in my endeavor. May my actions no longer be natural but because of your love, help me to leap in a supernatural manner. Amen


  1. St Anthony, please say a prayer for me to the Lord. Let his love saturate my thoughts and let my heart pant over his love. Send your angel of love to prompt me to love in times when it seems difficult for me. By your love, I pray that you take away the anxiety and cause my mind to transform. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I request that you say a prayer to make a notable increase in my love level. Help me to appreciate you always for your input in my life. May I not dwell in the valley of ingratitude but open my eyes to see your love in action always. Amen


  1. St Anthony, please intercede on my behalf, let your love consume me, and sustain me to experience a deeper understanding of things. May my thoughts not be fruitless, blinded by my options and thoughts because they will translate to my actions but enable me to walk in love. Amen


  1. I still believe in the certain love of Jesus. On seeing the sacrifices for my sake, I hold strong the love of Christ in me and I thank him for his perfect, pleasant, and pure love toward me. St Anthony, let my life take a new turn acknowledging his love.


  1. St Anthony, I ask for an overflow of your love in my heart so that my disposition towards others will take a new, better turn. Help my eyes to be fixed on the things you want to unfold in my life and I ask that you guide my relationships with people. Amen
See also:  50 Pastoral Prayers for the New Year


  1. My eyes are fixed, beholding the manner of love that the father has bestowed upon us. I ask St. Anthony that intercede for me by the love of the Lord, I will get a clearer view of your thoughts concerning me. Lead and guide me Lord. Amen


  1. St Anthony, intercede for me. Let my outcomes not be motivated by self but may the love of the Father create a deeper impression in my heart. Let every moment that plays out in my life point out the love of the Father, I pray. Amen


  1. St Anthony, intercede on my behalf. Help me not to end hopeless but stand in awe of your love and ride on your wings to make my life count. Push me closely to your unending love. I pray. Amen


  1. St Anthony please pray for me and open me up to access the love of the Lord. May my eyes be opened to receive the wisdom that comes with the word of the grant. Amen


  1. St Anthony pray on my behalf. Let the guiding light of the Lord full of love overwhelm me. May my circumstances not get a hold of me but as you continue to lead me, I ask that you lay your hands upon me and let your love touch me. Amen


  1. St Anthony, pray for me. My hopes are still high and I am full of knowledge that by the efficacy of your love, I am still here trusting you, do not let me remain mediocre. My peers are much better than I am, but I still trust you that your mighty hand will lift me up and help me stand.


  1. In every situation, I ask for the unveiling of the reality of your love. Let every dilemma conflicting in my life be chased out of the way by the love of the Lord. May my life experience greater possibilities, I pray. Amen


  1. St Anthony intercedes for my family and I. May the love of the Lord grant us great favor and may our lives not be restrained to normal everyday living without imps t but help us to be full of empathy towards the people we come across. Amen


  1. St Anthony, pray for me, by your love wash away my sins. Cleanse me and take away every form of guilt. Help me by your love to live a sin-free life and take away the shackles of don off me. I pray


  1. St Anthony, the Lord’s friend. I pray that by your love you open me to a realm of impossibilities. Let new things burst forth in my life as a result of your love I pray.


  1. I pray for a greater level of trust in the Lord by his love. St Anthony, by the power of your love, heals me from every addiction I pray. Amen


  1. St Anthony, my eyes are fixed on you to say a prayer for me not to succumb to the plans of the wicked ones. May your word be the guiding light I pray.


  1. St Anthony, intercede on my behalf. I ask that let the Lord by his love restore me and lead me in the path of righteousness. Amen


  1. St Anthony said a prayer for me. May my distressed heart come under the influence of the love of the Lord. Let his spirit overwhelm me and enable me to rise with great assurance of his love for me.
See also:  17 Saint Anthony Prayers for Money


  1. The plan of the almighty for me is to live a full life. So oh St Anthony, I ask that you say a prayer to the length for my sake that he should empower me with his love and enable me to be a blessing to my world. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I pray that intercede on my behalf to the father to you overflood my heart with his love. May he grant me the grace to be patient, kind, selfless, courageous, and bold. For every relationship that I venture into onward, may love find full expression, and may every form of bitterness and unforgiveness for down I pray.


  1. St Anthony, teach me to love you more intimately so that everything around me will take a new turn from henceforth. May everything around me scream love as you saturate my heart with your utmost love. Let my mindset be sharpened so that nothing in me will refrain from accepting the love of Christ.


  1. St Anthony, I pray that I speak to the father on my behalf to guide me and order my steps in the right direction. May I experience an outpouring of your spirit that will push me into a deeper knowledge of your love. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I ask that you pray for me as I receive the wisdom to look up to you and open up to love at every moment of the way. May my mind open up to the overwhelming love of the Lord so that in every situation I encounter, I can boldly say that the lines cannot but fall into pleasant places for me. Amen


  1. St Anthony, greatest of the saints, I ask that you enable me to continue to behold the Father and feel the warmth of his embrace. Open me up to his love and in turn, may I spread around and across the globe his glorious love. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I pray that you enable me to live constantly in love. I receive the grace to live devoted and committed to you and to open up my heart so your love can overtake me. Amen


  1. St Anthony, teach me to deny myself every day. May I work selflessly in love with you. Teach me to be caring and devoted to your course. Open me up as well to your loving mercies so that you can expose me to the world.


  1. St Anthony, I pray that you speak to the Lord on my behalf to crown my relationships with genuine love. Renew my mind and help me to love even when it seems difficult to. Put in me the spirit to understand others and shape my mind in the right direction. Amen


  1. May my love life not be void of life. Dear St Anthony, as I open up my life to you, may your love be a great source of my joy. Help me to be a bridge to connect people in conflict. Lead me in your love and be my guide. Amen


  1. St Anthony, I pray that on your behalf, you speak to the father on my behalf. Grant me what it takes to recognize that I have hurt people and help me to apologize at that point. I pray that you see me through in my quest to make life better. I receive help and enablement to live the way the Father does. Amen

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